How to remove a snag on tights using proven and simple methods





Tights are an essential part of a woman's wardrobe. Ladies wear almost all their clothes under tights. Moreover, according to the rules of etiquette, it is not permissible to appear at many events without this piece of clothing. It is for this reason that tights are very popular among the fairer sex. And there is a huge demand for them. If you have any small imperfections, they can be eliminated with the help of thin translucent tights.

Also, such products perfectly even out skin tone. Nowadays, many models with a tightening effect have appeared on store shelves. However, tights have one big disadvantage. These things are very fragile and delicate, not durable at all. They rush quickly and shoot arrows. What to do if suddenly a puff appears on your favorite tights? How to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon? There are several ways, which will be discussed in today’s article.

Manipulations that will help you wear tights longer without snags

  1. In order to make tights stronger, you should iron the fabric with an iron after purchasing.
  2. For one day you need to put the tights in the freezer.
  3. All unsafe objects, such as: car keys, a zipper on clothes, a ring with a stone, the edge of a chair, should be kept away from the tights.
  4. Pull the product out of the packaging and spray varnish along the entire length.
  5. If unnecessary threads are visible after purchase, they should be eliminated immediately.
  6. Nylon products should only be washed by hand with soap.
  7. A girl needs to put on her jewelry in the form of rings, watches, bracelets only after the tights are on. This will help avoid snags.
  8. Thin tights should not be worn with skirts or dresses that have a lot of decor.
  9. You can wear footwear over tights. This way you can avoid puffs.
  10. This type of product must be worn very carefully, because they do not tolerate sloppiness.

Required hook

This product has several names: needle hook, chain hook, Luneville hook. Of course, this is not exactly the same thing, and these things are different from each other. Their basis is the same: the hook is a wooden handle. It can also be made of plastic. There is also a rod, it is very thin, at the end it contains a tiny hook equipped with a folding eye. Sometimes folding parts are missing.

Such items are not very popular today, but they are sold in stores. And a few years ago every housewife had them. Such hooks quickly remove the puff. And they are also able to raise the arrow. What is needed for this?

  • A hook starts from the inside of the tights. He grabs the puff and pulls it inside.
  • Then align the place where the hook was, the loop will be inside, everything is smooth and beautiful again. True, this procedure is not suitable for very transparent tights.
  • Often after tightening, a path begins to form. Fashionistas also call it an arrow.
  • Then take the hook and grab the loop with it. Point the hook forward, it should be at the next thread, that is, at the top. You need to grab it and pull it out a little. A new loop will appear.

Hair fixation spray

Few girls know that hairspray does a great job of removing arrow marks on nylon tights. In order to stop or disguise the puff, you need to poke the damaged area and wait a little. In addition, hairspray allows you to extend the life of tights. It is enough to spray the product along the entire length of the material and let it dry.

Extending the life of nylon tights is not difficult and this process does not take much time. To disguise and prevent the appearance of arrows, holes and puffs, various improvised and care products will help. It is enough to apply this or that product to the damaged area of ​​the material in time, and the tights will again delight you with their excellent condition.

Nail polish

Every girl simply must have a bottle of nail polish in her purse. And it’s best to match the color of your tights. Light brown or black. This is the only way to be sure that if an unpleasant situation occurs, you will still be able to solve it as quickly as possible.

The recipe for the procedure is quite simple, but for this you need to find a chair or bench and spend at least 10 minutes. It is necessary to take a fairly large amount of varnish onto a brush and apply it over the entire surface of the formed arrow. If she didn’t have time to go far, then you can get away with a slight fright and a little blood. Particular attention should be paid to the beginning and end of the arrow, and apply a little more varnish there than on the arrow itself. Now that's it, the procedure is completed. It remains to sit exactly in place for 10 minutes. If you pretend that you are just tired or admiring the scenery, then no one will understand that you were repairing not only tights and your own sense of feminine dignity.

