Quick sponge roll: the most successful recipes with photos and videos

Getting ready

Turn on the oven at 200˚C
. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.

Grease the paper

soft butter.

Beating eggs

Every housewife knows that for sponge cakes you need to separate the whites from the yolks. But we don't have time for that. Therefore, we break the eggs into the mixer bowl

as is and
As soon as the yolks and whites are mixed, add salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

When foam appears, add the remaining sugar to the eggs.

Mix flour with baking powder

It is clear that we will not stand over the eggs and wait for them to beat. While it works

mixer, sift and mix flour with baking powder.

Mix dry ingredients with wet

Reduce mixer speed. Add flour and baking powder one tablespoon at a time.

Once all the ingredients are mixed, the dough is ready.

Most of the work has already been done!

Let's bake

Spread the dough in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. AND

put it in the oven. By this moment it will already warm up to 200˚С

Bake for 6 minutes.
During this time, you can clean the kitchen and prepare for the arrival of guests.

And now the most important thing

It is very important not to overcook the biscuit
in the oven. Otherwise it will crack. Once its surface turns golden,

he's baked. We take it out immediately. When in doubt, poke a toothpick into the palest part of the cake layer. If the toothpick comes out dry, you're done!

Lubricate with jam

Remove the sponge cake from the baking sheet and roll it directly in baking paper.

. We give

it cool for 1-2 minutes

and take the desired shape. Unroll the roll and lay it out

top the crust with apricot jam and wrap again.

The sponge roll is ready!

By the way, if you don't have apricot jam

very quickly .
Literally in 30 minutes.

A sponge roll that can be rolled up easily in 5 minutes: a quick recipe with cream

Friends, this is a universal recipe that you can always use; as you can see, it does not contain any soda and there is no baking powder. In other versions, these components will be used for pomp. But, without them, you can quite easily roll up the baked goods. So try this simple recipe.

The filling will be a cream based on butter and cocoa powder. But you can get by with regular jam or marmalade. Boiled condensed milk is also great here. And as decoration you can use powdered sugar, nuts and even multi-colored powder that you use for Easter cakes.

We will need:

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 125 g
  • granulated sugar - 125 g
  • chocolate - 90 g

For the syrup:

  • drinking water - 145 ml
  • sugar - 145 g
  • rum - 1.5 tbsp

For cream:

  • milk - 2 tbsp
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
  • butter - 45 g
  • sugar - 3 tbsp


1. Break four eggs into a clean bowl and add granulated sugar. Mix with a whisk.

2. Then use an immersion blender and a whisk attachment to beat this mixture until fluffy or use a mixer.

3. After this procedure, first add one tablespoon of flour, beat again, and so on until you have used it all.

4. You will get a rather liquid dough, which you place on a baking sheet (30x40 cm) covered with parchment paper.

Remember! The thickness of the dough on the sheet should be 5 mm, no more, otherwise it will be inconvenient to roll the roll.

5. Using a spoon, spread the dough evenly over the entire surface of the baking sheet.

6. Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and place the workpiece into the heated electric stove. Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

7. Then immediately take out the dish and, using a towel, roll it into a roll. As you can see, nothing is difficult, the parchment should be on top, as shown in this photo. Let the biscuit mixture cool.

8. Meanwhile, put water on the stove and add sugar to it after boiling. You will get a sweet syrup; as soon as the granulated sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat. Cool and then add rum to the syrup. Although you don't have to add it. But it will be more flavorful.

9. Unroll the roll and grease it with syrup, use a silicone brush.

10. Now, as for the filling, if you want, take and use this one, you can, in principle, use ready-made jam or jam. In this case, the butter should be at room temperature; beat it with a mixer until it increases in volume. And then dilute the cocoa in milk with sugar (3 tbsp) so that there are no more grains and pour it into the butter. Stir.

11. Fry the pie with this chocolate filling. Do this evenly and carefully.

Advice! You can sprinkle the surface with grated nuts or coconut flakes.

12. Now all that remains is to roll the biscuit into a roll. And then decorate with icing, which you make from a chocolate bar. Melt it in a water bath.

13. And then use it for its intended purpose, you can also paint any decor or leave it as is. Happy discoveries! Eat healthy with tea.

Biscuit roll recipe

Any cook will need a recipe for sponge roll at home, which will help please family and friends with a flavorful dish. For novice housewives, a recipe with step-by-step photos is suitable. You should start with simple ideas - make a sponge lemon cake on kefir with jam or boiled condensed milk, gradually complicating the options to delicate fillings based on custard or butter cream.

