How to cook pea soup in kindergarten. How to make classic pea soup? Pea soup on the children's menu

Soups are present in almost all national cuisines. They can be light and dietary, or rich and satisfying. Pea soup is popular in Russia. Especially during the cold season. With pork broth and smoked ribs, it's a feast for the stomach! In Estonia, France, Germany and other European countries, pea dishes are no less popular. It is possible that many people loved them because 2-3 days after cooking they become even tastier.

History of the dish

Since ancient times, peas have been eaten in Europe, America, the Himalayas and China. Our ancestors not only consumed it as food, but also used it as a medicine. Hippocrates also used it to treat diseases of the thyroid gland, heart, obesity and anemia. In Rus', peas were revered and many dishes were prepared with them. How many of them have survived to this day and how many more have been lost is difficult to say.

Today this product is practically forgotten. How many different vegetables appeared on sale and peas were crowded out of the tables. In addition, many are afraid of the peculiar action of peas associated with increased gas formation. Although this is more of an exaggeration than a pattern.

In the Middle Ages in France, peas were present on the table not of peasants, but of kings. And in Tibet and India, a recipe for thin pea soup was popular to restore strength to the sick.

People believed back in ancient times that peas remove excess fat and bile from the body. And this is confirmed by modern research.

In the 19th century, pea sausage was prepared in Germany, which was included in the diet of soldiers. Not only soup was prepared from it, but also stew, porridge, pea jelly and pudding.

Peas were used for medicinal purposes:

  • for the treatment of bladder and kidney stones. For this purpose, a decoction of pods and tops was used;
  • dried pea powder was used for constipation;
  • recipe for heartburn: you need to steam a few peas with boiling water and chew them;
  • to improve memory they drank tea from the roots;
  • A mask made from pea flour helps get rid of acne.

Step by step recipe. Cooking pea soup with smoked ribs

Let's take the following ingredients:

  • crushed peas – 300-350 g;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • smoked ribs, pork – 500 g (you can use a little less, then the soup will be less fatty);
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • water - approximately 2 liters.
  1. As in the previous recipe, be sure to soak the peas. In this case, the dish will be ready twice as fast, and you won’t have to waste extra electricity.
  2. Fry chopped carrots and onions. This can be done in a slow cooker, setting the “frying” mode, or in the classic way - in a frying pan.
  3. We take smoked ribs, wash them and chop them into small pieces - this will make it easier to eat. The ribs should be fried a little along with vegetables, then the taste of the dish will be more piquant.
  4. Wash and finely chop the potatoes.
  5. If the ingredients were cooked in a frying pan, it’s time to transfer them to the slow cooker and add potatoes, peas, seasoning, and fill it all with two liters of water.
  6. Press the “Soup” indicator and set the cooking time to 40 minutes.
  7. To make the taste of the soup even more interesting, it would be good to serve it with garlic croutons. To do this, just dry the black bread in a frying pan without oil, and when it dries a little, spread with grated garlic and dry for another five minutes.

Benefits of peas

To this day, not only adults, but also children love peas. You can cook so many different dishes with it. And its nutritional value and benefits have been known for a very long time. But few people know that it can cause harm to the body. And in order for this product to be beneficial to the body and not harmful, you need to know not only about its positive qualities, but also its negative ones.

Benefits of peas:

  1. Peas contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. The content of vitamins PP, B, B2, C and A is especially high. Among microelements, it contains iron, citric acid, fluorine, potassium, leucine, isoleucine, threonine and lysine.
  2. Pyridoxine, which is part of the composition, promotes the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. Selenium protects the body from radioactive heavy metals.
  3. Peas can be a great substitute for meat. The amino acids it contains are similar in properties to animal proteins.
  4. The flavonoids included in the composition, which are better known as natural antioxidants, protect the body from malignant tumors.
  5. Thiamine slows down the aging process in the body. For children, it promotes body growth, good appetite and maintains muscle tone.
  6. Peas improve metabolism, thereby preventing obesity.

But, despite all the benefits, peas can also cause harm to the body:

  1. If consumed raw, digestion may be impaired.
  2. In large quantities, peas can cause increased gas formation.
  3. The purines contained in peas help increase uric acid levels. Frequent use is not recommended for nursing women, elderly people and gout patients.

If you love peas and often use them for food, then you must know about their possible harm and beneficial properties.

Pea soup

Even picky children will enjoy eating this soup, because it is very tasty, tender and, most importantly, not so difficult to prepare.

