How to cook bean soup with meat according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

10 servings

20 minutes.

64 kcal

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  • Some tips
      What to serve with bean soup with meat
  • First courses are an important part of the daily menu. But we often neglect them because we don’t have enough time to prepare a tasty and nutritious soup. This cannot continue, we need to be more responsible and still find time to feed our family properly. I’ll tell you about my favorite dish – bean soup with meat. If you have a pressure cooker, then you can really cook it in a couple of minutes, but even in a regular saucepan the soup turns out very tasty, and it’s okay that you need to wait a little longer.

    How to make bean soup

    You can make bean soup from red and white dry beans, from a canned product or from green beans. If dry beans are used, they must be prepared first.

    This can be done in two ways:

    • Long soaking. The washed beans are poured with cold water and left for 8-10 hours; it is convenient to soak the beans overnight.
    • Short soak. The beans are poured with water, put on fire, brought to a boil and turn off the heat. Let stand for one hour. The disadvantage of this method is that the shell of the beans often bursts during this processing, which does not have the best effect on the appearance of the dish.

    If you do not use soaking, the beans will have to be cooked for a very long time - at least 4 hours. During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the liquid does not boil away and the beans do not stick to the bottom of the pan.

    Advice! To make the beans cook faster, it is recommended to add a spoonful of cold water to the pan every few minutes.

    You need to salt the beans when they have already become soft, about 10 minutes before they are ready. White beans can be cooked in the same container with the meat, but it is better to cook the red variety separately, otherwise the soup will turn brown.

    If you use canned beans, then there is a minimum of hassle with them. Drain through a colander and rinse with cold water. Add beans to the almost finished soup. Green beans also cook quickly; they are dipped into the soup along with the potatoes.

    Interesting facts: beans as a food product have been used by people since time immemorial. Scientists have found mention of the product in ancient Chinese chronicles, which are at least five thousand years old.

    Option 5: Red bean soup with pork belly

    This is another option to quickly cook a delicious soup.
    It is based on canned beans and boiled-smoked pork belly. Ingredients :

    • can of canned red beans;
    • approximately 150 gr. boiled-smoked brisket;
    • small tomato (about 60 gr.);
    • a third of a medium onion;
    • the same amount of carrots;
    • a spoon of sunflower oil;
    • 400 gr. potatoes;
    • salt, bouillon cube.

    How to cook

    Step 1:

    Get ready. Peel and rinse the vegetables. Cut the onions and carrots into thin strips. Grind the tomato into puree. And chop the potatoes into cubes.

    Step 2:

    Trim the skin off the pork belly and cut into pieces.

    Step 3:

    Boil water in a saucepan. Add brisket and potatoes to it. When it boils again, remove the foam.

    Step 4:

    Lightly fry the onions and carrots in oil. Add to soup along with tomato puree. Cook until almost done.

    Step 5:

    Transfer the beans from the can to the soup. Season with salt and bouillon cube. Stir. After a couple of minutes, the food is ready!

    To cook red bean soup, you can take not only a piece of meat, but any cooked smoked meat. For example, pieces of sausage, sausages, carbonate or something else to taste.

    Bon appetit!

    Classic white bean soup recipe

    Here is a classic recipe for delicious white bean soup.

    • 500 gr. white beans (dry);
    • 2 carrots;
    • 1 onion;
    • 5 tomatoes;
    • 1 chili pepper;
    • 70 gr. tomato paste;
    • 1 teaspoon dry oregano;
    • 1 bay leaf;
    • 20 gr. vegetable oil;
    • herbs and salt to taste.

    Soak the beans for at least four, or preferably eight, hours in cold water. Then drain the water, rinse the beans well, add clean water and cook for about half an hour at a high boil, then reduce the heat and continue cooking at a very low boil for another 1-1.5 hours. When the beans become soft, add salt to the pan.

    Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skins from them. Cut into quarters and remove seeds, then cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into halves or quarters depending on the size. Chop the chili pepper very finely. We chop greens, it is advisable to use several types, for example, green onions, parsley and dill.

    Fry the onion in vegetable oil, then add carrots and tomatoes and simmer everything together for about 15 minutes. Then pour in the tomato paste and add oregano, stir and keep on the fire for a couple more minutes.

    Transfer the contents of the pan to the already prepared beans and cook for another 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf and pepper. Serve by sprinkling the soup poured into bowls with fresh herbs.