Methods for solving the problem

The approach to eliminating the defect is influenced by the following factors:

  • in what area is the lead located?
  • is there access to available materials;
  • product density;
  • type of tightening;
  • presence/absence of decor on the model, etc.

At home, fixing a defect is much easier and more convenient than at work or in another public place. Some puffs can be removed even without the use of additional tools.


You should start by inspecting the problem area . If the tie is transverse and the thread itself is not torn, then by carefully pulling the material near the tie to the sides, the problem can be eliminated.

But if the thread not only tightens, but also breaks, this method will not work, since the arrow may run when the material is stretched. And the problem will turn from a minor one into a big one.

To sew or not to sew?

In cases where the snag or small hole is in an inconspicuous area, for example, hidden by shoes, it can simply be sewn up. To do this, use a very thin needle and thin threads that match the color of the product.

But if the affected area is located in a visible place, stitching will only help to avoid arrows . Such a repair will not always be appropriate - only as a temporary option.

Nail polish

When a snag appears, it is very important to prevent arrows and holes from appearing.
To do this, you can use clear nail polish. Procedure:

  1. You need to drip a little varnish onto the edge of the tie, which threatens to creep away and turn into a hole.
  2. Wait for the varnish to dry.

Even if the arrow has already started, the varnish will prevent its spread. But such a solution will not give long-term results, so it is only suitable as a temporary solution. You should use regular polish, not gel polish, which does not dry in air.

Crochet work

If the tightening is not the only problem, but the arrow has already begun to spread out, you can solve the problem using a hook , but you will need a special tool for this purpose. It is thin and has a movable folding part on the working side.

Any tights and stockings are, in essence, knitted fabric. The task is to catch the “running” loop and restore the appearance of the tights.

This option is suitable for fairly dense models, but it is almost impossible to do it on tights of 20 den or thinner.

To restore the weave, you need to pick up the bottom loop on the arrow, catching it with a hook, and lift it to the next weave. At each stage, as you progress, you need to make a new loop. A special folding “tongue” of the hook helps with this.

It matters what kind of tights you buy

Choose tight tights that do not show any skin through. If it is not possible to assess the density of the fabric visually, check the information on the packaging. First of all, you should be interested in the number of deniers - DEN. It is this indicator that is directly related to density. The higher the density, the less likely the appearance of puffs and arrows.

You don't have to buy Wolford tights (which are the same price as it would cost two people), there are plenty of smaller name brands that offer good quality tights. You can buy noname tights in 100 or even 200 denier and find that they are quite durable.

Replacement for threads - soap

We must not forget about threads as a means of stopping the movement of the arrow on tights. Apply a neat seam and you can still wear your favorite tights. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to sew up nylon tights without missing a single loop. Otherwise, the mended hole will start a new arrow.

If there are no threads or varnish, then you can use regular soap. Moisten a bar of soap with water and run it over the end of the arrow several times. By the way, soap can fix the arrow no worse than varnish. And even after drying it does not leave noticeable marks. Interestingly, not only solid soap, but also liquid soap, as well as shampoo or gel, are suitable. So if you snag your tights at work, then soap will definitely come to the rescue.

If they suddenly break, do not rush to immediately throw them away in a fit of anger. A nuisance in the form of a small hole in an inconspicuous place can be completely eliminated. After careful repair, the tights will serve the owner for a long time, and the seam will be almost invisible.

You will need

  • - tights;
  • - threads;
  • - needle;
  • - old stockings;
  • - glasses or magnifying glass;
  • - nail polish.


First, look at exactly where. If the hole is located in an open area that is clearly visible to others, then it is not worth sewing up. After all, even a neat seam will be very noticeable. It is better to throw away such tights, either under or cold. But if it’s on the toe or on top, eliminate the hole and continue wearing the item.

