Hard goat's milk cheese with Super Maya enzyme

What you need for cooking

Preparing a product from goat's milk is not a labor-intensive process, but requires adherence to the recipe. To make homemade goat milk cheese, you will need the following ingredients:

  • goat milk – 3 liters;
  • cottage cheese – 1 kg homemade or store-bought;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • vegetable oil – ½ cup.

Now let's look at the inventory. The following kitchen utensils will be used to make goat cheese at home:

  • pan for milk;
  • a saucepan for a water bath;
  • wooden spoon;
  • colander;
  • gauze;
  • Bowl;
  • plastic bottle with a cut off neck.

Homemade goat cheese - 5 delicious homemade recipes

Find impeccable, practically proven recipes for homemade goat cheese on the gastronomic resource of superbly delicious ideas 1000.menu. After studying the basic recipe, try to make soft, high-calorie or spicy cheese. Add various ingredients, herbs and spices. Find your original sophistication in taste!

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of goat cheese, given the unique, incomparable set of beneficial substances and microorganisms contained in it. And given its hypoallergenicity, absence of cholesterol and easy digestibility, it becomes an almost indispensable product for a large category of adults and children. To make basic simple cheese, you need a minimum set of ingredients: fresh goat milk and an acidic component that will allow this milk to curdle. As acid, you can use table or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, sour cream, cottage cheese and kefir.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

ProductCalories kcal per 100gProteins g per 100gFats g per 100gCarbohydrates g per 100g
Goat milk683.63.34.8
Lemon juice160.903
Sour cream2102.8203.2

Interesting recipe: 1. Pour goat's milk into a saucepan. 2. Add salt and heat to 87-90°. 3. Pour in lemon juice (vinegar) in a thin stream, stirring constantly. 4. As soon as the milk separates into fractions: whey and curd mass, remove the saucepan from the stove. 5. Line a colander or sieve with several layers of gauze. 6. Pour the contents into gauze and let drain for 20-30 minutes. 7. Take out the gauze with the curd mass as a “bag”. 8. Squeeze lightly. 9. Place the future cheese in a colander. 10. Place a small press on it (200-300 grams). 11. Leave in a cool place until completely cooled.

Five of the fastest homemade goat cheese recipes:

Name of the dishCooking timeCalories kcal per 100gUser rating
Homemade goat's milk cheese2 hours65+72
Homemade goat's milk cheese3 hours62+41
Goat's milk cheese with pepsin4 hours68+12
Goat's milk cheese with egg9 hours 40 minutes97+18
Goat cheese with pepsin15 d 12 h67+4

Helpful tips: • The whey left over from the cheese during the process can be used to make pancakes. • The taste of goat cheese can be varied by adding cumin, pieces of sweet pepper, dill, coriander and other fresh herbs. Or you can sprinkle the finished cheese with your favorite spices.

How to make goat milk cheese at home

There are many options for preparing a homemade product.

Option No. 1 – classic

Making goat cheese at home is not difficult, you just need to follow the recipe and perform the following steps step by step:

  1. First of all, you need to pour the main raw material into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Add cottage cheese to boiling milk and, stirring thoroughly, cook over high heat for another third of an hour.
  3. Afterwards, pour the curd and milk mixture into a colander and let the whey drain. As soon as the liquid has completely separated, pour the raw materials into a bowl.
  4. Add egg, salt, soda and vegetable oil to the curd-milk mixture. Knead the cheese mixture and place it together with the bowl in a water bath for about 10 minutes. We begin counting the time from the moment the water boils.
  5. The milk curd is boiled and almost ready. All that remains is to remove it from the water bath and transfer it to a plastic bottle. At this stage, it is extremely important to thoroughly compact the mass so that the finished product has a dense structure.
  6. Place the bottled cheese in the refrigerator and let it cool.

Advice! If you make cheese for future use, you can store it in a plastic bottle in the freezer. Before use, the milk product is placed in the refrigerator and after 1-1.5 hours it will be ready for consumption.

Option No. 2 – gentle

To make cheese with an incredibly delicate structure similar to Mascarpone, use the instructions described below.

What products you will need:

  • goat milk – 2 liters;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tablespoons;
  • high fat sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 6% – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. We heat the main raw materials to a temperature of 50°C.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese with a small amount of cold milk and add it to the main milk mass. Add sour cream there. And don’t forget to actively stir the contents of the pan.
  3. Simmer the milk mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. After about this time, a milk clot will begin to appear on the surface. If the flakes do not form, add vinegar - it will start the fermentation process.
  4. After the final formation of the milk clot, place it in a colander lined with gauze. We also cover the top of the mass with the same gauze, and place pressure on top.

After a couple of hours, the cheese will be ready to eat. But in our case, to get a delicate structure, it is enough to hold it under pressure for 30 minutes.

Important! The longer you keep the cheese under pressure, the denser its structure will be.

If you want to make a higher-fat dairy product, replace the cottage cheese with sour cream. It is also possible to add herbs, spices, herbs and even pieces of vegetables to the milk mass, resulting in a product that is unique in taste.

As you can see, making cheese from goat's milk is not difficult - you just need to follow the instructions described above. Be sure to try making delicious cheese from goat’s milk with your own hands; all your family and guests will love it.