A very tasty recipe for a roll with jam just like in the store

The next option will be wonderful and truly tasty and aromatic. In some ways, this option is reminiscent of a roll from a supermarket, only here you know what it consists of. And no preservatives or unnecessary components to preserve shelf life. After all, we make it and almost eat it right away.

For airiness, the author suggests using baking powder, let's see what happens. I can say that it turned out great! Therefore, do not hesitate to follow the instructions and go ahead and buy the necessary products in the store.

We will need:

  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 130 g
  • wheat flour - 100 g
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • vanillin - 1 tsp
  • jam, or jam, preserves


1. To get a fairly good and “obedient dough” that will not fail when baking, you need to beat the eggs in a bowl with a mixer together with granulated sugar until the mass becomes fluffy. Do this for about 5 minutes.

Then combine the baking powder with the flour, mix and slowly add to the bowl to the egg mixture. And also add vanillin.

Next, as always, pour the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with special paper and evenly level the entire surface using a spatula.

Bake in a well-heated oven, set the temperature to 180-190 degrees. After 11-15 minutes you will see a darkish tint, that is, a fried crust, this means that the baked goods are ready.

2. Remove the dish from the oven and immediately remove it from the baking sheet along with the parchment. Grease the surface of the confectionery product with jam.

3. And only after that roll it into a flagellum. And if you have whipped cream in your stash, it will help you decorate the top of this culinary creation brightly and divinely. Also decorate with fresh berries or nuts. Bon appetit!

With cream

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 275 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Simple to make are sponge rolls with a filling for which cream is whipped with powdered sugar. Almost everyone will like this delicacy, since the cream does not cause allergies or heaviness in the stomach or liver. It is recommended to decorate the dessert with a pattern of fresh berries.

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  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – glass + 20 g for cream;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • flour - a glass;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • strawberries – 100 g;
  • coconut flakes – 100 g;
  • cream 30% fat – 800 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs, sugar, hot water with a mixer. Sift flour, baking powder, pour in the dough and bake at 185 degrees for 15 minutes.
  2. Whip the cream with sugar, grease the hot roll, roll it up.
  3. Decorate with berries and coconut flakes.

Sponge roll with condensed milk - a simple classic recipe

Another option that will surprise everyone with a sweet treat. Those who love store-bought milk in cans will be licking their fingers at this treat. Mmm... because it turns out delicious and beautiful, since the nuts on top decorate the roll to the fullest. It turns out better than in packages on the shelves, and nothing is difficult. Take it and create, I wish you good luck!

We will need:

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • peanuts


1. Beat sugar and eggs with a mixer in a deep container.

2. And then add flour and baking powder in parts. It is better, of course, to do this through a hand sieve.

3. Pour the finished dough onto a baking sheet, the thickness of the dough is 5 mm, but first cover it with special paper. Bake in a preheated oven (temperature 180 degrees), and cooking time is 15 minutes.

The consistency of the dough should remind you of store-bought sour cream.

Then take out the leaf and remove the prepared confectionery masterpiece from it along with the paper, which you roll into a roll. And cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, unfold (remove the paper) and grease with condensed milk and roll again.

4. Thus, your fifteen-minute baking is ready. Sprinkle the top with grated nuts and the rest of the boiled condensed milk. And don’t forget about the sweets, after all, tea drinking should be sweet, hahaha.

Homemade jam roll

And again, another culinary masterpiece, which is certainly tasty and is eaten in an instant, after the con has cooled down. There are often cases when it is eaten while still hot, so try it too.

We will need:

  • chicken eggs C0 - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 110 g
  • granulated sugar - 210 g
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • butter - 4-5 g
  • currant jam or fresh berries (they can be ground in a blender along with sugar)


1. Prepare biscuit dough for work, from which this sweet pastry will be prepared. So, break three chicken eggs into a cup, but do it so that the yolks are in one bowl and the whites in another.

Then beat the whites with a mixer or a blender whisk with granulated sugar on medium until foam forms. It should turn out that the granulated sugar is almost all dissolved in the cup.

Beat the yolks in another container along with vanilla sugar. Then combine everything together (whites and yolks) into one container and start adding flour gradually in small portions, no need to beat. Just stir gently with a spatula.

2. Next, lay parchment on the baking pan, grease with butter and pour the dough onto this sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance and only after that bring in the baking sheet.

