Ceiling clothes dryer Liana: installation instructions on the balcony

The “Liana” balcony clothes dryer comes in two types: ceiling-mounted and wall-mounted. The type depends on the location of the structure. “Liana” is designed to optimize space and is in demand on small balconies. Installation of the dryer is easy, you can install it yourself. The dryer is unpretentious to use.

In this article we will look at what types of Liana dryers are on the market. How to choose a dryer and how to install Liana yourself. We will give recommendations for use and list possible breakdowns and malfunctions. The article is supplied with photo and video material.

Features and Benefits

To dry things in multi-story city buildings, previously, ropes were mainly used, which were attached to iron structures on the outside of the balcony. This option certainly saves space in the apartment. However, clean clothes on such a dryer can easily become dirty from dust or even fall off the line. Ordinary clotheslines can also be attached indoors. However, it is quite difficult to position them optimally. If the rope weighs too high, it will complicate the process of hanging and removing laundry. When positioned low, clothes may get in the way or get dirty when they come into contact with other objects in the room or on the balcony. In addition, dust accumulates on the ropes quite quickly and it will not be possible to completely remove it with a simple damp cloth.

The Liana drying design is compact and functional , which allows it to be installed in bathrooms, on loggias and balconies almost right next to the ceiling. The main feature of the operation of such a system is that the small slats on which things are placed can change their position (lower or higher).

Among the advantages of the Liana dryer, the following can be noted.

  • After drying, there are no traces left on the laundry, like thin ropes or fishing lines that would be difficult to smooth out with an iron.
  • Easy to care for. The structure is easy to clean from dust and dirt. To do this, you need to wipe it with a damp cloth. When drying clothes, you can be sure that there will be no dirty marks left on the fabric from the dryer.
  • Compactness. The device can be installed quite high, thanks to which “Liana” will be almost invisible.
  • Resistant to heavy loads. One tube can hold up to 2.5 kilograms of clothing. If you comply with this requirement and do not hang too much clothing on the tubes, then the structure will never break or bend from the weight of the laundry.

However, like all dryers, this design also has its drawbacks. It is worth noting that the disadvantages of “Liana” are primarily related to the specific model and manufacturer of the product.

According to customer reviews, poor quality products have the following disadvantages:

  • the ropes jump out of the rollers, so you need to bandage these elements manually;
  • plastic parts break quickly;
  • If installed incorrectly, the structure quickly fails.

Features of dryers of the “Liana” type

The design consists of several durable tubes, through each of which a rope is threaded. The cord is attached to the ceiling through two brackets with rollers. In this case, one end remains free and is fixed in a special holder mounted on the wall.

The rods have two positions: upper for drying and lower for hanging laundry. To raise the bar, you need to pull the cord and fix it in the holder. If you release the rope, the crossbar will lower. In this case, the rods move independently of each other and lower to the required height (adjustable to a person’s height).

Because of the hanging ropes, the dryer resembles vines on trees, which is why it got its name.

This design has many advantages:

  • looks much more aesthetically pleasing than ordinary sagging ropes;
  • when folded, it rises to the ceiling and does not take up space;
  • the crossbars are lowered, so there is no need to stretch or stand on a stool to hang laundry;
  • the rods move independently of each other, so it’s easy to lift even wet clothes;
  • Linen can be placed at different heights, so it will dry faster.

There are few disadvantages:

  • Assembling and installing the dryer requires some time and power tools;
  • Over time, the ropes wear out and have to be replaced.

Characteristics and description of balcony dryers “Liana”

The Liana design consists of crossbars and strong cords that help adjust the height. The crossbars are made of hollow metal rods coated with an anti-corrosion layer. Drying clothes is more convenient if the crossbars are adjusted separately in height.

It received the name “Liana” due to its resemblance to the plant of the same name with long curly stems. Indeed, the similarities are visible.

Length of the Liana dryer: 50cm - 2 meters, exceptions are possible. The crossbars differ in material, plastic ones are weaker, metal ones are stronger. The crossbars are fixed between two steel brackets. The brackets are fixed to the ceiling or wall using self-tapping screws.

The crossbars are fixed between two steel brackets. The brackets are fixed to the ceiling or wall using self-tapping screws.