Ingredients for Lenten Soup:

  • potatoes – 500-600 g;
  • crushed peas – 200-250 g;
  • carrots and onions - one each;
  • refined vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • water – 1.5 l.;
  • seasoning, salt, spices, garlic - to taste;
  • white unsweetened bread - as needed, for making croutons;
  • parsley, dill - for serving.
  1. Pre-soak the peas in water.
  2. Before cooking, peas should be washed again and cooked for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Grind the onion, garlic and carrots on a grater or in a blender.
  4. After adding oil to the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place the ingredients for frying there and, setting the “baking” mode, cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Prepare the potatoes by cutting them into cubes and adding them to the onions and carrots along with the peas and spices.
  6. Pour 5-6 glasses of water into the bowl.
  7. Leave the multicooker in “stew” mode for 90 minutes.
  8. Next, you need to pour out the excess liquid and grind the vegetables using a blender.
  9. Simmer along with the remaining vegetable broth (the one that was drained) for another 10-15 minutes.

crushed peas – 300 g;

  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • salt, bay leaf - to taste;
  • water - approximately 2 liters;
  • oil for frying.
  1. We prepare peas in the same way as indicated in the recipes above.
  2. We clean the vegetables. Chop the onions and carrots finely, the potatoes a little larger.
  3. Set the indicator to “frying” and the cooking time to 20 minutes. Place onions and carrots in a bowl and fry for 5 minutes.
  4. During this time, make meatballs and fry them along with carrots and onions for another 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the hot water prepared in advance into the bowl, add potatoes and peas, set the “soup” mode and cook for 1 hour.

Bon appetit!

The harm and benefits of boiled peas

For people who are watching their weight, it is important to know how many calories are in the foods they eat. The calorie content of boiled peas is only 60 kcal per 100 grams. When heat treated, its benefits to the body are practically not reduced. Its nutritional value is 1.5, and in comparison with some, 2, times higher than that of other vegetables.

It is not recommended to eat peas in any form for acute nephritis, gout, inflammation of the intestines and stomach.

If you have a duodenal or gastric ulcer, you should limit its use. To prevent increased gas formation, pea soup and other dishes should be cooked with carrots and eaten with black bread. If you follow simple rules, the harm from peas will be insignificant. But how much benefit does it bring?

How to introduce into complementary foods

Having prepared pea soup for a baby, for the first time you should give the child such a dish in small quantities - 1-2 spoons. Although legumes are considered healthy dietary products, such crops cause excessive gas formation in many children, so after a few spoons of pea soup, the baby may complain of abdominal discomfort. In such a situation, introducing a new soup should be postponed. If the little one liked the dish and his intestines reacted normally to the pea soup, next time you can increase the portion a little.

Pea soup should be introduced into complementary foods with 1-2 spoons

Classic pea soup recipe

Cooking time will take 2.5 hours.

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • a glass of whole or split dry peas;
  • 3 liters of cold water;
  • 500 g smoked pork ribs;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 4 things. medium potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or olive oil;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Soak well-washed peas for 12 hours.
  2. Boil broth from ribs and water for 40 minutes. Separate the meat from the bones.
  3. Place the peas in the broth and simmer, covered, over low heat for 40 minutes or until soft.
  4. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil.
  5. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Place all vegetables in broth. Add spices, salt and dried herbs. Cook for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are done.

You can complement the classic step-by-step recipe for delicious pea soup with toasted rye croutons. It's not at all difficult to prepare them. To do this, grate the black bread with garlic, grease with vegetable oil, cut into small cubes and dry in the oven. Serve pea soup with toasted croutons, sour cream and fresh herbs.

Pea soup for a 1 year old child is a healthy and easily digestible food

Pea soup for a 1-year-old child, recipes that can be used for feeding babies, is a healthy and easily digestible food and can be prepared from both fresh vegetables and those collected and frozen during harvest. It is not recommended to use canned products for one-year-old babies and children under two years of age as an ingredient in food. Pea soup for a 1-year-old child can be prepared in several ways, one of the simplest (young mothers do not always have a lot of time for kitchen chores) is as follows:

  • lean meat – up to 100 g;
  • peas – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes - one root vegetable;
  • a quarter of the onion;
  • ½ carrot.
  • A special feature of cooking is pre-soaking the peas for at least two hours. The basis of the soup is chicken broth, which is simmered for an hour and a half over low heat. When it is ready, take out the meat with a slotted spoon and grind it in a meat grinder, and put it back into the broth. Finally, cut the vegetables and, after mixing with peas, cook in the broth for 20-30 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the baby can chew the food; if he does not yet know how to do this, mothers chop the ingredients and, after allowing the dish to cool, feed it.

