How to deliciously cook fish in a frying pan

Tastyly prepared fried fish is a desirable product in the human diet, and even though many people do not consume it so often due to its high cost (some varieties are quite decent), nevertheless, almost everyone has seafood on their menu, but I think we definitely buy river products, or like me, we catch it ourselves.

They prepare fish both on ordinary days and for the holiday table, and if previously fish soup and various soups were mainly made from fish, today it is fried, boiled, stewed, baked in batter, grilled, deep-fried and over the fire and cooked with marinades.

There are a great many recipes for preparing this product, but I decided to talk about the simplest way to cook fish and tell you how to deliciously fry different varieties in a frying pan.

  • Classic recipe - fried fish in a frying pan in flour
  • Fish fried in a pan with cheese
  • How to deliciously fry fish with garlic and herbs
  • Fried pike with onions, deliciously cooked in pieces in a frying pan under a lid
  • How to beautifully and tasty fry a small fish - capelin
  • Mackerel fried in a pan with nuts
  • Some useful tips on how to cook fried fish at home

Classic recipe - fried fish in a frying pan in flour

You need to take:

  • Any fish, preferably ready-made fillets, but carcasses with bones are also possible (cod, pollock, pangasius, blue whiting, mackerel, salmon, hake, etc.) - 1 kg.
  • Any flour (pre-sieve) – 2 heaped spoons.
  • Salt and seasonings to taste.
  • Any vegetable oil (needed for frying).

Method for preparing fried fish step by step

1. If you purchased the fish in carcasses and are going to fry it with bones, then perhaps you should simply wash the carcasses, gut them and cut them into approximately equal pieces. I recommend at this stage to get rid of the bones, it is best to fry the fillet, it is convenient to serve it with any side dish, both for adults and for children. Cut the fish fillet into approximately equal pieces, this is necessary so that each piece is evenly fried for approximately the same time on each side.

Be sure to remove black films from the fish; they give off bitterness during cooking and spoil the entire taste of the dish. If the product is frozen, be sure to defrost it first, otherwise when frying it will release water, stew instead of frying, and simply stick to the pan.

2. Salt the finished pieces, sprinkle with spices, mix thoroughly with your hands, distributing the seasonings among the pieces. Be careful not to damage the integrity of the fish slices. If desired, you can add herbs or chopped fresh dill at this stage.

3. Pour about 2 tablespoons of oil into a clean frying pan and set the appliance to heat up over high heat. Once the pan is hot, turn down the heat.

4. Roll each piece in flour on all sides and place it in a frying pan so that there is a small distance between the products, this will make it convenient to fry and turn the fish over.

5. Without covering with a lid, fry one side over medium heat, then, as soon as a beautiful crust has formed, turn the food over to the second side and continue frying.

If the fish begins to release juice into the pan, increase the heat, otherwise the product will turn out dry and may fall into pieces when turned over. The cooking time for standard pieces on one side over medium or high heat is approximately 2-4 minutes, here everything will mainly depend on the thickness of the pieces themselves.

6. Place the finished steaks on a paper towel to remove excess fat and then serve with a side dish or as a separate dish.

Before each subsequent batch of fish, the pan should be washed. If you have pieces for 3 frying pans, you will have to thoroughly wash the device three times, otherwise the products that will be fried second or third may, firstly, burn, and, secondly, become rancid, saturated with unpleasant odors and the taste of overcooked oil.

Pollock in batter in a frying pan

Pollock is an inexpensive but very tasty fish variety. It will come to the table for those who care about their health and eat only high-quality and low-calorie foods. Properly fried pollock can be given to children. And simply by preparing it for dinner, you will delight your family with a tasty and nutritious dish.

How to choose the right pollock in the store

The key to a delicious dish is fresh and high-quality ingredients. And if you are going to fry pollock, then, first of all, choose the right one in the store. Recommendations for choosing pollock:

  1. pollock fillet quite often ends up frozen on store shelves. A prerequisite for high-quality and proper freezing of fish is a small percentage of people on it. According to the standards, the proportion of ice should not exceed 4%. Everything else is a product that should arouse suspicion;
  2. Pay close attention to the composition of the product. Strange as it may sound, frozen pollock also has its own composition: pollock, water. All other additives (E-452, etc.) indicate specific freezing methods. In this case, the carcass is dipped in a polyphosphate solution. The latter are capable of strongly absorbing moisture. After a polyphosphate bath, the fish is sent into the water.
  3. The meat absorbs a lot of moisture. Fish is frozen to preserve it longer. The result is a thin crust of ice that won’t scare away customers in the store, and the inside is full of frozen liquid. Having defrosted such a product, half of its weight is obtained as water. Polyphosphates are unsafe for human health. They take a lot of fluid from the body, which leads to dehydration of the latter.