3. Bake until done, about 15-20 minutes.

And by the way, the cooking time may vary, it depends on what layer of dough you have. The higher it is, the longer the biscuit bakes. This is clear to me.

Check for doneness with a dry stick, or in Russian, a toothpick; if it is dry, then the pie is ready.

4. After baking, take out the “miracle” and immediately coat the surface with jam or other filling.

Remember, if the cake cools down, it will be impossible to roll it up easily and quickly. Yes, you won’t turn around at all in this case. You will get cookies if you cut them into pieces. So, twist the biscuit into a rope.

3. Sprinkle the finished delicacy with powdered sugar and leave in the refrigerator until thoroughly absorbed. And then use it as intended. Hooray! It worked, you're in trouble.)

Quick biscuit baking

If you don't particularly like condensed milk, but still want to enjoy something sweet, you can try this delicious jam roll. Preparation will take a maximum of half an hour, and the result will delight you with a delicate fruity sweetness.

More materials: sponge roll - recipe

In order to quickly prepare a roll for tea, we will need:

  • 200 g premium flour;
  • 160 g regular white sugar;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • fruit jam.

We will prepare it like this:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Using a whisk, beat the eggs with sweet sand until white, add the flour.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet and carefully distribute it over the surface.
  4. Bake the biscuit for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Remove the finished cake from the oven, spread it evenly with jam and quickly roll it up. Let the baked goods cool.
  6. Cut off the edges of the cooled roll and sprinkle with powdered sugar as decoration.

Quick biscuit baking is ready!

Sponge cake for roll without eggs with milk

Honestly, I never thought that such a recipe existed, but I dug it up the other day. At first I was skeptical about him. And then I thought, not everyone can eat eggs, some are allergic to them. So friends, this option is your salvation.

The basis will be condensed milk and of course flour, the ingredients themselves speak for themselves, it will turn out great. All you have to do is take it and try it!

We will need:


  • flour - 1 tbsp.
  • condensed milk - 1 can 380 g
  • kefir - 6 tbsp
  • baking soda - 1 tsp
  • vanillin - a pinch

Cream filling:

  • cottage cheese - 250 g
  • sour cream - 90 g
  • condensed milk - 5.5 tbsp
  • butter - 90 g


1. Add all the ingredients according to the list into the cup (kefir, soda, vanillin, flour and condensed milk) and work with a hand whisk.

The only thing is to add flour at the very last moment and in parts so that it is convenient to mix and you get a homogeneous mass.

2. Well, everything is almost ready. All that remains is to place the dough on a sheet covered with baking paper. Level the surface of the mass evenly. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, while preheating the oven in advance.

Do not overcook the biscuit in the oven; as soon as it starts to brown (see golden color), check with a stick for dryness. If you overcook, you will get a rough crust and you won’t be able to wrap it nicely and quickly. And if this happens, then cut it into pieces and you will get cookies or a large cake.

3. As soon as the shortbread is ready, immediately roll it into a flagellum along with the paper. Cover with a towel.

4. Make a cream, rub the cottage cheese through a strainer or blender and combine it with condensed milk and sour cream. And room temperature butter. Stir. And while the roll has not yet cooled completely, unroll it and grease the entire surface evenly. Then roll it again, but without the paper.

Decorate the top with fruits or berries, or cream. Bon appetit!

Decorating homemade rolls

If you want to make a delicious roll in 15 minutes, most likely you won’t have time to cook the glaze. But the chocolate will melt in the microwave in a minute. Add 2 tablespoons of milk and a small piece of butter to the mixture - then the glaze will be softer. Well, if you don’t have enough time even for this, just dust the top with powdered sugar or cocoa. Don't forget about fresh berries.

A simple and quick recipe for 4 egg rolls with lemon zest

Quite a festive and not entirely traditional recipe, it’s all in the decoration. If now you don’t understand what I’m talking about, then soon you will understand everything. And I am convinced that you will certainly like it. The roll comes out colorful and not dry, because it is soaked in sugar syrup and rum. In general, see everything for yourself.

Become a culinary master and bake such stunning confectionery novelties. Make your family and friends happy.