Pea soup just like in kindergarten

In kindergarten, children are taught not only skills and abilities, but also tastes. Even adults remember the taste of kindergarten dishes for a long time. And many children are capricious and refuse to eat at home. But in kindergarten they eat many dishes with great pleasure. And especially regular pea soup.

In kindergarten, cooks must cook in strict compliance with technological standards. And they do not include fatty and fried foods on children’s menus. And even soups can be prepared without the usual frying.

Making pea soup that will remind you of kindergarten is not at all difficult. Some rules must be followed:

  • pea soup in kindergarten is prepared with light chicken or, more often, vegetable broth;
  • vegetables are not fried in oil;
  • They put much more carrots than in other soups. But due to the fact that it is placed along with the onions almost immediately after the peas, it boils well and is practically invisible in the finished soup. But many children really don’t like carrots in soup. And often parents try to cook without it at all. But how much benefit there is in it. Especially for a child's body.

Otherwise, the recipe for a delicious soup, like in kindergarten, is no different from the classic one. And it’s not at all difficult to do.

Pea soup for a 2 year old child - food for everyday nutrition of children

Two-year-old children can already independently eat dishes that are prepared based on vegetables and meat broths. Pea soup for a 2-year-old child, the recipes of which depend on whether it will be prepared on the basis of meat broth, or as a purely vegetable dish, is an easily prepared food for the daily nutrition of children and its recipe is not complicated. To make pea soup for a 2-year-old child tasty and healthy, you will need:

Before cooking, you need to soak the peas, the more the better, for example, overnight. By the way, vegetables are often frozen to prepare food from natural products. Soup with green peas, frozen for children, is just as rich in vitamins as fresh, so it is always prepared during the harvest period and stored in special food containers. The soup is prepared in meat broth, which is thoroughly boiled (1.5 hours), after which prepared vegetables are added (carrots are grated, onions and potatoes are cut), including peas, and boiled for half an hour. If the child still has trouble chewing, the meat is caught and chopped.

Secrets of cooking peas

Many people love, just like in kindergarten, when peas are boiled almost into a puree. But then the question arises of how long to cook it. To properly cook delicious and rich pea soup, there is one simple secret: you need to add baking soda. It’s just important to know how much is needed so as not to cause harm to the body.

Pour 1.5 cups of dry peas into a saucepan and add water to cover it. Add a third of a teaspoon of soda and cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. In order to then cook pea soup, you need to add 2 liters of broth, add salt and add the remaining ingredients that the recipe calls for.

It is worth noting that to obtain well-cooked peas, you need to choose them correctly. Halves of dry yellow or pale green peas work well in this recipe.

You shouldn’t deprive your household of such a delicious soup because of prejudices about increased gas formation. You need to cook in compliance with certain rules and choose a good recipe. And you need to cook only in a good mood. Then pea soup will not only provide health benefits, but also improve your mood. But if consumed in moderation, it will not cause harm to the body.

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How to cook pea soup in a slow cooker - 15 varieties

What could be better than rich, delicious pea soup? Cooking it became easier and faster when a wonderful technique appeared - a multicooker.


  • peas -300 g
  • smoked ribs - 500 g
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Soak the peas.

Finely chop the onion and carrots and fry in the “Baking” mode.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Cut the ribs into pieces. Rinse the peas. Add peas, potatoes and ribs to the onions.

Fill with water and turn on the “Soup” mode. After the signal, add salt and spices.

When soaking peas, add a teaspoon of baking soda or two tablespoons of sugar. This will help relieve the effects of flatulence after eating peas.

You can also cook your favorite pea soup with smoked sausage. It turns out very tasty!


  • peas - 2 tbsp.
  • smoked sausage – 250 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • peppercorns
  • dill
  • salt.


Soak the peas. Chop the onion and carrots. Cut the sausage into cubes. Fry the prepared ingredients in the “Fry” mode.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Rinse the peas. Place peas and potatoes in a bowl. Cook in the “Soup” mode. After the signal, add salt, pepper and chopped herbs.

This recipe makes the soup tasty, dietary and very appetizing. It contains no fat, so it is ideal for baby food.


  • peas - 300 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • greenery
  • salt.


Soak the peas in water for several hours. Wash the peas and place in the multicooker bowl. Add water and turn on the “Soup” mode.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots.

After an hour, add the vegetables to the soup. Salt and add pepper. Cook in the “Soup” mode for another half hour.

After the signal, add greens.

Our old friend - pea soup in a new modern version. The result remains unchanged - delicious soup!


  • peas - 250 g
  • smoked pork belly - 100 g
  • smoked hunting sausages - 100 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • thyme leaves
  • leek
  • pepper mixture
  • salt.


Soak the peas.

