Chocolate cheesecake recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

This simple and terribly tasty pie will not leave anyone indifferent. Apparently, some king once liked it, since it has such a name. In fact, it has nothing in common with vatrushki - round yeast buns with a cottage cheese center. In our case, there is no dough as such; instead, crumbs made from flour, butter and sugar. But in the oven, magic will happen to it and it will turn into a crispy cake, or rather two – top and bottom, and between them there will be a soft, slightly moist curd filling. And believe me, the cheesecake will not live long... the family will condemn it very quickly and will ask for more.

Today we will step by step prepare three of its variants - classic, chocolate and apple.

Chocolate cheesecake


  • 220 g sour cream;
  • 140 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.

Cooking process

Chocolate cheesecake - it doesn’t sound very Russian, would you agree? And it’s true - our tradition is more about making other types of cheesecakes. But cooking lives and develops because it penetrates into different cultures, taking on the best of other habits and taste preferences. Today our big story is about a truly major work of culinary art, which is called modestly but proudly: the royal cheesecake cottage cheese and chocolate pie. And if you still have a vague idea of ​​what we’re talking about, we’ll tell you in detail.

Where did the cheesecake come from?

In general, if we talk about Russian cheesecake, it always looked very appetizing. A round, ruddy, thick-sided flatbread with pinched edges, and in the middle it is filled to the edges with a deliciously weighty lump of filling.

Vatra - this word in all Slavic languages ​​means “fire”, “hearth”. It’s not for nothing, apparently, that the Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Serbian and Czech peoples had a cheesecake in the shape of a circle, because it personified the sun. Of course, it was not small, like various overseas buns, but large, large, so that many eaters could be fed at one table. Dividing the cheesecake into pieces, we ate it all together. This was usually a festive meal. After all, cheesecake was made from good flour and not every day. The second main component of this baking was cottage cheese. It wasn't necessarily made sweet. Moreover, cheesecakes were originally savory - for example, with the addition of fried onions. Afterwards they started making sweet pastries for tea.

By the way, the tradition of baking cheesecakes for the holiday was preserved for a long time in Tsarist Rus'. It is known that Alexander Menshikov, who sold pies and cheesecakes, owes his dizzying career to them; cheesecakes were popular during fairs.

Over time, cheesecake ceased to be a product made only from yeast dough. The fillings have become varied. They started putting sweet fruit filling inside the cheesecake and adding it to the cottage cheese. They began to bake it from different versions of the dough base. This is how recipes with puff pastry and shortbread dough appeared. It was the shortbread dough that formed the basis of the modern, but now classic, chocolate royal cheesecake with cottage cheese.

How is it prepared?

Your Excellency - this is what I want to say when I mention this extraordinary recipe. It combines everything we love so much: the healthfulness of cottage cheese, the crispness of light shortcrust pastry, the rich chocolate taste and aroma of cocoa. Moreover, the cottage cheese in this baking is not simple, but in the form of a delicate soufflé. Just imagine this extraordinary sensation in your mouth, where the melting soufflé combines with crispy grains of shortcrust pastry! Children adore this, women are simply delighted, and men respect her. In general, if you don’t know yet, start cooking, and a luxurious royal chocolate cheesecake with cottage cheese and cocoa will decorate your table!

Important! When starting to prepare this dish, remember that the main feature of this dessert is that it has certain proportions - there is a lot of cottage cheese, it is simply the dominant component.

Product selection

So, since cottage cheese is the leading ingredient in this recipe, take full responsibility for its choice. The filling should be tasty, moderately sour, at the same time sweet and tender. Of course, the cottage cheese must be fresh, otherwise you will ruin everything. If we talk about the percentage of fat in cottage cheese, then it’s up to you to choose. The most delicious cottage cheese - with the maximum fat content, this is understandable. This cottage cheese has a yellowish color and an oily structure. However, you can also cook with low-fat, which is appreciated by diet lovers. The most common cottage cheese in recipes is medium fat.