We will need:

For the biscuit dough:

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking powder - 10 g sachet
  • granulated sugar and flour - 140 g each

For the glaze:

  • powdered sugar 30 g
  • chicken protein - 1 pc.
  • butter - 25 g
  • food coloring - blue, red, green, etc.
  • flour - 35-40 g

Chocolate cream:

  • milk or black chocolate - 1 pc. 90 g
  • cream 30% or higher - 175 g
  • orange or lemon zest - 1 tbsp


  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp
  • water - 2 tbsp
  • cognac (optional) - 1 tsp


1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the colored glaze (dough). Combine sugar, protein and flour in one bowl. Mix with a whisk and divide the glaze into three equal parts.

2. As you might have guessed, add a drop of food coloring into each bowl. Fill pastry bags with the finished glaze and place in a cool place to lie down.

3. Meanwhile, on a piece of paper, draw a stencil of what you want to draw or write.

Important! If you write words, do not forget to write them in a mirror image, otherwise nothing will work.

Afterwards, place baking parchment paper on the sheet and draw all the symbols and inscriptions on it. Like, you see it’s a New Year’s theme, you can use whatever you want. Use your imagination, or maybe today is your birthday or are you preparing another surprise for your mother on March 8?

After you, the artist, have depicted everything, transfer the parchment to a cutting board and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

4. While the glaze is setting, make the cake batter. You need to combine the eggs with salt and sugar and beat them with a whisk. Then add the sifted flour with baking powder. Stir until smooth.

Next, remove the parchment with the pattern from the refrigerator and pour the dough mixture onto it. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. It may take 5 minutes, do not make the dough very thick, no more than 5 mm.

5. After baking, immediately turn the cake over onto clean parchment paper and place a board under it. Turn over and remove the sheet of parchment on which the cake was baked. As you can see, the entire drawing has been preserved. Turn the biscuit over again so that the inscriptions are on the bottom and quickly soak it in sugar syrup (water plus sugar and cognac, bring all these ingredients to a boil in advance, add cognac at the very end, when the water boils) and twist it into a rope. Cover with a towel.

6. To make chocolate cream, melt the chocolate in a water bath and add 1 tablespoon of lemon or orange zest.

Beat the cream in a blender until stiff peaks form, and then add the melted chocolate.

7. Unroll the sponge cake again and brush the surface with a spatula with chocolate cream. Roll into a roll and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak. Don't forget to cover it with something, such as cling film.

8. Ultimately, this is what can happen, depending on what occasion you are making this new product. Good luck and bon appetit!

Homemade roll in 20 minutes

Another option is a simple roll made with biscuit dough and sour cream. This product will add moisture and creaminess to baked goods. For lovers of richer desserts, this roll is the number one choice!

In order to prepare a homemade roll for tea with sour cream in 20 minutes, we will need:

  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • filling - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy and white.
  3. Add sour cream and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  4. Add the sifted flour and baking powder in parts and work the mixture well with a mixer each time.
  5. Distribute the resulting dough evenly on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. Gently coat the hot sponge cake with your favorite filling (jam, chocolate, Nutella, sour cream and sugar, etc.) and quickly roll it up.
  7. Let the dessert cool, and then cut off its edges and sprinkle with powdered sugar, jam or chocolate as decoration.

The sour cream roll is ready in 20 minutes!

Sponge roll with butter cream

A versatile and delicious roll :)

Biscuit roll is a seemingly simple dish to prepare. But there is an important component in it - the biscuit itself, which not every even the most experienced housewife succeeds in making. It is important to follow the technology for preparing biscuit dough for rolls. After all, for this pie, or it would be correct to call it a cake, the sponge cake is initially baked thin and elastic. It is more difficult to work with a thin sponge cake than with a thick, dense and inelastic one. The essence of kneading sponge dough for a roll comes down to vigorously beating eggs or egg melange (the second is preferable) with sugar or powdered sugar. Flour is then added to the dough during the beating process, usually mixed with potato starch. If the housewife beat the biscuit correctly, the dough will increase in volume several times.

Another dangerous aspect of preparing such a dough is beating it for too long. As a result, the flour in the dough will swell and become dense, and the product will not turn out porous during baking. Therefore, the entire process of beating the biscuit dough should not take the housewife more than 15 seconds. The biscuit dough is airy and liquid. It is poured onto parchment or into a mold previously greased. It should be taken into account that the dough will increase in volume during baking, so you should fill the mold with it no more than three-quarters of the height of the mold.

