Is it possible to eat green potatoes after boiling?

Why do greens appear on potato skins?

There is an opinion that green color may be present in unripe potatoes. Any vegetable grower who grows garden crops will never believe this. He's actually right. If you dig a tuber from the ground at any stage of growth, its color will correspond to the varietal characteristics. Even the young ovary does not have a green tint.

To understand why the skin turns green, we need to look at the biological processes of potatoes. Any plant cannot exist without chlorophyll. It participates in the process of photosynthesis, due to which the aboveground part acquires a green color.

Potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. Like all other plants, it contains chlorophyll. However, the process of photosynthesis occurs in the light. It is stimulated by UV rays. The above-ground part of the potato grows under the sun and turns green, which is characteristic of the plant. The tubers themselves are tied in the ground, where light does not penetrate. Photosynthesis does not occur in the underground part of the plant. When part of the tuber peeks out of the soil, which is typical with poor hilling, it begins to turn green. Contact with UV rays activates the process of photosynthesis.

Important! Photosynthesis occurs only in that part of the tuber that comes into contact with light. You can often see potatoes that are half green. The second part remains natural in color, as it was hidden from UV rays, for example, in the ground.

Why do potatoes turn green when stored in light?

There is little solanine in mature potatoes - 0.005%, but during long-term storage it accumulates. The deciding factors are temperature and sunlight.

So why do potatoes turn green in the light? The fact is that chlorophyll is present in all parts of the plant, including tubers. This is a green pigment responsible for the green color and the process of photosynthesis, during which organic substances are formed from carbon dioxide and water under the influence of sunlight in the plant body.

During evolution, the above-ground part of the plant became green to better capture the necessary sunlight. Tubers located underground are not initially green, since the sun's rays do not penetrate into the soil. Also, tubers do not turn green in artificial light, because the process of photosynthesis is possible only under the sun.

What kind of poison does green potatoes produce?

Every person should know why green potatoes are dangerous and why they should not be eaten. The skin turned green for a reason. Simultaneously with this process, a change in the taste of the tuber occurred. Potatoes become bitter. Sometimes a change in taste is accompanied by an unusual smell for potatoes. However, green tubers should not be consumed not because of the bad taste.

The process of photosynthesis is accompanied by the production of a dangerous poison - solanine. Scientists learned about it in 1820. The glycoside began to be used in the manufacture of insecticides for treating gardens and vegetable gardens. Since then, everyone knows why you can’t eat green potatoes, because you can easily get poisoned by them.

Despite the strong effect of the poison, it is used in medicine. Solanine is included in heart medications to improve blood circulation. However, there will be no benefit to the heart if you eat green potatoes instead of taking the medicine.

What dangers do green potatoes pose to the human body?

Solanine is part of any potato. There are no tubers without this poison. However, initially its concentration is so low that it is completely safe for humans. Light potatoes after harvesting contain only 0.05% solanine. If potatoes are stored incorrectly or for a long time, the concentration of the poison increases. After entering the human body, the following problems arise:

  • the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted;
  • red blood cells are destroyed;
  • the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates;
  • vision decreases;
  • the temperature rises.

See also: Nikulinsky Potatoes - variety characteristics, reviews, taste

After poisoning, a person feels discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area.

Can you eat green potatoes?

Potatoes with herbs cannot be eaten even if the skin is cut off in a thick layer.

The reason for the appearance of greenery is the natural ability of this plant to reproduce itself. Sunlight hitting the tuber triggers the process of photosynthesis, which turns it green.

This plant belongs to the nightshade family, therefore it contains in its structure the harmful poison solanine . It is a poisonous glycoalkaloid produced by the nightshade family. Increased content is found in the green parts of the plant, especially in the leaves, berries and green roots.

In the tubers themselves, the content of this poison does not exceed 0.05% . But, after the tubers begin to be exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet and infrared rays, the solanine content increases significantly.

What happens if you eat green fruits after thorough cleaning?

Some housewives are of the opinion that if the potato is green under the skin, you can eat it after cutting off a thick layer. There is some truth here. However, it all depends on the method of use. If tubers or their juice are used raw for treatment according to traditional medicine recipes, they can be poisoned.

When potatoes are cooked, the solanine is destroyed. Neutralization of the poison occurs best when the tubers are cut into small cubes, strips, or slices. The deeper the pulp is fried or boiled, the less solanine remains.

However, potatoes are not such a scarce and expensive product that you risk your health in order to save money. Better to throw it away.

What happens if you eat in large quantities

Severe degree of danger - solanine content in a concentration of 200-400 mg per 100 g of product. This is about a kilogram or two of potatoes, including the peel.

If such an amount is sent into the stomach, the following may occur:

  • cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • convulsions;
  • fainting.

Death may occur if the 500 mg threshold is exceeded. Raw, green potatoes are considered the most dangerous. When they started feeding it to pigs, mass mortality began. In boiled root vegetables, the concentration of solanine is much lower.

What diseases can it cause?

Solanine does not act selectively. It destroys the body comprehensively, penetrating into the blood, and from there into many organs, affecting the liver, kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. At small concentrations of the toxin, the body begins to heal itself, trying to get rid of unwanted consequences. The person experiences vomiting and diarrhea.

In more severe cases, serious disorders are possible:

  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurological disorders;
  • development of heart and blood diseases;
  • change in the process of hematopoiesis.

The toxin destroys red blood cells and in severe poisoning affects the skin. This is why you should not eat green potatoes in large quantities.