The cords are made of nylon material with a ball at the end. “Combs” are strung on the cords, held at the same level by the balls.

“Lianas” are made not only for ceiling or wall, but also electrical or mechanical (manual). Manual ones differ in that the crossbars for hanging laundry are lowered down by loosening the latch. To return the crossbar to its place, the cord is slightly stretched.

When the crossbar is in place, it is securely fixed. If there is a lot of laundry hanging, there will be no problems, since the laundry on other crossbars does not interfere with others.

Advantages and disadvantages of Liana balcony dryers

Let's consider the features of "Liana" in comparison with portable clothes dryers and traditional ropes behind the balcony:

  • aesthetics . “Creepers” are usually white, which makes them suitable for any interior;
  • exploitation. The housewife does not need to move the stools to reach the height;
  • speed. The laundry dries quickly, since the bars can be left at different height levels. This creates free air circulation;

  • room options for use. “Liana” can be installed not only on the balcony, but also in the bathroom. This affects the humidity in the room and the drying speed. Air and sun help clothes dry faster. Think about ventilation;
  • assembly and installation. Fastening of several screws and intuitive fastening of the dryer;
  • exploitation. Convenient lowering of ropes for hanging wet laundry and subsequent lifting;
  • price. Varies from 400 to 2000 rubles depending on the material and quality.

Before purchasing, make sure that the walls or ceiling are drillable. Stretch ceilings and panels make installation difficult. Porcelain tiles will make drilling more difficult.

Design flaws, according to consumer reviews, are associated with improper installation or defects of specific manufacturers.

Check out all types of dryers: wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, outdoor.

Standard equipment for the Liana dryer

The number of parts is indicated on the product packaging. You just need to open it before purchasing, count it and make sure everything is in place.

The standard equipment consists of:

  • brackets – 2 units;
  • ropes – the quantity depends on the size of the “Liana”;
  • crossbars;
  • side panel for control;
  • caps.

Ceiling dryer Liana photo

In this section, we invite you to look at photographs on the topic of our article “How to install a clothes dryer “Liana”: Instructions.” All photos are clickable.

Types of "Lian"

“Lianas” differ in parameters: size, installation method, control method, material. Let's consider each option in detail.

Block clothes dryers

Block or ceiling “Lianas” usually consist of 4 or 5 metal crossbars. A distinctive feature is that the crossbars are fixed together, they do not fall one by one. Consequently, the design is controlled by a single cord.

Photo: mechanical balcony hanger for sushi linen “Liana”

Such structures have specific operating features. For example:

  • The laundry will take longer to dry because all the slats are on the same level, which ensures a high humidity environment around the structure.
  • Linen must be hung evenly, as it is easy for the structure to become skewed.

Electric models of hangers "Liana"

Electric balcony hangers "Liana" are equipped with automatic shutdown under heavy loads. That is, if there is a lot of laundry loaded, “Liana” turns off the control after the crossbars rise to their place. It turns back on when the laundry dries and becomes lighter. This function was created to avoid damage to the dryer from loads that it was not designed to withstand.

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Photo of the balcony electric wall hanger “Liana”

Modern designs of electric dryers are equipped with mechanisms for supplying warm air. The air sensor is installed on the ceiling and the bars are adjusted to the optimal height for drying. If necessary, the height of the bars can be adjusted so that the laundry dries faster. The distance between the rods also increases.

The latest Lian models are equipped with ultraviolet lamps, which manage to disinfect things during the drying process.

The best choice is Liana dryers with crossbars that differ in height. This structure of the crossbars helps dry clothes of different sizes and weights. The lower rods are for drying bulky items, the upper rods are for T-shirts and light laundry.

Which models of Liana dryers should I choose?

In addition to individual preferences, such as color, control, pay attention to the volume of laundry to dry, the drum of the washing machine. Multiply the volume of the drums by 2-3 times, this will be the weight of the laundry at the time of hanging. A dryer that is not suitable for its load-bearing capacity will quickly fail.

When choosing “Liana”, consider not only your needs and preferences, but also the technical characteristics of the balcony or loggia.

Prepare before going to the store:

  • balcony size . A narrow balcony or the wrong choice of dryer blocks the opening of the window sashes. It is recommended to mark the opening boundaries and measure the size for the “Liana” so that opening the window does not interfere with the dryer raising and lowering the laundry.
  • construction material. Choose metal rods when the volume of laundry to be dried per time is more than 7 kilograms.