Cut sausages, smoked neck, carrots and potatoes into cubes. Finely chop the chili pepper and leek.

Wash the peas and place them in a bowl. Send smoked meats, potatoes, carrots, chili peppers, leeks and thyme leaves there. Pour in water and set the “Soup” mode.

After 1.5 hours, add salt and keep for several minutes in the “Heating” mode.

A hearty, rich and nutritious soup with a lot of meat and added lard is especially good in the cold season.


  • meat on the bone - 400 g
  • peas -1 tbsp.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • lard - 100 g
  • pepper
  • salt.


Cut the lard into small pieces and fry in the “Fry” mode.

Chop onions and carrots and fry in fat. Add meat, potatoes in cubes, washed peas and add water. Set the “Soup” mode. After 1.5 hours, add salt, add pepper and serve.

There is no fat in the soup. This means that it can be consumed by children, people losing weight and anyone who loves healthy and wholesome food.


  • peas - 1.5 tbsp.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • dill
  • salt.


Soak the peas. After 2 hours, rinse the peas and place them in the multicooker bowl. Set the “Soup” mode for 1 hour.

During this time, chop the onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into cubes.

Add vegetables to the peas and cook for another half hour. Add salt and pepper. Let the soup brew.

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Peas are a dietary product. 100 grams contain only 55 calories.

The process of making this soup is very simple. The technology will do everything for you. Just add products.


  • split peas - 1.5 tbsp.
  • chicken -300 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • dill
  • salt.


Wash the peas, place in the multicooker bowl, add the chicken cut into pieces, water and keep in the “Soup” mode for 1 hour.

Finely chop the onions and carrots, and the potatoes into pieces. Add the vegetables to the peas and cook for another half hour in the same mode.

After the signal, add salt, pepper, salt and dill.

To make the soup dietary, cook the soup with chicken breast.

The soup prepared according to this recipe turns out rich, aromatic, satisfying and tasty. A very detailed description in the video will help even an inexperienced housewife prepare such a soup.


  • dry peas - 200 g
  • frozen mushrooms - 250 g
  • chicken breast – 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • sunflower oil
  • turmeric
  • salt


Pre-soak the peas for 2 hours.

Prepare food: chop the onion finely, potatoes, chicken and mushrooms into pieces, grate the carrots.

Set the “Frying” mode. Fry onions and carrots. After a few minutes, add chicken and mushrooms.

After 7 minutes, add turmeric, washed peas and potatoes. Pour hot water and set the “Soup” mode. After the signal, add salt and chopped dill.

Soup cooked in a slow cooker is easier to prepare and turns out thicker and richer. Why is this happening? The answer is simple: all the ingredients are cooked in one bowl, the vegetables and meat simmer in their own juices, and the peas absorb all the flavors.


  • dried peas - 350 g
  • smoked chicken - 1 leg
  • bacon - 200 g
  • celery - 1 stalk
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • ground black pepper
  • salt.


Separate the meat from the bones from the chicken leg. Cut the meat and bacon into small pieces.

Cut onions and carrots into small cubes. Using the saute mode, fry the bacon in oil with the addition of onions and carrots.

Pour in the washed peas and cook in the “Soup” mode.

After half an hour, add smoked meat and cook in the same mode for another half hour.

After the signal, add salt and pepper and keep in the “Heating” mode for several minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Make pork knuckle and mint soup. This is delicious!


  • smoked pork knuckle - 500 g
  • dry peas - 200 g
  • frozen green peas - 250 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - to taste
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil
  • sour cream - 100 g
  • mint – 25 g
  • black pepper
  • salt.


Soak the peas. Finely chop the carrots, onions and green onions and fry in oil in the “Fry” mode.

Pour water into the bowl and add the smoked pork knuckle. Set the “Soup” mode.

After 40 minutes, remove the shank from the broth. Pour the washed peas into the bowl and cook in the same mode for another hour.

During this time, cut the shank into pieces and send it to the peas. Add green peas and pour in wine vinegar. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Pour into plates and add sour cream. Garnish with mint.

A simple recipe, and the result will please the whole family. The soup turns out aromatic and tasty.


  • peas - 1 tbsp.
  • beef pulp - 500 g
  • potatoes - 8 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil
  • seasonings to taste
  • salt.


Cut the meat, potatoes, onions and carrots into cubes.

Turn on the “Fry” mode and fry the onions and carrots in oil. Add meat, stir and fry until crispy.

Add potatoes and washed peas to the meat. Set the “Soup” mode. After an hour, add spices and salt.

Sprinkle with herbs and green onions.