Again, the taste is greatly influenced by the acidity of the cottage cheese and its density. If you can’t know for sure what you’re buying in packaged containers in the store, it’s worth trying it at the market before buying cottage cheese for this pie. Sour cottage cheese will give the same unpleasant taste in baked goods, there is nothing to improve here, although, of course, a large amount of sugar helps to slightly improve the taste. But do you need it? It is better to buy fresh sweet cottage cheese.

Flour - everything is clear here. White, premium quality, well dried and sifted before use. Although many do not undertake to sift. If the dough is not yeast, it is not biscuit, but simple shortbread. In fact, for shortcrust pastry, the porosity of the flour and its filling with air are not important. However, it still doesn’t hurt to simply clean it of mechanical impurities. Therefore, sow.

Oil for crumbly dough is needed in large quantities. It’s a strange thing, but nothing better than good margarine has been invented. With it, baked goods turn out more crumbly, crunchy, and the price is more reasonable. But with butter it is heavier, but at the same time creamier and more delicate in taste. So choose what's best for you. Modern cooking recipes still recommend not saving money and buying good butter.

Cocoa - with all the different recipes for this baking, a royal cheesecake with cocoa according to the recipe should always have cocoa itself. Even if it contains chocolate, there is also cocoa powder. Buy it additive-free, sugar-free, plain and pure. Of course it must be fresh.

Selection of tools and utensils

You can bake this pie either in a regular oven or in a slow cooker. The result will be good in both cases. Although the taste of a chocolate cheesecake prepared in a slow cooker will still be different from that baked in an oven.

We will also tell you how to bake such a pie in a slow cooker, but for now we will remind you what other tools are useful for any version of the product.

Since these pies are mainly prepared on the basis of shortcrust pastry and include soufflé, it means that you need to prepare the appropriate equipment. This is a mixer for beating egg whites, a grater with large cells for grating butter, a couple of large bowls for preparing dough and filling, and other common kitchen items.

Chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker

Chocolate royal cheesecake turns out very tasty in a slow cooker. Although the dough is not shortbread, it comes out fragrant, airy, and tender. And the filling turns out to be very juicy, with a pronounced curd flavor interspersed with dried fruits - You can put fruits and berries there. For example, cherries go well. And in the recipe we will show how to prepare cheesecake with dried apricots. The combination of such wonderful products as dried apricots and cottage cheese makes this product ideal for a children's breakfast or an afternoon snack for the whole family. It is perfect for tea drinking.

This recipe can be adapted for baking in a regular oven. In this case, just take a deep frying pan or baking dish.

Another tip: to prevent the baked goods from falling, it is better to cut them, do not remove them from the mold immediately after cooking. It won't be any worse if it's cold, or even better. Many people leave the royal cheesecake, prepared with cocoa and cottage cheese, in the refrigerator.

Prepare the following products for the cocoa dough:

  • 220 g sour cream;
  • 140 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder.

For the cottage cheese filling you will need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of chopped dried apricots;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • 30 g potato starch;
  • a little vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Now step by step on how to bake cheesecake with cocoa and cottage cheese in a slow cooker:

  1. We collect all the components for the curd filling in one deep bowl - cottage cheese (it is important that it is not paste-like, otherwise the filling will float), sugar, vanillin, eggs and starch. Mix everything and beat with a blender until completely homogeneous.
  2. Add chopped dried apricots to the curd mixture. For those who prefer other dried fruits, we can recommend using raisins instead of dried apricots. Candied fruits are perfect. As a result, the mass should be of medium density, resembling sour cream in appearance and consistency.
  3. For the dough, take a second bowl and beat the eggs and sugar in it. Stir, start beating the mixture at high speed until it becomes airy and lightly whitish. Add sour cream to this mixture and mix too, but gently.
  4. All that remains is to add butter to the dough, which must first be melted and then cooled. A little oil (10 grams) should be left to lubricate the mold.
  5. Separately mix the dry ingredients for the dough - flour and cocoa with baking powder. Sow everything together again and then add it to the liquid mass.
  6. Gently stir with a spatula until the adze becomes even, smooth, and pleasant.
  7. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place the dough into it.
  8. Carefully pour the curd mixture on top. Nothing that will come out a little unevenly, that’s also the beauty of cheesecake. A thinner curd dough will cover the base as desired.
  9. The oven must be baked in baking mode for 1.5 hours. However, each multicooker has instructions on how to bake dough products, so follow them as a guide.
  10. The finished product should cool, then remove it from the bowl and let it cool. Everything is ready - juicy filling, rich taste and color of the pie, the aroma is simply extraordinary!