  • Among metal crossbars, give preference to stainless steel. Aluminum crossbars can be coated with paint; due to frequent contact with a humid environment and warm air, after a while the paint begins to peel off and stain the laundry. Aluminum itself is subject to deformation. Steel bars are also susceptible to paint peeling, but do not stain laundry. And steel is practically not subject to deformation;
  • thickness of control ropes. There is also a load on the rope. If the rope is thin, problems arise when lifting the bars. Thin ropes wear out faster, fray and break. Restoration requires additional funds, since the kit does not include spare parts. Braided ropes add strength and durability.
  • distance to the outlet if the dryer is electric. Consider the length of the dryer cord.

Ideally, a rope woven from several layers of strong thread.

  • clamps . Durable retainers are made of plastic or metal;
  • manufacturer . European, Russian, and Chinese models are presented on the market. They have weak combs, soft plastic fasteners, and a thin rope. As a rule, the price corresponds to the quality and functionality.

Expert opinion Lyubov Borisovna Krasnova Cleaning company manager Consider the volume of the washing machine. The larger the chamber of the washing machine, the larger and stronger the “Liana” is chosen.

Installation tools

Installing the dryer to the ceiling or wall is not difficult; no special skills are required.

Prepare your tools:

  • Roulette
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Boer
  • Hammer
  • Felt pen or pencil
  • Drill with fine bits
  • Screwdrivers
  • Dowels

Apply marks with a pencil or felt-tip pen. For holes, use small nozzles, since a large hole will ruin the wall, and it will not be possible to hang it on such a hole.

How to install a Liana dryer with your own hands?

To hang a balcony dryer, clean and dry the installation surface. Prepare your tools and dryer.

Installation instructions:

  1. make notes in the places where the brackets will be installed;
  2. the distance between the brackets is equal to the length of the crossbar;
  3. Make holes on the markings with a drill;
  4. install support parts on rollers;
  5. close the caps;
  6. installation of fixing parts;
  7. pass the ropes through the supporting parts;
  8. put on a “comb” if the design requires it;
  9. put caps on the ropes.

Experiment with the installation height during installation. After installation, test the functionality: hang a full load of laundry. If the structure has held up, it means it is ready for use.

Typical “Lianas” made of plastic can withstand up to 7 kg of laundry, and metal ones - up to 12 kg.

Tips for choosing

When choosing a vine, you need to consider many factors. First of all, you should take measurements of the balcony or loggia, carefully read the instructions for installing the dryer, and only then decide which size is suitable in a particular case.

Today in stores you can buy vines, the sizes of which range from fifty centimeters to two meters.

It is also important whether it will not interfere with the opening of windows and doors, so that the installation does not unexpectedly turn into dismantling.

If the ceiling is foam plastic or suspended, then it is better to choose a wall mount.

After everything has been calculated, a model of suitable size has been found in the store, the next step in choosing a dryer is what material the vine is made from. Tubes and frames are most often made of plastic, aluminum and steel.

The most popular is the aluminum structure, due to its lightness and strength.

However, it is worth considering that steel, although heavier, is always coated with special polymers or paints that prevent corrosion and staining of linen. Plastic tubes, as a rule, are distinguished by their cheapness, but also their fragility.

Another important criterion in choosing a vine is the weight that each commercially available model can withstand.

This may depend on the material of the tubes and ropes, the installation system, and the country of manufacture. It is also necessary to take into account the purpose of purchasing a dryer - small vines practically do not need such a characteristic as supporting weight, since a priori you cannot hang much on it. In this case, it will be more important to purchase a plastic model. But if a two-meter dryer cannot withstand a lot of weight, then it is not worth taking it.

Before you choose and buy, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of balcony dryers. Video below.

If you have any problems...

If problems arise during operation, check:

  • rope tension level, the problem appears when the measurement is incorrect;

What type of Liana is installed on your balcony? Electrical Mechanical

  • If the structure has collapsed to the floor, check the fasteners. Often the dowel-nails that come with cheap models are unreliable. In such cases, you will have to separately purchase suitable fasteners;

If the installation is done correctly, then “Liana” will work properly and will not cause trouble to the owners.