Goat cheese - make it yourself at home

Author of the article: Galina Vasneva Owner of the Ileshevo Farm

Do you miss goat cheese? It has become difficult to buy it. Even if you find it in the store, there is no guarantee that it will be real natural goat cheese, without strange additives.

Let's make better homemade goat's milk cheese ourselves - in our kitchen. It's easy!

The whole process takes about 12 hours. The easiest way is to ferment and wrap the cheese in the evening and leave it overnight. By morning the cheese will be ready.

You will need 3 liters of live goat milk and cheese starter. And also a colander, a large saucepan, a plate and a piece of gauze.

In order for the cheese to turn out, it must be made only from live milk. Neither pasteurized nor, especially, sterilized milk is suitable for this purpose.

If you live in Moscow, you can buy goat milk from us with home delivery.

We will take 6 bottles of 0.5 liters of live milk. We store milk frozen, as this is the only way to preserve all the beneficial properties of fresh milk.

The first step is to defrost the bottles in warm water. To defrost the milk faster, we will defrost three bottles at a time.

Pour hot water from the tap and add it periodically as it cools so that there is always hot water in the bowl. With this method, the bottles will defrost in 15 minutes.

To check if the milk is completely defrosted, shake the bottle.

If the bottle cools down after shaking, it means the milk is not completely defrosted. If the temperature of the bottle remains the same after shaking, then the milk has completely defrosted.

Take a saucepan and pour 3 liters of goat milk into it.

It is very important when making cheese that the milk is at the right temperature.

But the interval is quite wide. The cheese will turn out fine if the milk temperature is between 30 and 40 degrees. You can measure with any thermometer, both water and ordinary - mercury, with which we measure our temperature.

In fact, you don’t have to measure the temperature - just the milk should be warm. To do this, warm it up slightly on the stove.

Now let's start with the sourdough. Nowadays there is a wide variety of sourdough starters.

We will ferment our cheese with pepsin - this is beef rennet.

You only need a small amount of sourdough – in the photo the required amount is in a teaspoon.

Pour warm water into a small glass and add the starter from a spoon into it. Stir until the starter dissolves better.

Pour the starter into the milk and mix well. Leave to ferment for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, the milk turned into a dense clot.

Break it into pieces and add salt to taste. If you like salty cheese, add more salt.

We take a colander.

Cover the colander with two layers of gauze.

Place a colander on the pan.

We pour our future cheese there.

Let the whey drain.

When the main whey has drained, taste it again. You can salt it again.

Wrap the cheese in gauze.

We put it under pressure: cover it with a plate, put a cup of water on it.

Leave under pressure overnight.

And in the morning, for breakfast, we get the freshest, healthiest and most delicious goat milk cheese. Bon appetit!

We described how to make cheese at home using improvised materials. You can buy special molds for cheese. Then you can get cheese in the shape you like: in the form of a pyramid, heart or circle.

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Goat cheese - make it yourself at home

Tags: goat milk

Pasteurization and cheese making

Another important point. It is believed that natural milk is best suited for making cheese - it is both tastier and healthier. But! Natural milk can be parasitized by all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms that do not have the best effect on the human body.

To avoid danger, many cheese makers subject their raw materials to a process called pasteurization. During pasteurization, milk is subjected to thermal treatment - heating. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the presence of pathogenic bacteria in milk, as well as extend the shelf life of the product.

However, the pasteurization process disrupts the structure of milk protein, therefore, in order to achieve the required coagulability of milk, rennet is added to it after pasteurization.

What are the benefits of dairy products?

This type of cheese is rich in vitamins and minerals. This dairy product contains a huge amount of calcium, which helps strengthen bone tissue. In addition, regular consumption of calcium, which is present in this product, can minimize the risk of developing colon and breast cancer. Also the positive impact is as follows:

  • reducing the likelihood of developing migraines;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • active participation in the normalization of the nervous system.

The composition contains a number of probiotics - biological microorganisms that have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines in particular and the entire body as a whole. Probiotics also participate in the formation of the body’s natural defense – immunity.

Goat's milk cheese differs from other types of cheese in its low amount of cholesterol and sodium, so this product may be present in the diet of people with diabetes and a history of heart disease.

The product in question is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The substances present in its composition stimulate rapid metabolism, thereby helping the body get rid of excess weight. And, of course, this variety is low in calories, so it is an ideal option for dietary nutrition.

It is also worth noting that this type of cheese is a hypoallergenic product, which is due to the lactoglobulins present in its composition. Therefore, people suffering from cow's lactose intolerance will be able to fully enjoy it without fear of consequences.

Business prospects

At the beginning of the article, it was no coincidence that we mentioned that goat cheese in our country can usually only be bought from imported sources. In Russia you can rarely find farms that breed these animals. More often they are kept by collective farmers to produce food only for themselves. They rarely sell them to friends. The economic niche in the market for domestically produced goat milk cheeses is practically empty. This is a good business idea for enterprising farmers, whose products can easily compete with imported products in price and quality.

We hope we have convinced you that goat milk products are very easy to make at home. To develop a business on a large scale, you will need special equipment, premises and workers. Over time, you can set up your own livestock farm. In addition to dairy products, you can get healthy goat fat, wool and meat from these animals, which is as valuable as milk.

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