A sure sign of the presence of this chemical in a carcass is yellowish spots on white meat.

Only Japan, China and Russia supply high-quality pollock to the market. All other manufacturers are, in popular words, “resellers”. You should not expect freshness from such products.

Having chosen the right fish, we move on to the question of how to fry pollock so that it is soft and juicy in a frying pan. The recipe for fried fish on our website will help you do this tasty and quickly.

Recipe for fried pollock in a frying pan in flour batter


  • pollock fillet half kg;
  • wheat flour, sifted 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs 100 g;
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • half a lemon;
  • butter for frying.

How to deliciously fry pollock in a frying pan:

To deliciously fry pollock, you need to strictly follow our instructions. Then the dish will turn out with an appetizing crust and a seductive aroma. Everything is done in stages:

You need to defrost the fish at room temperature, rinse it well and dry it with a waffle towel.

If it was not pollock fillet that was purchased, but its carcass, then the black film is removed from the abdomen. If it is not removed, the fish acquires a bitter taste. Cut into portions.

Many people wonder how to fry pollock so that it is completely saturated with spices and salt. The answer is simple: before cooking, the fish is salted, sprinkled with your favorite herbs, sprinkled with lemon juice and left for 15 minutes. In this case, the meat will marinate and absorb all the necessary aromas.

While the meat is marinating, break the eggs into a deep container, pour in the milk and beat everything with a fork. Heat a frying pan after adding a piece of butter.

Let's start preparing fried fish. Take one piece of marinated product. First we dip it in flour, then in the prepared milk-egg mixture, last are the breadcrumbs. The resulting crust will prevent the fish from drying out during cooking and will have a pleasant crunch in your mouth.

Place everything in a frying pan and fry over medium heat. When the breadcrumbs are browned, the fish is ready. It is laid out on a special napkin that will absorb excess fat.

Many people ask how to fry pollock with delicious gravy. It's easy to do. To the remaining oil in the pan after cooking, you can add onions, carrots, lemon juice and a little water. Everything is stewed until the vegetables are ready. Delicious gravy for fish is ready. The fish dish is served garnished with herbs. It goes well with rice, and it goes great with potatoes.

Fish fried in a pan with cheese

List of required products:

  • Fillet of hake, tilapia or pollock, or any other favorite fish, but not fatty – 700-900 gr.
  • Any hard cheese, Russian is perfect - 200 gr.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper – 1-2 pinches each.
  • Flour – 1.5-2 tablespoons.
  • Oil for frying.
  • Any spices you like according to your taste.

Cooking process:

Cut the fillet (take fresh, be sure to defrost frozen, squeeze it out of the water with your hands) into pieces that are not too small, add salt, pepper, and sprinkle with any spices you like.

In a separate small deep bowl, beat the eggs, adding a spoonful of cold water.

Grate the cheese using a fine grater, mix it with the egg, add seasonings (you don’t have to add them).

Heat the oil in a frying pan; there is no need to reduce the heat, it should be above medium.

Take each piece one by one, roll in flour, and then in the cheese-egg mixture, place in a frying pan.

When a golden, firm, beautiful cheese crust has formed, turn the fillet over and fry on the other side.

You can serve fish in cheese batter hot or cold; rice and potatoes are most suitable for this dish as a side dish.


Immediately before the frying process, the fish must be prepared. Frozen must be properly defrosted so as not to damage the integrity of the fibers. For 1 kg of product you will need 2 liters of cold water, the process may take quite some time.

Hot water will only cook the fish and it will lose its taste.

Then you need to remove the scales and gut them. It is better to clean with a metal grater under running cold water. If the fish is too slippery, first rub it with salt and don’t forget to cut off the fins with kitchen scissors. At the next stage, you need to remove the insides, doing this carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. If it does burst, quickly rub with salt and rinse the carcass under running cold water.

It is important to know not only how to fry correctly, but also how to neutralize the specific smell and taste, which is why many people do not like fish dishes. You will need to soak the cleaned carcasses in milk; for 1 kg you will need 1 liter of milk. Leave for 2-3 hours, this time is enough to make the meat tender and soft. Then you need to rinse again under running water to get rid of the milky notes this time.