Chocolate cheesecake with shortbread cottage cheese

Another option is chocolate cheesecake with cocoa - with a shortcrust pastry base. This pie will certainly be appreciated by lovers of crumbly dough, which crunches slightly on the teeth, crumbles gently and is accompanied by the unique aroma and taste of a delicate curd filling. An excellent recipe for baked goods that can be prepared both for everyday tea and for a holiday table.

By the way, it is important for lovers of slimness that there is very little flour in this pie - 150 g, which means that the calorie content will be less than in other types of baked goods.

And now about what other components will be included in this dessert:

  • half a stick of butter (you can use margarine);
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;
  • a little vanilla and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder.

We will make the filling from good cottage cheese from the market. It will require 250 g. Next we take the following products:

  • 15 g starch;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • a little vanilla.

It is easy to prepare, especially for those who know how to work with shortcrust pastry. After all, chocolate cheesecake with cottage cheese is a slightly more complicated version of everyone’s favorite bulk pie.

So, a step-by-step list of work:

  1. Immediately put the butter in the freezer - it should be well frozen so that it can be easily grated.
  2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, mix all the dry dough ingredients. This is flour, sifted in advance, cocoa, salt and so on. Mix well and even sift again so that there are no lumps and everything is evenly distributed throughout the bulk mixture.
  3. Rub the butter into the dry mass very quickly - if the butter is soft, it is instantly absorbed into the flour and does not give the crumbly effect that is required in this case. Immediately rub the butter with your hands and then put it in the refrigerator. The result should be crumbs - you can make them smaller, or you can make them larger, then the grains will be more noticeable in the pie.
  4. Beat the eggs into another bowl, add sugar, starch and vanilla. Mix everything well, add cottage cheese. You can beat the mass with a whisk, or you can use an immersion blender, as you are used to. The curd mass will turn out runny, that’s okay, that’s how it should be.
  5. Set the oven to heat 180 degrees.
  6. Take a mold (preferably springform) with a diameter of 20 cm, line the bottom and sides with parchment paper, which does not need to be greased! Pour about two-thirds of the crumbs into the bottom of the mold, press down a little, just a little. Next, pour the curd mass and carefully pour the second part of the crumbs over the entire surface.
  7. Place the pan with the pie in the oven and set aside 1 hour - this is how long this pie is baked at 180 degrees.
  8. It is recommended to cool the finished baked goods without removing their form. After this, remove, cut into portions and serve to guests or family. The chocolate cheesecake is ready.


The list of ingredients for chocolate cheesecake with cottage cheese includes:

  • Cottage cheese or curd mass – 500 grams
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces
  • Butter - 30 grams
  • Flour – 150 grams
  • Semolina – 50 grams
  • Cocoa powder -5 tablespoons
  • Sour cream – 200 grams
  • Vanilla sugar – 3 teaspoons
  • Soda - half a teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste, a pinch

Preparing ingredients for cheesecake with curd filling

IMPORTANT! Before starting work, check the expiration dates of the products. The taste of the dish depends on the quality of the ingredients.

Cheesecake with sour cream in the oven

Royal sour cream cheesecake with cocoa is very tasty. Its peculiarity is that the dough is tender and soft due to the use of butter and sour cream, and the filling, made from cottage cheese with the addition of semolina, is also very delicate and pleasant to the taste. We suggest baking this cheesecake in the oven.

We will need:

  • 160 g flour;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. spoon of cocoa powder;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda.