    How to make White Bean Soup with Pork

    1. So, the beans should be soaked for one hour, then boil them in water with bay leaf and black peppercorns. White beans (especially borscht beans) cook quite quickly (in half an hour), so it is better to use them for soup, unlike red ones.

    2. While our beans are cooking, fry the pork belly until golden brown. It is this meat that will give the soup a beautiful color.

    3. Chop onions, carrots, bell peppers, garlic and place in a frying pan. To make the soup reflect bright colors, use colored peppers, it will be both tasty and beautiful. For example, if you are making red bean soup, add yellow pepper, and if you are making white bean soup, add red bell pepper.

    4. Vegetables should only be simmered, but not fried until cooked.

    5. Send the pork into our broth when the beans are soft and cook for 10 minutes. After that, we send the steamed vegetables there. In order not to check each bean for readiness, just pay attention to it during the cooking period: as soon as the skin on it begins to crack, it means it is ready.

    6. Cook the soup for about 10 minutes, stirring it occasionally.

    7. The soup should be served hot. You can add ground black pepper and herbs to taste.

    Meat soup with canned beans

    Bean soup with meat is hearty and very tasty. Let's cook it

    with canned beans. You can use both white and red beans cooked in their own juice.

    • 300 gr. boneless veal;
    • 400 gr. (1 can) canned beans;
    • 2 onions;
    • 60 gr. tomato paste;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 teaspoons French (sweet) mustard;
    • 2-4 potatoes (depending on size);
    • salt and spices to taste.

    Cut the onion into small cubes and finely chop the garlic. Cut the veal into small pieces. First fry the onion and garlic in a frying pan, and when the vegetables are slightly fried, add the meat and quickly fry. Add mustard and a little water, reduce the heat and simmer for about half an hour under the lid. Then add tomato paste, stir, continue to simmer for another five minutes.

    Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Place potatoes in boiling water, add salt, and bring to readiness. Then lay out the washed beans and the prepared frying. Cook for another five minutes, adjust to taste, adding spices. Serve with fresh herbs and bread.

    Some tips

    • Small beans have more nutrients, but large beans have more pulp and are better cooked. Choose based on your taste preferences.
    • The color of the beans does not matter to the taste. Make red bean soup, it turns out a very beautiful color.
    • When cooking, don't be afraid to experiment. You can deviate a little from the classic bean soup recipe and add your own twist to the dish.
    • It's very easy to make soup from canned beans. But if you want to cook raw beans, it is better to soak them in warm water for several hours or overnight. This will cause them to increase significantly in size and the cooking time will be reduced.
    • If you don't have a pressure cooker and are planning to cook the soup in a regular saucepan, then you need to cook the meat first. Make sure the broth is clean. When the meat is half cooked, add the beans. After the beans and meat are cooked, you can add potatoes, then fry. If you use fresh beans, be sure to add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato.
    • To avoid excess steam in the kitchen, cook bean soup in a slow cooker. With the help of this miracle helper you will get a wonderful dish without any hassle.

    What to serve with bean soup with meat

    Offer fresh black bread and finely chopped onion or garlic to a plate of hot soup. Their spiciness will highlight the taste of the dish. I also suggest not adding hot pepper to the pan, but offering it separately, and then you don’t have to worry that the whole dish will turn out too spicy. You can also serve the soup with croutons. They are easy to make from day-old bread in just a couple of minutes. Or dry pieces of unleavened pita bread in a frying pan with a drop of oil; they are also perfect for a hot dish. Choose your favorite additives and enjoy the rich taste of the soup in pleasant company.

    Let me know in the comments if you liked the recipe. How often do you cook soups? What are your favorites? What do you serve them with? Share your experience, it will be interesting to learn something new.

    Bean soup with chicken

    Bean soup is no less tasty if you cook it with chicken.

    • 2 legs or half a chicken;
    • 0.5 cups beans;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 3 bay leaves;
    • 2 cloves;
    • 4 potatoes;
    • herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

    Wash the beans, fill with cold water and leave to stand for 8 hours. You can leave it overnight. We rinse again, pour fresh water, and boil the beans until tender.

    Pour 2.8 liters of water into a saucepan, add the washed chicken and bring to a boil. Remove the foam that floats to the surface. Add to the broth a whole onion, carrots cut into thick circles, laurel leaves and cloves. Cook over low heat until the chicken is cooked through. Strain the broth, discard the vegetables and seasonings, remove the meat from the bones and place in the broth.