The most important thing is to choose the right thread. To sew up tights, take a thread that is suitable in both thickness and color. You can simply unravel old unnecessary tights or a suitable color and pull out the thread from them. Having tightened it into a thin needle, first pull the opposite sides of the “arrow” together. Try not to tighten the thread too much. It is important that the edges meet. Next, sew up the hole on all sides, making the required number of stitches. Sew until the hole is completely closed.

Nothing spoils the mood more than the sight of a liner creeping up your favorite pair of tights, leggings or stockings. How to avoid arrows on tights? After all, it’s impossible to always avoid wooden street benches with their jagged, chipped edges, shy away from “neighbors” on public transport, or keep a bottle of colorless nail polish ready!

In fact, there are many ways to avoid ruining your nerves with torn tights. To do this, you don’t have to buy tights that cost $50 a pair or ruin your manicure by constantly washing your tights by hand. So, 5 proven ways to avoid creases on tights!

Super glue

Of course, there is nothing better and faster than superglue. But repairing tights with its help is not always practical. Of course, you can reliably protect the tights from further destruction and, moreover, you can even hide the crease by moving the ends together. But in most cases, no matter how carefully you try to do everything, your hands and fingers may end up in the glue, and the tights will end up simply sticking to your leg. Of course, no one will notice this, but when you get home, taking off such tights will not be entirely pleasant.

Therefore, depending on the situation and where the problem occurred to you, you can choose one of the most suitable options for you. If you wish, you can conduct several experiments at home to be prepared for any situation.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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How to remove a puff on tights

How to get rid of puffs on tights if they are very minor? The answer is simple: align the threads of the hold (they can be both vertical and horizontal). We simply use our hands to align the elongated threads of nylon (after all, knitwear is structured as loops connected to each other). Simple minor puffs (in cases where the thread has just stretched out slightly and has not yet broken) can be removed by slightly gently stretching the tights at the tightening point (around) in different directions. You can try this if there is not even the smallest hole.

Sew up a hole or arrow . This option is only suitable when the hole is in an inconspicuous place or the decision is made to wear tights under trousers in the cold season. You need to take the smallest needle with a small eye and the thinnest threads in the color of the tights (you can use thread from unraveled old tights of the same type, if you can, of course, get the thread out of them). Using small, neat stitches, starting from the edge of the arrow (so that it does not go further), you need to sew up the torn area. A torn heel can be stitched several times if necessary - this place of repair will definitely be hidden from prying eyes by the shoes.

Crocheting the thread . On thicker tights, you can try pulling the drawstring on the wrong side using a special hook for lifting loops (similar to a needle, but with a folding eye), and then tying the elongated loop with a knot so that it does not tear and the arrow does not appear. You can try to do this with a regular crochet hook (the thinnest and smallest one you have at home).

If the arrow goes on tights less than 40 denier, then it will be better to buy new ones

All tights are classified as knitwear. To repair such products, there are special hooks that lift the loops. They make it possible to get rid of puffs. A hook can help remove the arrow. Moreover, it should be the smallest for a thin nylon thread.

With a hook, you need to sequentially grab the loops on the arrow and push them to the next thread, creating a new loop. So you need to go along the entire arrow. After lifting all the loops, they need to be secured with a knot using a thin thread. When the hole is located in a visible place, it is possible to decorate it. After sewing it up, you can add embroidery on top.


The following recommendations will help in the fight against tights

  1. You should only purchase tights that are the right size. You can check the size chart on the product packaging.

  2. High-quality tights last longer and are less likely to form puffs.
  3. Composition matters.
    The elastane (lycra) in the composition is responsible for elasticity and resistance to deformation. For tights with a density of up to 100 den, the optimal elastane content is from 10%. For denser ones this figure is usually lower.
  4. The thinner the tights, the higher the likelihood of puffs. Therefore, they should be worn very carefully.
  5. If the tightening is noticeable and cannot be eliminated using simple methods, the tights will need to be replaced.
  6. Before first use, new tights, especially if they are not of very high quality, can be sprayed with hairspray.

On dark thin tights, the puffs are much more noticeable than on the same, but flesh-colored ones.

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