The filling is prepared from 500 g of cottage cheese, two spoons of semolina, 3 eggs, 100 g of sugar and a pinch of vanillin.


  1. In a large bowl, mix sugar with salt, eggs, beat everything. Add softened butter and sour cream to the mixture. Stir and add flour and cocoa. Don't be afraid that the dough will be like sour cream, this is normal.
  2. For the curd mass, combine cottage cheese with sugar, eggs and semolina. For uniformity, you can stir with a blender. The mass should be fluffy and homogeneous.
  3. Heat the oven by setting the temperature to 180 degrees.
  4. Line the bottom and sides of the mold with parchment paper, grease with oil and pour in the dough. Smooth it out and place the curd filling on top. Level it too.
  5. Bake, checking for doneness with a dry stick. Remove the baked product from the oven, let the cake cool, and then decorate as desired. For example, fresh fruit or melted chocolate. There are many examples online with photos of how beautifully you can decorate a cottage cheese pie.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015 15:24 + in the Ipola

all posts by the author

Ingredients: cottage cheese - 500 g chicken eggs (in dough + filling) - 2 pcs. + 3 pcs. sugar (in the dough + in the filling) - 150 g + 100 g sour cream - 200 g flour - 160 g cocoa - 4 tsp. 50 g butter 1/2 tsp. soda pinch salt 30 g semolina 1 tsp. vanilla sugar Preparation: 1. Chocolate cheesecake prepared according to this recipe looks quite unusual and beautiful, and tastes simply amazing. Prepare the dough. To do this, beat 2 eggs into a bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix. 2. Add sour cream and softened butter. Mix. 3. Add sifted flour, soda and cocoa. Stir, the dough will be like thick sour cream. Next, prepare the filling. To do this, mash the cottage cheese with a fork and add 3 eggs. Mix. 4. Next add sugar, vanilla sugar and semolina, mix. Then beat the filling with an immersion blender until smooth. 5. Cover the baking dish with foil or baking paper and lay out the chocolate dough first. Then carefully place the curd mass in the center of the cheesecake. 6. Place the form in a cold oven. Turn on 180 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. The dough will be slightly springy. Remove the cheesecake from the oven and pan and leave to cool on a wire rack. The cheesecake is ready. 7. Decorate as desired. 8. This is what a chocolate cheesecake looks like in cross-section. Bon appetit!

Cook it! - delicious recipes

  • Cheesecakes with cottage cheese
  • Cheesecake about tofu
  • Cheesecake with jam and apples
  • Cheesecakes with millet
  • Cheesecakes with sweet curd filling
  • Cheesecakes with cottage cheese and herbs
  • Cheesecakes in Tatar style
  • Cheesecake with jam
  • Hungarian cheesecakes
  • St. Petersburg rye cheesecake with dried apricots or cottage cheese
  • Cheesecakes made from potato dough with pate
  • Potato cheesecakes with cottage cheese
  • Early ripening cheesecakes with cottage cheese
  • Apple cheesecakes
  • Potato cheesecakes with mushrooms
  • Cheesecakes with fruits
  • Cheesecakes with potatoes and onions
  • Cheesecakes with carrots
  • Cheesecakes with mashed potatoes (I)
  • Cheesecakes with mashed potatoes (II)
  • Bran cheesecakes
  • Cheesecakes with pear
  • Latvian cheesecakes (Burkana placenis)
  • Cheesecake with ginger and pear
  • Potato cheesecakes with vegetables
  • Rye cheesecakes


Photo recipes
  • Cheesecakes with blueberries
  • Steamed skewers with vanilla sauce
  • Cheesecakes with apples
  • Cheesecakes with lingonberries
  • Cheesecakes with plums
  • Large German cheesecake
  • Cheesecakes from dryers
  • Cheesecakes with pudding
  • Tsar's cheesecakes
  • Yorkshire cheesecakes
  • Cheesecakes
  • Cheesecakes with poppy seeds
  • Cheesecakes with apple and pumpkin filling
  • Layered curd-apple cheesecakes
  • Cheesecakes made from choux pastry with pineapple
  • Cheesecakes with prunes
  • Cheesecakes with pineapples
  • Cheesecakes with smoked cheese and garlic
  • Hungarian cheesecake with chocolate filling
  • Fried cheesecakes with meat
  • Cheesecakes with sour cream filling
  • Cheesecakes with potatoes and mushrooms
  • Chocolate cheesecakes
  • Cheesecakes with pudding and apricots
  • Cheesecakes with cranberries
  • Royal cheesecake with cocoa
Categories:pies/short pastry, sponge cake