Symptoms of green fruit poisoning

People who eat raw tubers without prior heat treatment are at risk of solanine poisoning. Such gourmets should not only understand why green potatoes are dangerous for humans, but also know the symptoms of poisoning. These include:

  • headache;
  • indigestion accompanied by loose stool;
  • urge to vomit;
  • blurred vision simultaneously with enlarged pupils;
  • body temperature rises sharply.

Symptoms appear in combination or individually. You cannot self-medicate. Before the doctor arrives, you should try to rinse your stomach to reduce the concentration of the poison.

What to do with green tubers

When the potatoes are green, can livestock eat them? Only sensible owners ask this question. Other livestock farmers, in order to save money, feed the fruits to pigs, chickens and other livestock. Don't be surprised when the livestock starts to die. Solanine is equally dangerous to the human body and animals.

If there are a lot of green potatoes in the cellar, it is a pity to throw them away. Here we need to remember the ability of solanine to be destroyed by heat treatment. The fruits must be thoroughly boiled before feeding to animals or poultry. They should not be given half-baked. The poison can linger inside the undercooked pulp.

How to store fruits so they don't turn green

After harvesting, the fruits are removed to a cellar or other place where the sun and daylight do not reach. Solanine is not formed from artificial lighting. If storage is carried out on the balcony, the tubers are poured into a wooden box and covered with a dark cloth. You can cover the windows with curtains to darken the entire balcony space.

After harvesting, only planting material is left in the light. Potatoes need solanine to prevent pests from chewing on them. Planting material is also stored in the cellar, but separately from the general potatoes.

Summing up, is it possible to eat green potatoes, we can confidently answer - no. However, the fruits become safe after heat treatment, but it is better not to risk your health.

Is it possible to eat green potatoes?

Potatoes are a product that will definitely never go out of our consumption.
Therefore, the demands on the quality of this product are justified. Whether we grow potatoes ourselves or buy them at the store, from time to time we come across tubers with green skin. Can green potatoes be eaten? Potatoes with greens cannot be eaten, even if the skin is cut off in a thick layer.
The reason for the appearance of greenery is the natural ability of this plant to reproduce itself. Sunlight hitting the tuber triggers the process of photosynthesis, which turns it green.

This plant belongs to the nightshade family, therefore it contains in its structure the harmful poison solanine . It is a poisonous glycoalkaloid produced by the nightshade family. Increased content is found in the green parts of the plant, especially in the leaves, berries and green roots.

In the tubers themselves, the content of this poison does not exceed 0.05% .
But, after the tubers begin to be exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet and infrared rays, the solanine content increases significantly. What happens if you eat green potatoes and is it harmful?
If you prepare a dish from green potato tubers and eat it, then the worst thing that can happen is gastrointestinal upset .

If this substance enters the human or animal body in an amount of 300 - 400 mg , the most tragic outcome can occur.

In order to be poisoned by solanine, you need to eat at least two kilograms of fresh, green, unpeeled potatoes . Constant consumption of such potatoes also negatively affects the body, accumulating the concentration of solanine in the blood.

If there are green parts in the potatoes, they can be cut off. When cooked, the effect of solanine is reduced due to the fact that part of the poison goes into the water. But if possible, then it is better not to risk your health and the health of your loved ones, and why not use potatoes of dubious quality for food.

Always discard green potato tubers.

Solanine is more dangerous for children, the elderly, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.

The first symptoms of poisoning from green potatoes may be:

  • irritation of the gastric mucosa , which leads to either nausea and vomiting, or abdominal pain and diarrhea,
  • the functioning of the heart muscle is disrupted, which is accompanied by heavy breathing, decreased blood pressure and an arrhythmic pulse,
  • there is depression of the nervous system , disorientation,
  • pupil dilation,
  • increased temperature and decomposition of red blood cells,
  • in some cases, convulsions and even coma.

What to do in case of poisoning

  1. If the symptoms are severe, then the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance .
  2. Then we perform gastric lavage using a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For an adult, we prepare a three-liter jar of a weak pink solution (if necessary, add another jar).
  3. Artificially induce vomiting (adults only).
  4. After washing, give activated carbon. If necessary, we give a laxative.
  5. A visiting doctor can perform intravenous rehydration (saturation of the body with water) using a sterile solution of sodium chloride. This process helps with dehydration resulting from gastric lavage.

In case of any poisoning, be sure to consult a doctor

Greened tubers are better preserved in the underground until spring, are less susceptible to spoilage, and have much better germination in the spring than ordinary ones. Even rats are less likely to touch potatoes that have turned green.

Despite the fact that such potatoes are poisonous, they have their own purpose. Gardeners specially lay it out in a thin layer in a warm and well-lit room so that it acquires a greenish color and good, thick sprouts appear .

Some even take it out to the balcony or loggia during the day so that the tubers receive ultraviolet light, harden , and the process of photosynthesis begins. To make the process more uniform, the tubers, as they turn green, turn their “non-green” side towards the sun.

The plant will be more resilient and less susceptible to various diseases.

Thanks to these simple manipulations, the potato harvest can be obtained 15 - 20 days earlier than the usual ripening period, and the yield per bush will increase by an order of magnitude.

When buying food in a store, pay special attention to the color of potato tubers and the presence of sprouts on them. The green color and the presence of sprouts indicate that the process of photosynthesis has started , and the amount of solanine has increased several times.

And, on the contrary, when choosing potatoes for planting, give preference to green tubers with large and thick sprouts. It will bring you a harvest much earlier than regular potatoes.

Don't forget about hilling. It not only makes the soil loose and stimulates the growth of plant tubers, but also protects them from the process of photosynthesis. Hill up the lower part of the plant at least twice a season.

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