Rules for operating a balcony dryer

Proper care of your dryer will extend its service life.

Operating rules:

  • if the laces become thin or stretched, replace the laces before they break;
  • Wipe the crossbars dry after drying to prevent rust;
  • If the gears are acting up, then lifting the crossbars becomes more difficult. Change gears;
  • if the brackets are loose on the fasteners, change the fasteners and re-fix them;
  • If the rods begin to creak, then fill the base of the rods with technical oil.


On the modern market you can find Liana dryers of various sizes. In many ways, the parameters depend on the manufacturer. The width of the product usually varies from 1.4 to 2 meters. As for the length of the tubes and the design itself, a large number of different options are possible. The most common minimum length is 1.3 m. Standard sizes also include the following: 140 cm; 150 cm; 160 cm; 170 cm; 180 cm; 190 cm; 200 cm.

However, the smallest option are dryers with a length of 50 centimeters. The maximum size of “Liana” is 3 meters.


Manufacturers can use various materials to make certain elements of the Liana dryer. The quality and reliability of the design as a whole will depend on this. The cylinders on which the laundry is placed can be made of metal or plastic. Metal tubes have a protective anti-corrosion layer.

The most reliable material in this case is stainless steel. Steel tubes can withstand the greatest loads compared to aluminum or plastic parts. Equally important is the quality of the material from which the ropes were made. Thin ropes are not able to ensure the reliability of the entire structure at the proper level.

Spare parts

The Liana dryer is a small wall or ceiling structure that consists of several simple parts.

The system includes the following elements:

  • one pair of metal holders with rollers;
  • metal or plastic tubes that act as hangers for wet clothes;
  • mounting brackets;
  • ceiling or wall consoles;
  • ropes (strings);
  • caps.

plastic or metal cylinders can have a length from 0.5 to 3 meters. Their number may vary. Usually there are 4-5 strips in a set. Each tube is equipped with two ropes of different lengths. A long string passes through one roller on a special holder. Both long and short cords are passed through the second roller.

The entire system is attached to wall or ceiling consoles, which are a kind of basis for the entire structure. Special caps are fixed at the ends of the ropes, which allow you to raise and lower the tubes to the desired level. When installing the structure, it is important to maintain the minimum permissible distance from the floor (1.2 meters) to which the cylinder can lower.

Not all structural parts can be easily replaced with new ones. For example, if a roller fails, you will have to replace the entire guide or the entire structure.

How to choose?

Despite the fact that “Liana” is considered a reliable design for drying clothes, certain models are not of the best quality. When choosing a device, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the product. The distance between the cylinders (tubes) should be quite large. Otherwise, things on adjacent slats will become tangled with each other.

The length of the tubes in the kit can reach two meters. It is worth considering that the longer the cylinders and the structure as a whole, the greater the likelihood of deformation of the dryer from the loads received during operation.

When choosing a suitable design, you should consider the installation location of the dryer. The dimensions of the “Liana” will depend on the size of the room, so it is recommended to first measure the area. It is also necessary to ensure that the dryer does not interfere with the free opening of doors or windows.

It is also important to take into account the material from which the tubes and fastening parts of the structure were made. Plastic parts fail most quickly. Aluminum structures are the best option in terms of weight and reliability. Products made of steel create a painful load on walls or ceilings, but such dryers are the most durable.

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Models of Liana dryers may have a different number of tubes included. In addition, the maximum weight of clothing that the part can support depends on the type of cylinder.

The quality of the dryer largely depends on the manufacturer of the product. Chinese-made structures are not durable and reliable. When purchasing a product, it is better to avoid a model from China. It is worth giving preference to “Lianas” from domestic or European manufacturers.

Modifications and sizes

The Liana type ceiling clothes dryer is produced by different manufacturers. The models work on a similar principle, but differ in some parameters.

The package includes:

  1. Rods for hanging laundry (usually 5 or 6).
  2. Cords for each plank (long and short).
  3. Decorative caps (one or two per rope).
  4. Two brackets with rollers.
  5. Fasteners (screws) and plugs.
  6. Plastic clip for cords on the wall.