Chocolate cheesecake

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Tall cheesecake with cocoa and cottage cheese

Another recipe for chocolate cheesecake with curd filling. The good thing about it is that the cake turns out quite tall, beautiful, and there is no time or physical investment in it. You can bake it for a holiday or in the evening to pamper your family with delicious pastries for tea. Moreover, the ingredients are simple and can be found in the refrigerator very often. So, let’s prepare another cheesecake that even the lazy person can prepare.

We use sour cream again, but in a different proportion:

  • 220 g sour cream;
  • a little more than a quarter of the butter;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 140 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a little baking powder for the dough (1 tsp will be enough).

For the curd filling we take the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g (it is better not to take store-bought, similar to curd mass. The best option is crumbly cottage cheese, with medium fat content);
  • 3 large eggs;
  • three quarters of a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar or a pinch of pure vanilla;
  • a couple of tablespoons of starch.

There is no need to rush when preparing this pie. The airiness of the cake, its porosity, and lightness depend on the quality of the whipped dough base. The quality of whipping the curd mass determines the smoothness of the filling in the finished product. So don’t rush, especially since it doesn’t take much time to prepare this miracle of culinary thought.

So, let's start preparing cheesecake with cottage cheese step by step:

  1. Beat the eggs for the dough into a blender bowl. Add sugar and start beating at medium speed. The goal is for the mass to become whitish, greatly increasing in volume.
  2. Meanwhile, sift flour, cocoa powder into another bowl, add baking powder.
  3. Add the sour cream to the blender bowl where the egg mixture is already stored.
  4. Mix well and add the slightly melted butter last.
  5. Combine the dry and egg mixture and mix until everything is homogeneous.
  6. All that remains is to put the dough in a baking dish and pour the filling on top. And there is nothing regulating how to do this. Combining the white curd mass with chocolate dough will result in a very interesting pie pattern, so you can pour out all the dough at once and cover it with curd, or you can distribute the curd in the center, leaving the edges of the product brown.
  7. The workpiece is sent to the oven, which is not heated in advance, but is turned on along with the pie. The pie bakes for about 50 minutes or a little more, but there is one condition: the oven door cannot be opened until the end of baking.
  8. The finished pie must be removed from the oven, carefully turned over and removed from the pan. Remove the parchment from the bottom and sides, cool slightly and serve. It is delicious to eat either warm or cooled.

By the way, there is a good video on the Internet about how to prepare this particular cheesecake.

How to make “Royal cheesecake with cocoa”

Prepare the ingredients to make the royal cheesecake.

Place flour and baking powder into a bowl.

Add sifted cocoa powder there.

Add a pinch of salt. Grate the solid butter directly into the bowl with flour and cocoa.

Mix flour, cocoa, butter well and add sugar.

You should get a mass with the consistency of crumbs. It’s convenient to do this with a mixer, but the bowl should be deep enough so that the crumbs don’t fly around the kitchen. You can also use a spoon.

Prepare the cheesecake filling. Place cottage cheese in a bowl.

Add the egg.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar.

Beat the curd mixture with a blender until it has a homogeneous, creamy consistency, similar to a soufflé.

Place half the crumbs in a baking dish lined with baking paper.

Then add the curd filling.

Spread the second part of the crumbs on the filling.

Bake the royal cheesecake in the oven, preheated to 175-180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Cool the finished royal cheesecake a little and remove from the mold. Then cut and serve.