The biscuit dough is baked at a high oven temperature of 200 degrees until the top of the baked goods is golden brown. When placing the pan in the oven with the dough, you should be very careful in your movements and do not shake the pan with the dough, do not tilt it, otherwise the dough will settle during baking. The cream base for a biscuit roll can be very different - from jam and jam, to butter cream, butter cream, sour cream, protein, chocolate and others. Spread the biscuit dough with cream over its entire surface, then carefully roll it into a roll. The top of the roll is decorated with confectionery decorations at the hostess’s request, then it should be cooled in the refrigerator and served.

4. Chocolate sponge roll with creamy coconut cream and raspberries


For filling:

  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 1–2 tablespoons coconut flakes;
  • 200 g cream with 33% fat content;
  • 120 g raspberry puree;
  • 1 teaspoon starch;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • a handful of fresh or frozen raspberries - optional.

For the biscuit:

  • 4 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 80 g flour;
  • 20 g corn starch;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 40 ml milk.


It is better to make the filling for this recipe in advance, as it takes a long time to cool. Combine broken chocolate and coconut flakes. Pour hot cream, beat with a blender or stir until smooth. Cover the container with the cream with film and put it in the refrigerator for 6–8 hours.

Take ready-made raspberry puree or make it yourself by rubbing the berries through a sieve. Place the puree, starch and sugar in a small saucepan. Place over medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Cook the mixture for 1 minute. Transfer to a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for several hours.

Using a mixer, beat the eggs with salt and sugar into a fluffy light mass. Combine flour, starch, cocoa powder and baking powder. Sift the dry mixture into the liquid mixture in parts and bring the mixture until smooth. Pour in hot milk and stir again.

Spread the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 12–15 minutes. Transfer the cake to a new sheet of parchment and remove the old one. Roll the cake together with the parchment and cool.

Beat the cooled coconut cream with a mixer until thick. Unroll the roll and brush it with raspberry jam. Spread cream and, if desired, berries on top. Roll it up and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then cut the dessert into pieces.

Dessert with bananas

If you want to experiment with exotic flavors, you can make this wonderful roll with fresh banana and condensed cream. It will become an original dessert for any family feast.

To prepare this delicacy we will need:

  • 175 g wheat flour;
  • half the sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 2/3 cans of condensed milk;
  • 1 ripe banana.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the cream: beat condensed milk with butter until creamy. Put it aside for a while.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C and line a baking sheet with parchment.
  3. Beat the egg with sweet sand, then add vanillin and mix well.
  4. Add the flour and baking powder little by little and mix again.
  5. Distribute the finished dough evenly on a baking sheet and bake for about a quarter of an hour.
  6. Carefully brush the baked sponge cake with the prepared cream.
  7. Place a ripe banana cut into slices on the edge of the workpiece and roll it up.
  8. Trim the edges of the finished dessert and sprinkle powdered sugar or chocolate chips on top.

It's time to invite your family to drink tea with a fragrant piece of banana roll.

Sponge roll on condensed milk with lemon and cream


For the biscuit:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 380 g condensed milk;
  • vanilla extract - to taste;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 1–2 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • 150 g flour;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

For filling:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 250 g cream with 33% fat content.


Use a mixer to turn the eggs into a fluffy foam. Add condensed milk and vanilla extract and beat the mixture thoroughly. Quench the baking soda with lemon juice, add to the egg mixture and whisk again. Add the sifted flour and stir until smooth.

Pour the dough onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and smooth it out. Bake for about 15 minutes at 180°C. Dust a towel with powdered sugar and place the biscuit on it. Remove the parchment and roll the cake into a roll. Place seam side down, cover with a towel and leave to cool.

Pour boiling water over lemons to remove bitterness. Cut them into arbitrary pieces along with the peel and remove the seeds. Using a blender, puree the lemons and sugar. Separately, whip the cream until creamy.

Unroll the roll and brush with lemon mixture. Spread the whipped cream on top and roll the cake again. Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours and then cut into pieces.

With raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is one of the best fillings for rolls. The freshness of the berries and the airy softness of the whipped cream make a dessert with this filling simply delicious.

This delicious delicacy will be a wonderful dessert for tea or a light snack in the afternoon.

To prepare a roll with raspberry jam and whipped cream we will need:

  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 300 ml whipping cream;
  • 200 g raspberry jam;
  • 300 g fresh raspberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy white foam.
  3. Add flour little by little and stir the dough well.
  4. Pour it onto a baking sheet and distribute it evenly over the surface.
  5. Bake for about 20 - 30 minutes.
  6. While the biscuit is baking, beat the cream with a mixer until stiff peaks form.
  7. Remove the resulting cake from the oven and spread evenly with raspberry jam. Spread an even layer of whipped cream on top, add fresh raspberries and quickly roll up.
  8. We cut off the edges of the finished roll and decorate the dessert with chocolate or powdered sugar.