Make a spicy split pea soup with hot peppers and roasted chopped peanuts. Soy sauce will give the soup a special taste, and herbs will add a pleasant and fresh aroma.


  • dry peas - 1 tbsp.
  • smoked brisket - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
  • peanuts - 70 g
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • green onions
  • vegetable oil
  • salt.


Soak the peas. Cut the smoked brisket into pieces. Chop the peanuts with a knife and fry until they change color.

Finely chop the chili pepper, onions and green onions. In the “Fry” mode, fry the onions and smoked brisket in oil. Add soy sauce and hot pepper.

Place the washed peas in a bowl. Pour in water. Set the “Soup” mode. After an hour, add salt and chopped garlic to the soup.

Keep in the “Warming” mode for several minutes and pour into plates. Sprinkle each serving with toasted peanuts.

This recipe makes a very beautiful soup. Dumplings that look like roses and bright yellow peas give the soup a festive and elegant look.


  • peas - 100 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • smoked chicken legs - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • parsley
  • pepper
  • salt.

For the dumplings:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • butter - 40 g
  • salt.


Soak the peas. Finely chop the smoked meats, onions and carrots. Fry in the "Fry" mode. Add washed peas and turn on the “Soup” mode for one hour.

Prepare the dumplings: beat the eggs, add salt and flour. Knead the stiff dough. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with butter. Divide the dough into two parts and roll out into thin layers. Spread the layers with the garlic mixture. Roll into rolls and cut into 1 cm pieces. Seal the edges.

10 minutes before the end of the mode, add garlic dumplings to the soup. Do not close the lid! Add chopped herbs and turn off the multicooker.

Do you like to cook something new? This pea soup is not quite the usual taste. Tomatoes and bell peppers give the soup something unusual. Try it!


  • dry peas - 200 g
  • smoked meat - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sunflower oil
  • cayenne pepper - 1 tsp.
  • salt.


Soak the peas. Cut onion, carrots, smoked meat, tomato, bell pepper and potatoes into cubes.

Fry the onions and carrots in the “Fry” mode. Add smoked meats, tomatoes, bell peppers, tomato paste and cayenne pepper.

Pour the washed peas and potatoes into the bowl. Pour in water and set the “Soup” mode

After an hour, add salt and serve.

It is the smoked meats that determine the taste of this dish. Juicy brisket, tender loin and smoked ribs give the soup new shades. Spicy garlic croutons make the soup the most delicious of all soups.


  • dried peas - 250 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • smoked pork loin - 200 g
  • smoked pork ribs - 300 g
  • smoked brisket - 200 g
  • wheat bread - 300 g
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • olive oil for frying
  • parsley
  • ground black pepper
  • salt.


Prepare food: soak peas for 2 hours, cut potatoes into cubes, bell peppers and onions into small cubes, grate carrots.

Divide the pork ribs into pieces. Cut the loin finely, smoked brisket into bars.

Using the saute mode, fry the brisket with the addition of vegetables. Add washed peas, potatoes, pork ribs and loin. Set the “Soup” mode.

After an hour, add salt, add parsley and serve with croutons.

Bon appetit!

As a rule, children's complementary feeding begins at 12 months; it is at this age that the child begins to be given other foods in addition to purees. Along with children's cereals at this age, mothers begin to introduce soups made from dietary meat into the diet, but such soups need to be prepared in a special way, because large pieces of potatoes and meat are not suitable for children's teeth. Pea soup prepared in a slow cooker is considered the most delicious and healthy, since peas are necessary for the body, and the slow cooker will retain all the beneficial substances of the food. It must be remembered that soup for a child is prepared separately from adult soups, and all ingredients must be cut into small pieces, and vegetables must also be added to the soup.

Features of cooking in a multicooker Redmond, Polaris

The modes in all multicookers are approximately the same and you can prepare pea soup on any model.

There are some points to consider, for example:

  • some Polaris models do not have a “frying” mode; instead, you can select the “baking” mode;
  • Redmond multicookers begin counting the time in the “frying” mode after the product has been cooked for 5 minutes - make sure that the dish does not burn.
  • Legumes, which include peas, are one of the first foods that you can and should introduce your baby to. It is recommended to start complementary feeding no earlier than seven months, and complementary feeding should be gradual so that the child’s reaction to new food can be monitored. Indeed, in addition to the well-known “pea effect” in the form of intestinal discomfort, there may also be an allergy to it. Therefore, peas should appear fully on the menu no earlier than by one and a half years.

    We will cook not just delicious food. We will prepare it so that the tummy feels good, for which we will turn the pea soup into a puree soup, and even disguise the carrots. In addition, we’ll give you some tasty croutons to crunch on.

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