Another chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker

You can bake something similar in a slow cooker. To make the pie perfect and very tasty, we advise you to take the best products - 1 best quality cottage cheese, the freshest butter, good premium flour, fresh cocoa powder.

And now in grams and liters:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of plums butter (measure when melted) and the same amount of cocoa powder;
  • 2 selected chicken eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar (for those with a sweet tooth, you can slightly increase the amount);
  • a couple of tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a glass to the brim of sour cream and the same amount of sifted flour;
  • half a spoon of soda.

The curd component of our pie is prepared from the following products:

  • 1 spoon of starch;
  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • sugar - a glass or a little more;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vanillin.

You can replace starch with the same amount of semolina.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. In a mixing bowl or just in a cup, beat the eggs and sugar that were prepared for the filling until white. Add vanillin and a spoonful of starch there. Then add cottage cheese. Mix everything well and set aside.

Advice! If the cottage cheese is harsh or the grains are very large, which happens with homemade cottage cheese, it is recommended to grind the product through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve. Then the mass will become more homogeneous, and the pie filling will be more tender. The filling is ready.

  1. Make the dough in another container. In a separate cup, combine all the ingredients for the base one by one: first eggs, sugar, cocoa, then add melted butter and sour cream, and at the last moment add flour and soda. Mix everything very carefully, avoiding lumps. The adze should be very pleasing to the eye - brownish-chocolate, viscous, smooth and shiny.
  2. You need to spend a little oil to lubricate the multicooker bowl. It must be smeared generously so that the dough does not burn. Now first pour out the brown mass, and then, trying to get it in the center of the future pie, spread the curd mixture. As it is distributed, this will be the pattern on the cake.
  3. The cheesecake is baked like regular baked goods of this kind, in the “Cupcake” mode, and for those who don’t have this, then just bake. You need to bake the oven for about 45 minutes, then turn off the heat, do not open it, so that the cheesecake is cooked completely.
  4. Remove the bowl, carefully remove the cake, turn it over, then serve. It will be covered with dough on top, and there will be a magnificent filling inside.


  • Egg - 3 pieces (1 piece - in the dough, 2 pieces - in the filling)
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (for filling, +2 tbsp for dough)
  • Starch - 2.5 tbsp. spoons (for filling)
  • Vanillin - To taste
  • Sour cream - 0.5 cups (in dough)
  • Wheat flour - 1 Cup (for dough)
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons (in dough)
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons (in dough)
  • Baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons (in dough)
  • Cottage cheese 9% – 360 grams

Number of servings: 5-6

Royal cheesecake in a new way

A very interesting option can be made using the classic combination of curd filling with shortcrust pastry. The essence of the recipe is that this pie has several layers of dough, which are interspersed with delicious layers of delicate cottage cheese.

Try it, it's interesting and unusual!

For the dough recipe we need:

  • 100 g each of sugar and butter;
  • 250 g flour5i;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

To make the curd part, take 0.6 kg of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 200 g of sugar and a little vanillin.

This recipe also contains filling; we will make it from half a can of condensed milk, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of milk or cream.

Plus for decoration we take 50 g of chocolate.

And now we begin to create, because this is the only way to describe the preparation of this amazing dessert, similar, perhaps, to a good shortbread cake.

So, this is done this way:

  1. Mix the bulk ingredients for the dough, add solid grated butter, grind until fine crumbs form. Set aside for a while. Prepare the curd mass - to do this, combine the eggs with sugar and other ingredients, mix.
  2. We take out a baking dish - ideally a springform pan, but you can use a regular heat-resistant one. A mold measuring 18 by 18 cm fits well.
  3. Grease the mold generously with butter.
  4. Carefully pour out a quarter of the sand mixture, trying to distribute it evenly over the entire area. Pour the third part of the curd mass into the second layer - distribute it by eye, but make sure there is enough for three layers.
  5. Then pour out a layer of dough again and fill it with cottage cheese. The result should be four layers of dough base and three layers of curd mixture.
  6. Level the top layer of shortcrust pastry and place it in the oven. The pie is baked at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes until cooked and slightly browned on top.
  7. While it is baking, we make a delicious filling. To do this, mix condensed milk and sour cream in a container, add milk or cream to make it more liquid. Mix well.
  8. Is the pie ready? We take it out of the oven immediately, without allowing it to cool, pour the sweet creamy filling over its entire surface.
  9. Melt a piece of chocolate in a water bath and apply a random pattern over the surface of the pouring. All! All you have to do is wait for the cheesecake to cool down so that it can be conveniently removed from the mold. Cut the finished pie into portions and enjoy.