Ceiling dryers "Liana" primarily differ in size. The length of the crossbars ranges from 50 cm to 3 meters. But more common are from 1.4 to 2 m (in increments of 10 cm). The maximum weight of wet laundry is 12 or 12.5 kg. The permissible load on one crossbar is up to 2.5 kg (approximately one duvet cover).

Tubes are made from the following materials:

  • plastic (cheaper, but breaks faster than others);
  • aluminum;
  • iron coated with powder paint or PVC to prevent rust;
  • of stainless steel.

The last two options are stronger, but also heavier. Crossbars larger than 2.2 m are made only from steel pipes with a diameter of 12 mm in accordance with GOST 10704-91.

Wall-mounted models of liana-type dryers are also available. They have a similar design, the only difference is that the brackets are attached to the wall.

Installation instructions

Installation is not difficult if you prepare everything in advance and follow the recommendations. Let's look at each step in detail.

Required Tools

For work you will need:

  • tape measure or long ruler;
  • pencil or marker;
  • hammer drill with 6 mm drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • stepladder or stool.

Sometimes the fasteners that come with the kit are not very strong. Then they replace it with their own. Take screws and plastic dowels to suit your size; in most cases, universal 5x50 self-tapping screws are suitable. The quantity depends on the number of holes in the bracket.

Selecting a location

The best option would be to place the dryer on a glazed balcony or loggia. You shouldn’t install it outdoors, because in winter the laundry will freeze, and in rainy weather you won’t be able to hang it at all. When choosing a location, take into account the size of the balcony, as well as the distance to which the windows and doors open. They should not touch the “vine” in the raised position.

If there is no balcony or it is not glazed, then the dryer is hung in the bathroom. The length is selected according to the size of the room. Because clothes may drip, it is recommended to install the dryer above a sink or bathtub, but it should not interfere with showering.

If these options are not suitable, you can look for a place in the hallway or dressing room. As a last resort - in the living room or bedroom. It is advisable to choose a place so that the dryer does not attract much attention to itself and does not cause inconvenience to residents.

Important! There should be no valuables or finishing materials that are not resistant to moisture nearby, as water will drip from the clothes.

Design selection

When choosing a dryer for a loggia or balcony, you need to pay attention to the size of the room, because products of different lengths are available on sale. It is also important to consider other points.

  1. Before purchasing, you should read the instructions that come with the kit. The maximum weight that a clothes dryer can support is often specified here.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the dimensions of such a design, because some large dryers prevent the windows from opening freely.
  3. Ceiling dryers are made from a variety of materials, including plastic, steel and aluminum. Some people prefer the latter option because they find it durable and quite lightweight. In fact, steel structures are the most reliable. They are coated with a special paint or polymer substance that protects the linen from staining and the structure from corrosion.
  4. Separately, it is worth mentioning the manufacturers of clothes dryers. Most Chinese products are made of low-quality plastic. Such structures can withstand minimal weight. In order not to worry about the strength of the dryer, you should give preference to products made in Europe.

Assembly and installation

First, mark the attachment points. To do this, take the bracket and apply it to the ceiling at a distance of 10-20 cm from the wall. Place marks through the holes with a pencil or marker. The second bracket is applied parallel to the first at a distance equal to the length of the rod. The places of fastenings are also marked.

Then they drill holes in the concrete with a hammer drill and hammer in plastic dowels. Attach the brackets and screw in the screws, and close the mounting holes with plugs.

Then a holder (a plastic bracket for fixing cords) is attached to the wall perpendicular to the dryer. The approximate height is at waist level to make it comfortable to use.

The next step is to tighten the ropes and hang the crossbars. There are two cords included for each strip. Both are threaded inside the tube. Then a long piece is inserted into the rollers on the left bracket, and both parts are inserted into the rollers on the right.

By pulling the crossbars to the ceiling, adjust the length of the cords. Fixing caps are put on the ends and the rope is tied in a knot so that they do not fly off. The lower position is adjusted in the same way.

The crossbar is lowered to such a height that it is convenient to hang laundry and another fixing cap is secured at this level. Installation completed.

Advice! Before assembling the dryer, we recommend that you look at the instructions with the installation diagram included in the kit. Installation nuances may differ for different models.

If a suspended ceiling made of PVC panels or plasterboard is installed on the balcony, the process becomes more complicated. The fact is that the sheathing will not withstand the weight of the dryer and laundry, so at the finishing stage, timber inserts are installed at the fastening points. First you need to accurately determine the location of the brackets.