Can be served with herbs, vegetables, garnished with berries

How to deliciously fry fish with garlic and herbs


  • Any favorite fresh fish – a kilogram.
  • Flour – 3 tablespoons.
  • 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, depending on your taste.
  • A bunch of any greenery (cilantro, dill, parsley, young onions are great).
  • 4 eggs.
  • Sunflower, spices, salt - everything to your taste.


Wash the fish, cut off the fins, gut it, clean it if there are scales, put it on a plate or napkin and let it dry.

Divide the carcass into portions (pieces). Try to keep the pieces of fish approximately the same in thickness.

Chop the greens with a knife, add bulk seasonings, salt and mix.

Grind or pass the garlic cloves through a garlic press and add to the greens.

Rub the fish pieces with the resulting mixture and leave in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Beat the eggs in a bowl until foamy, add a little salt and pepper.

Take out the food without removing the herbs and spices, roll in flour, then dip in the egg, place in oil heated until sizzling in a frying pan.

Fry over high heat until crusty, turn over and repeat the process until a beautiful blush forms on this side.

Fried fish is served with any side dish or as a separate dish with your favorite sauces and bread. This delicacy can be eaten both hot and cold.

Spicy breaded fish


  • 1 kg of fish,
  • 2 limes,
  • 15 gr. salt,
  • 30 gr. mixture of basil, parsley, dill, dried garlic,
  • 200 gr. flour,
  • 200 gr. rye crackers,
  • 50 ml sesame oil,
  • 2 eggs.

Breading is used for frying, otherwise the pieces will lose their shape and the skin will stick to the surface of the pan. In a deep plate, beat the eggs until foam forms; in a separate container, combine the crackers with spices. Sift the flour 2 times, then pour into a flat plate. Half an hour before frying, add salt and lime juice to 1 liter of water and lower the prepared fish. Cut large ones into equal parts, and fry small ones whole. Heat a frying pan, add sesame oil, it should cover the carcasses halfway. First, roll in flour, then dip in the egg, and lastly, bread again with spices. Fry on each side for no more than 5-6 minutes, then place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. The dish is served immediately in the heat, with herbs and vegetables. Preparation takes a minimum amount of time, and the result will delight you with the taste of tender, juicy fish meat with spicy notes.

Fried pike with onions, deliciously cooked in pieces in a frying pan under a lid


  • Pike – 2 medium-sized carcasses.
  • Pepper and salt - to taste.
  • 2 onions.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 2 pinches of flour (no more needed).

How to make fried pike.

Gut the pike, wash it, cut it into pieces.

Salt and pepper all the pieces, add flour, mix.

Cut the onion into half rings or quarters and sauté until nicely golden brown.

Heat a frying pan with oil, place the pike, fry on both sides.

Place the onion on top of the finished fish, cover the dish with a lid for a couple of minutes and reduce the heat to low.

Open the lid, mix the ingredients, being careful not to damage the pike itself, cover again and simmer the food for another 2 minutes.

All is ready! You can serve fried pike on the table, sprinkling it on top with herbs and the onion with which it was stewed.

Fish fried in mayonnaise

Fried fish

Ingredients required:

  • cut fish (small varieties: navaga, pollock) – kilogram,
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml,
  • onions - three medium-sized onions,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • flour, vegetable oil - as much as it takes.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash, dry the fish, cut into large pieces if necessary.
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces and mix it with mayonnaise.
  3. Salt and, if desired, pepper each piece of fish.
  4. Place all the fish in a container with mayonnaise and roll well in it.
  5. Dip each piece in flour and fry on both sides. Try to get as much of the onion-mayonnaise mixture into the pan along with the fish. Fish fried in a frying pan this way is never dry. Bon appetit!

How to beautifully and tasty fry a small fish - capelin

Have to take:

  • A kilogram of thawed capelin.
  • 150 gr. corn flour.
  • Salt.

Step-by-step preparation steps:

Wash the capelin, you can gut it and cut off the heads of the carcasses; if the product is too small, it is best to fry the capelin whole.

Sprinkle with salt and mix with your hands.

Add flour, mix.

Place each fish carefully at a short distance from each other in a hot frying pan and fry until done on both sides.

Fish in milk with vegetables

Fish in milk

Ingredients required:

  • fish (pollock, navaga, cod) – kilogram,
  • milk – 2 glasses,
  • carrots - three medium size,
  • onions - two medium-sized onions,
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • flour - how much will be needed.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish into portions, rub with salt and pepper and leave for half an hour.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings and coarsely grate the carrots.
  3. Dip each piece of fish in flour and fry in a frying pan until browned.
  4. Place onions and carrots on the fish, pour in milk, add a little more salt and pepper, close the lid and simmer until done.
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