It's unforgettable! And most importantly, this is the most unusual of all recipes, according to which the traditional royal cheesecake with cottage cheese is prepared. Be sure to try it!

Chocolate royal cheesecake

In this version it has another name: “peat pie”. However, this unusual name for baking does not in any way diminish its taste. Chocolate cheesecake has one drawback - you have to wait for it to cool completely. And this is not easy with such taste and aroma.

What we need:

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% and above – 500g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sugar – 300g;
  • sour cream – 100g;
  • butter – 200g;
  • flour – 400g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
  • cocoa – 3 tbsp;
  • starch - 2 tbsp.

How to make a chocolate king cheesecake

  1. For baking, we need a mold, preferably a detachable one, 21-22cm in size and 7cm in height.
  2. Cut butter at room temperature into pieces and place in a bowl. Pour in 100g sugar and cocoa.

  3. Mix with a spoon.

  4. Add flour and baking powder.

  5. Mix and get chocolate chips.

  6. We will beat the curd filling for the cheesecake with a mixer or blender. To do this, put 200 g of cottage cheese in a bowl. sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs. Mix.

  7. Add starch and bring until smooth.

  8. You can line the pan with paper to make the cake easier to take out. Pour 2/3 of the crumbs into the bottom.

  9. Pour in the cottage cheese filling.

  10. Sprinkle the remaining crumbs on top.

  11. Place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 40-45 minutes.

  12. We take it out, first cool it for a couple of hours at room temperature, and then the same amount in the refrigerator. It is strictly forbidden to cut immediately! The cheesecake will simply spread out.

Once cooled, the filling will set and the pie can be cut into portions well. And its appearance and taste are worthy of a royal table!

Author: Dvornikova Anastasia

Chocolate cheesecake like pudding

Another recipe for our royal pastries, which is suitable for both the microwave and the oven. If you cook in the microwave, even the most inexperienced housewife, even the most inexperienced beginner, will get the dish. True, the taste of such a pie will rather resemble steamed pudding. But who said that this is bad? It's even interesting and unusual! By the way, anyone will like this dessert, including those who categorically cannot accept the taste of cottage cheese.

So, to cook this recipe in the microwave, you will need the following ingredients for the filling: half a glass of granulated sugar, a little melted butter, 2-3 eggs (take according to size), half a kilo of homemade or store-bought fresh cottage cheese, half a glass of corn starch. And a little less potato.

We will make the dough from the following products: half a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, a glass of flour and the same amount of sour cream, a little soda, literally a pinch, a couple of spoons of melted butter and a couple or a little more spoons of cocoa powder.

Now about the preparation:

  1. Beat all the components for the curd mixture and obtain a homogeneous light and fairly liquid mass.
  2. We also combine all the dry parts of the dough in a separate bowl. Separately, beat sugar and eggs, add soda and sour cream. Stir and combine with dry mixture.
  3. Now all that remains is to thoroughly oil the walls and the bottom of the baking dish and pour out the dough first, and then immediately pour the cottage cheese into the center of the dough. Do not mix the dough with the filling under any circumstances. Don't touch them at all! The result will be such an uneven picture, mainly the filling will be distributed in the center, displacing the dough to the sides of the mold. As a result, you will get an interesting-looking pie of two colors.
  4. Then everything is very simple - bake in the baking mode, the whole process will take an hour and a quarter, after which the program will end. You can determine whether the pie is ready or not with a skewer or match.
  5. Under the lid, the pie should stand in the microwave for another quarter of an hour, after which it can be taken out, and it is more convenient to do this using a bowl for steaming dishes.