    Clean the remaining vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add to the broth and add salt. We send the cooked beans (without boiling) there. In a frying pan, fry the chopped onion and grated carrot. Saute until half cooked, then transfer to a saucepan with soup. Cook for another 20 minutes at a very low boil. Add spices and chopped herbs, turn off the heat.

    How to cook bean soup with meat

    1. Soak 60g beans in cold water overnight.

    2. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put 150 g of meat there. After the water boils, skim off any foam that has formed.

    3. Add randomly chopped 0.5 onions and 0.5 carrots. Also add 1 bay leaf. Boil until the meat is done.

    4. 20 minutes before the meat is ready, add 60 g of beans and 1 pickled cucumber, cut into pieces, into the broth.

    5. When the beans are cooked, add 1-2 pieces to the soup. chopped potatoes.

    6. Now prepare the frying. To do this, take 0.5 onions and 0.5 carrots and cut them into small pieces. Cut 2 tomatoes and 0.5 bell peppers a little larger.

    7. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, add onions, carrots and bell peppers. Fry for a few minutes.

    8. When the vegetables become soft, add the tomatoes. Now simmer covered until done.

    9. When the potatoes are ready, add the frying, salt and cook the soup for about 10 minutes.

    Did you know? If the roast contains tomatoes, it should be added only at the end of cooking. Tomatoes have such a property that all foods cook with them much longer.

    Green bean soup

    Green bean soup turns out beautiful and tasty. For cooking, you can use freshly frozen beans, the taste will be no worse than using fresh ones.

    • 300 gr. boneless meat (veal or beef);
    • 2 liters of water;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 tomato; 1 onion;
    • 3 potatoes;
    • 1 bell pepper, preferably orange or yellow;
    • 150 gr. green beans
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
    • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped dill;
    • salt and pepper to taste.

    Cut the meat into small pieces (like goulash), place in a pan with water and cook, collecting the foam, for about 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt.

    Peel and chop the vegetables. Cut the onion into quarter rings, carrots and bell peppers into thin strips, tomato (without skin) into cubes.

    Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it, then add the carrots and peppers, simmer everything together for about five minutes, then add the tomato. Reduce heat and simmer vegetables for about 10 minutes.

    Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the prepared broth with meat, cook for about 10 minutes. Then add green beans, cut into pieces 1.5 cm long. Cook for another five minutes.

    Now add the roasted vegetables to the soup, add salt and spices if needed, and cook everything together for another ten minutes. Add finely chopped garlic and herbs to the finished soup, stir and immediately turn off the heat.

    Creamy bean soup

    Bean puree soup cooked with cream turns out tasty and tender. It is recommended to use white beans.

    • 500 gr. white beans;
    • 0.5 celery root;
    • 1.5 liters of chicken broth or just water;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1.5 cups heavy cream;
    • 1 onion;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 150 gr. butter;
    • 3 slices of white bread.

    Soak the beans overnight. In the morning, rinse, add chicken broth or water and put on fire. Cook for an hour. Then place the carrots, celery root and onion in the same pan and cook everything together until tender. We take out the vegetables, and grind the beans (without broth) with a blender, and then rub them through a sieve, since the blender cannot cope with the shells of the bean grains.

    Place the bean puree into a saucepan, put it on the fire, warm it up, season with butter (half the norm), cut into small cubes. Stir until the oil dissolves. Beat eggs with cream. Pour this mixture into the hot soup, but removed from the heat, stirring vigorously. We prepare croutons from white bread by frying them in the remaining butter.

    Vegetable soup with canned beans

    A light vegetable soup will become more satisfying if you cook it with beans. Let's make soup with cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers.

    • 300 gr. white cabbage;
    • 1 can (400 g) red beans;
    • 2 medium potatoes;
    • 2 small bell peppers, preferably red;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
    • 20 ml vegetable oil;
    • salt, black pepper, herbs - to taste.

    We clean all the vegetables and wash them. Pour two liters of water into the pan, lower the whole potatoes into the water and set to cook. Add shredded cabbage to the boiling water and continue cooking until the vegetables are ready, adding a little salt.

    Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and alternately add finely chopped onions, grated carrots and bell peppers cut into small strips. Fry until done. Peel the tomatoes and grate them. Add tomato puree to the vegetables and simmer for five minutes.

    Remove the boiled potatoes from the pan and mash them with a masher or fork until smooth. Place the potatoes back into the pan. We also send the fried and washed canned beans there. Taste the soup, add salt and pepper if necessary, add finely chopped herbs.

    Meatball and bean soup

    Another version of bean soup is prepared with meatballs. You can make meatballs from any type of minced meat, even chicken.

    • 400 gr. minced meat;
    • 4-5 potatoes;
    • 3 liters of water;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 sweet pepper;
    • 150 gr. beans;
    • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
    • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped greens;
    • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

    Pre-soak the beans for several hours. Then rinse and fill with fresh water. Cook at low boil until done. When the beans become completely soft, add salt to the water and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Drain the broth and wash the beans.

    We put three liters of water to boil. We clean the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. We fry in a frying pan by frying finely chopped onion, grated carrot and finely chopped bell pepper in vegetable oil. Fry the vegetables until tender, stirring constantly.

    Place potatoes and cooked beans into boiling water, add salt and cook for 15 minutes. Salt and pepper the minced meat, and form small balls from it. Place the meatballs into the broth. We also send roasted vegetables there. Taste the soup, add salt and pepper if necessary. Cook at low boil for about 10 minutes. Then add the herbs and turn off the heat.

    Ingredients and preparation

    Preparation time: 120 – 180 minutes.

    Kitchen tools

    You will significantly speed up the time of preparing soup step by step if you prepare in advance all the necessary tools, utensils and utensils that will be needed in the process:

    • pan with non-stick coating with a volume of 3 liters or more;
    • a spacious frying pan with a diagonal of 23 cm;
    • deep bowls (several pieces) with a volume of 500 to 900 ml;
    • teaspoons;
    • large grater;
    • tablespoons;
    • kitchen oven mitt;
    • skimmer;
    • kitchen scales or other measuring utensils;
    • linen and cotton towels;
    • wooden spatula;
    • sharp knife;
    • cutting board.

    A blender and food processor will also come in handy, so have them ready.

    You will need

    The basis:

    Beans300 g
    Beef pulp270 g
    Onion1 PC.
    Carrot3 pcs.
    Potato6 pcs.
    bell pepper1 PC.
    Tomato2 pcs.

    Important! Canned beans will also work for this recipe – just don’t use the ones sold in tomato sauce.
    In addition, you can also take canned tomatoes, preferably barrel ones. Seasonings:

    • 8 g ground paprika;
    • 7 g curry powder;
    • 7 g ground black pepper;
    • 6 g table salt;
    • 3 bay leaves.

    Did you know? Feel free to add other seasonings you like to your soup, as in most cases any spices are interchangeable.
    However, I would advise you to still leave the black pepper, even if you do not tolerate spicy dishes - you will not feel any heat in the soup, but the aroma will be much better! Additionally

    • 30 ml sunflower oil;
    • 2 table. l. chopped fresh herbs.

    Tomato soup with beans

    Fragrant tomato soup with beans is an exquisite dish worthy of a restaurant menu.

    • 500 gr. Chicken;
    • 1 cup dry beans;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 small sweet pepper;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 can (400 gr.) tomatoes in their own juice;
    • spices and salt to taste.

    Soak the beans in cold water for several hours, then boil until tender. We wash the finished beans.

    Smoked sausage and white bean soup

    Bean soup with smoked meats is very tasty. It is hearty, a little spicy with a hint of smoked sausage.

    • 1 cup white beans;
    • 2 liters of water;
    • 150 gr. smoked sausages;
    • 150 gr. smoked brisket;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
    • 2 teaspoons dry ground paprika;
    • 1 teaspoon flour;
    • 2-3 tablespoons of oil;
    • salt and black pepper to taste.

    Soak the washed beans for 8 hours. In the morning, rinse, add two liters of water and cook at low boil until tender. When the beans become completely soft, add salt.

    While the beans are cooking, prepare the frying. Fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the diced smoked brisket and small pieces of smoked sausage. Sprinkle the roast with flour and stir. Then put the tomato sauce in the pan and simmer it all together for about five minutes.

    Transfer the finished frying to a pan where the beans have already been cooked. Stir the soup and season it with spices. Sprinkle the finished soup with herbs and serve hot.

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