If the finishing of the ceiling has already been completed, and the mortgages were not provided, then the dryer can be attached in another way. To do this, take long screws and screw the brackets through the sheathing to the concrete floor. To ensure that the dryer parts do not dangle and fit firmly to the ceiling, and the PVC panels do not sag, a piece of plastic or metal tube is placed on the self-tapping screw. It will act as a frame between the subfloor and the sheathing.

The dryer is attached to the suspended ceiling in exactly the same way. But before you make a hole, you need to strengthen the canvas. To do this, glue a small diameter thermal ring or a piece of PVC film left after installation.

Common Mistakes

During installation, it is important to do everything correctly so that defects do not interfere with operation. It is necessary to study the installation instructions, prepare tools and take accurate measurements. Consider the most common mistakes:

  • If the brackets are fastened by eye or the distance is incorrectly calculated, the dryer may prevent windows or doors from opening. Accordingly, going out onto the balcony or ventilating it will be inconvenient.
  • If you install the slats very close to the wall, laundry may touch them and get dirty. In addition, hanging things will not be so convenient. It is recommended to make an indent of at least 10 cm.
  • If the distance between the fastenings is too large or small, the tension of the ropes will be too strong or weak.
  • If not all screws are tightened or the fasteners are chosen incorrectly, the weight of wet laundry may cause the dryer to fall. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose the correct length and diameter of the screws, in accordance with the ceiling material and the size of the mounting holes. And the plastic dowel should fit tightly into the drilled hole. Therefore, for a 6 mm drill, you need a dowel of the same diameter.

Replacing ropes

Over time, the cords wear out and fray, so you have to install new ones. To determine the required length, you need to do the following:

  1. Multiply the size of the bar by 2.
  2. Measure the distance from the clamp on the wall to the ceiling and also double it.
  3. Add up the numbers and add 1.5 meters to the result.

To change the rope, it is not necessary to follow the same steps as during installation. The end of the cord is tied to a piece of the old one and pulled through all the necessary holes. This makes replacing dryer ropes much easier.

Common installation errors

Often, beginners make mistakes, which subsequently lead to a violation of the integrity of the “Liana” or to its dismantling. The most common errors are:

  • Carrying out incorrect calculations. This results in over- or under-tensioning of the bars. To solve the problem, you need to take correct measurements before installing the clothes dryer.
  • Incorrect selection and installation of fasteners. Very often there are situations when the self-tapping screws are not fixed deep enough in the wall, or their diameter does not match the diameter of the hole. To solve the problem, you need to select the correct diameter of the drill and screws. For a 6 mm drill, it is necessary to select dowels of the same size that will fit tightly into the hole.
  • Using dowel nails. The structure, secured by these elements, will last literally until the first drying, after which it will collapse under the weight of the laundry.


It is recommended to hang a “liana” type dryer on the balcony according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. If it is missing, lost, or the product was purchased second-hand, you can use general recommendations that are relevant for all types of structures.

Selecting a location

When choosing a fixing point for a dryer, it is important to pay attention to how well this location meets the requirements set by the manufacturer. On the balcony you should find an area of ​​space that is well lit and has intense air circulation.

It is important that even when lowered to the lowest point, the “liana” does not interfere with free passage along the balcony.

You should also make sure that the dryer allows door and window sashes to open freely.

Assembly and installation

In order to hang the “liana” correctly, you will need to acquire a set of household tools. It is customary to fasten the structure with self-tapping screws or dowels, depending on the type of base. To drill concrete, you will need a hammer drill or impact drill with replaceable tips of the appropriate diameter. Screwdrivers, a hammer, measuring tools, and chalk or marker may also come in handy.

The dryer is assembled from a specific set of components. It should include the following elements:

  • brackets - 2 pcs.;
  • tubes in the amount from 3 to 7;
  • side panel;
  • ropes or cord for adjustment;
  • plug caps.

To install a “liana” type dryer with your own hands, you must first clear the free work space. The package containing the parts is opened and the completeness is checked against the manufacturer’s data. The ceiling and wall in the work area must be cleaned of dirt. They should be wet cleaned.