Chocolate cheesecake with cocoa and apricots

We offer you another recipe for making the famous royal cheesecake. Only in this version, in addition to the traditional chocolate dough and curd filling, there will be one more ingredient - excellent juicy apricots.

This option is especially good for summer, when apricot season comes and you can choose the sweetest, most beautiful fruits. And the chocolate cheesecake is simply a sight to behold: it combines the whitest freshness of cottage cheese, the brown restraint of the biscuit framing the filling, and in the midst of this splendor and culinary chic - the bright orange suns of apricots. For greater beauty and pleasure, it is recommended to serve this pie with a summer touch - a sprig of mint, which you can simply place next to it. An incredibly beautiful, and most importantly, very tasty and healthy combination. Try it yourself and treat your kids to cheesecake - even the biggest cottage cheese aficionados will probably ask for more.

So, this chocolate cheesecake, more like a summer souffle-type pie, is prepared according to all the rules of the classic royal cheesecake.

Advice! You can change the ingredients in the composition. For example, sour cream can be completely replaced by low-fat classic yogurt, only unsweetened. Instead of soft cottage cheese, cottage cheese is even better.

The baking pan should be 24cm in diameter, this is the best size to bake the cake at the correct height.

So, let's prepare the following:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 110 g sifted flour;
  • one and a half spoons of baking powder;
  • 2 spoons with cocoa top;
  • 3 tablespoons of clarified vegetable oil;
  • a little vanilla for flavor.

The filling will include 0.6 kg of cottage cheese, half a glass or a little more granulated sugar, a couple of spoons of corn starch (potato starch can be used, it will take a little less), a drop of vanillin, a couple of eggs, a little grated lemon zest (you can do without it, this is added according to taste and desire). And finally, 6 pieces of beautiful, sweet and large apricots.

Now about preparing this type of cheesecake.

  1. We collect cottage cheese and other filling ingredients in one large cup. First, knead to make the curd homogeneous, and then beat the mass until a soft, uniform mass. It will turn out a little liquid.
  2. The second stage is the dough, it is made in the same way as the usual base for cheesecake. There is only one nuance: in addition to the usual ingredients, vegetable oil is also used. In all other respects, the dough is made exactly as in the usual recipe. Mix everything dry, mix the liquid parts of the dough, combine everything together and smooth out the texture with an immersion blender or just a whisk. The dough is ready.
  3. In a baking dish greased with vegetable or butter, pour the dough base one by one, then immediately the curd filling. The heavy curd part will settle, displacing the chocolate part, and therefore in the finished pie we will see dough sides, a little dough base at the bottom, and a white field of curd mass will flaunt in the center. It will need to be decorated.
  4. To decorate, take apricots, wash them clean and dry them. Then we cut it into halves, removing the seeds, and place it on top of the curd mass.
  5. We put our cheesecake in the oven for baking. The temperature should be 180 degrees, baking time - 40-45 minutes. This pie is best cooked on a medium rack in the oven.

Attention! This pie has a liquid filling, so it can bake in different ovens at different times. So, if you suddenly notice that the dough is ready, but the middle of the cottage cheese is runny, you should not increase the heat to 220 degrees. This will probably not cook the middle, but will cause the bottom to burn. It's better to lower the degree to 150. Just let the cake sit for about another half hour. Surely after this the cheesecake will be completely baked.

All that remains is to remove the pan from the oven and wait for the cake to cool completely or at least become a little colder. Because it’s difficult to cut it when it’s hot, but when it’s cold it’s absolutely no worse. By the way, before removing the cake from the pan, do not forget to run a knife around the circumference along the walls. Otherwise, removing the product will be problematic.

All that remains is to cut the cheesecake and serve. Surely your guests will be surprised to see the unique and fascinating combination of brown-chocolate dough, excellent whitish curd filling and bright orange apricots when cut into this pie. Very beautiful! And it’s also very filling, juicy and tasty! Try it yourself!

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