Delicate sponge roll with raspberry jam and whipped cream is ready.

This is interesting: quick biscuit roll in 5 minutes

Recipe for a roll with jam, like in the USSR

I remember how, as a child, my mother baked such a roll every weekend. Or maybe almost everyone. I just loved them so much that she often spoiled the whole family with just such a delicious treat. There was always a pleasant smell of baking in the house!


  • Flour – 120 gr.;
  • Sugar – 60 gr.;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Milk – 50 ml;
  • Jam.


1. First, beat the eggs with a mixer along with sugar. We need the mixture to increase in volume and become very light in color. At the end, pour in warm milk.

2. Add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough without lumps.

3. Distribute the mixture into a mold lined with baking paper. Place in a preheated oven at 200° for 10 minutes.

4. Spread the jam over the entire surface of the hot layer. Carefully roll up, while separating the paper.

Now you can cut and try.

Very tasty and airy kefir biscuit

The secret to the success of this recipe is expired kefir, and one that is more acidic. And despite the fact that the number of eggs is used much less than in the classic versions, this sponge cake turns out fluffy, tender and rosy.

Just a little effort, but a lot of pleasure and praise from grateful tasters!

We will need:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Kefir - 1 glass (250 gr.);
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Vanilla extract (optional) - 1 tsp.

The shape is 18 cm in diameter.

Let's prepare:

Break the eggs into a bowl (they should be at room temperature) and beat with a mixer until smooth and foamy.

Gradually introduce sugar.

The finer the sugar, the better. Then it will dissolve faster in the dough.

Beat for 8-10 minutes until a white airy mass is obtained.

Add vanilla extract and then kefir (it should also be warm).

Combine the dry ingredients in one container: sifted flour, baking powder and soda. You can add a little salt.

Stir thoroughly with a whisk.

The better the components are distributed among themselves, the more evenly the biscuit will rise.

Add them to the whipped mixture in several additions. Mix with a spatula until all lumps disappear. Pour the dough into a springform pan lined with parchment paper.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We will bake without convection, in the “top-bottom” mode, at a medium level, until a wooden skewer is dry (pierce it in the center of the product to make sure it is ready).

Cooking time depends on the individual oven, on average it is 25 - 30 minutes.

Then leave it in the mold for 5-6 minutes.

Run along the walls with a sharp knife. Let's unbutton the uniform. Let's remove the paper.

For free access of air and uniform cooling, place the biscuit on a wire rack.

To prevent it from crumbling when cutting into cakes, it is more convenient to do this after standing in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to wrap the product tightly in cling film and place it there overnight or for 4-6 hours.

This will make the baked goods much tastier, more moist and juicy inside.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with tea. Or cut it into two parts for further action.

With poppy seeds

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 267 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you are looking at a recipe that explains how to make sponge cake with poppy seeds, add steamed light raisins and a little honey to the poppy seeds. This filling will be tasty, homogeneous, but not too sweet, and the soft airy dough will melt in your mouth. Serve the treat on a holiday table or for a simple tea party.


  • flour - a glass;
  • sugar – glass + 80 g for filling;
  • eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • poppy – 100 g;
  • semolina – 60 g;
  • raisins – 40 g;
  • milk – 1.5 cups;
  • chocolate icing – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour, stir the dough. Pour onto a baking sheet, bake for 11 minutes at 180 degrees. Roll up and cool.
  2. Make the filling: boil half the milk, add sugar, semolina, raisins, poppy seeds to the rest. Add the remaining ingredients to the boiled milk and cook until thickened.
  3. Spread the crust with the filling and roll it up.
  4. Drizzle with chocolate glaze.

Video recipe on how to make banana roll

I suggest you watch a video in which the author prepares a very tasty dessert. I haven’t cooked it myself or even tried it. But I’ve already made a note and will make such a delicious dish with my wife in the near future. Our children have a sweet tooth, as do I. Therefore, we really like everything new and tasty. Let's watch and do together!

I hope you liked our quick recipes. Making such rolls is not at all difficult. The main thing is to have a very strong desire and a great mood. Then everything you do will become very tasty.

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