To carry out installation at height, you will need a special stepladder. With its help, working will be much more comfortable than from a stool or chair. Having completed the preparation, you can proceed directly to work. Let's consider the procedure according to the instructions.

  • Marking the locations of the brackets. They are applied to the ceiling or wall and marked with a marker. The distance between the brackets must correspond to the length of the tubes included in the kit.
  • Use a hammer drill or drill to make a hole. You should take a drill with a slightly smaller diameter than the hardware so that during installation it does not become loose in the prepared socket.
  • Install supports with rollers at the selected locations. It is better to screw in the screws with a screwdriver with a suitable bit. After installing the hardware, you can place the caps in the places intended for them.
  • Install the fixing brackets. They can be positioned arbitrarily, choosing the most convenient point.
  • Stretch the ropes . First they are pulled through the roller of the left bracket. The long part of the cord is fixed in the right. The action is repeated for each horizontal plank, then it remains to secure all the ropes with caps.

The assembled vine dryer must be adjusted. Using ropes and horizontal tubes, the desired height and tension intensity of the structures are established.

Manufacturers recommend testing the dryer under load after installation. It is not necessary to hang the maximum 15 kg, it is enough just to make sure that the fastener does not jump out of the place where it is fixed.

Possible mistakes

Among the mistakes that can happen when installing a “liana” dryer, we can highlight a number of the most common miscalculations.

  • Attempts to secure the dryer to an unstable base . It cannot be hung on suspended ceiling fabric, foam or polymer panels.
  • Errors in calculations. Incorrectly selected dimensions will lead to the fact that the “liana” will not fit into the dimensions of the balcony space.
  • Failure to follow recommendations for choosing a location. In this case, when using the dryer, it will be difficult to open doors and windows.
  • Fasteners are the wrong length or diameter. In this case, it will simply not be possible to secure the dryer.
  • Use when installing dowel-nails. In this case, they are not the best choice - they quickly become loose in their nests.
  • Excessively wide mounting hole . If you make a mistake in choosing the diameter of the drill or drill, the standard hardware simply cannot be put in place. A hammer drill or impact drill that is too powerful can also break the hole.

Taking into account possible mistakes in advance and paying great attention to following the instructions, you can avoid difficulties when installing “liana” dryers on the ceiling and wall.

Customer reviews ^

“This dryer is the most successful model we have tried. It is completely invisible on the balcony where we mounted it. Our balcony is glazed, so clothes dry very quickly. My wife, who is short, especially likes Liana 1.6. Now she doesn't have to use a ladder to hang laundry on the line. I recommend this wonderful invention to everyone.” Maxim, 35 years old, Krasnoyarsk.

“We purchased a 150 cm long Gimi Lift dryer for our bathroom through an online store. We are very pleased with its quality. We even dry heavy items like blankets and blankets on it. Once we hung a blanket on just 1 rod, which became bent as a result of such a load. The husband removed the barbell and returned it to its previous geometry with his hands. But we learned for ourselves that you can only hang heavy things on several crossbars at the same time.” Svetlana, 29 years old.

“We found a wonderful dryer on the Internet - Liana, 1.8 m long. This was exactly the length we needed for our bathroom. Using a hammer drill, they nailed the fasteners to the ceiling, and then hung the rods. The whole job took no more than an hour. Now our apartment has an incredibly convenient device instead of ugly ropes under the ceiling. Besides, using Liana is a pleasure. There is no need to reach or climb anywhere. And if you take into account its low cost, then it’s impossible to imagine a better item for drying things.” Anna, 45 years old, Voronezh.


"Liana" is practical in all respects. Being a separate structure, it does not take up space. Even with hanging laundry, it does not interfere with the owners’ ability to move freely around the balcony. Linen dries faster on Liana. The aesthetics of the house facade are not spoiled. From inside the apartment, the hanging laundry is also not particularly noticeable.

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Useful videos about dryers

Installation of a Polish-made dryer in the bathroom:

Recommendations for installation on plastic lining:

Video instructions for installing the “liana” on the balcony:

The easy-to-use “liana” is a good and economical assistant for housewives. Laundry is washed on average 2-3 times a week, which means the dryer will be busy all the time. It is much more comfortable when the laundry hangs high from the ceiling and does not interfere with moving around the balcony. Ordinary ropes will not provide such convenience.


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