How to bake yeast-free bread in a Redmond bread machine. Bread without yeast in a bread machine

The debate about the dangers of yeast and baking based on it has been going on for a long time. Some chefs claim that at high temperatures the activity of yeast disappears, and they do not in any way negatively affect the human body. Their opponents prove the opposite - attributing to yeast baked goods a decrease in immunity, the development of fermentative bacteria in the intestines, and disruption of the digestive system. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle advise eating exclusively yeast-free types of bread. You can easily bake this bread yourself. There are many recipes for yeast-free bread in the Mulinex bread machine.

First recipe

The process of making yeast-free bread with kefir

1) Pour kefir into the bowl of the bread machine.

2) Add the following ingredients without breaking this sequence: soda, salt, sugar.

3) Add wheat flour to the bowl, which must be sifted using a fine sieve to enrich it with oxygen and prevent foreign particles from getting into the dough. For the correct dosage of flour, you must use the measuring cup that comes with the bread machine.

4) Pour sesame seeds into the bowl of the bread machine.

5) Close the bread maker and select the program for quick bread baking.

6) Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the finished loaf from the bowl and cool on a wire rack.

Second recipe

Description of preparation:

I suggest trying a recipe for making yeast-free bread.
Practically no human intervention is required during production. All the main products are put into the bread machine, and then the equipment does its job. The excellent taste and smell of the product is obtained through the use of healthy ingredients such as kefir and sesame. Your family members will really like this bread. See my recipe for how to make simple yeast-free bread in a bread machine. Main Ingredient: Dough Dish: Baking / Bread

Preparing rye yeast-free bread

1) Fry in a dry frying pan, stirring vigorously so as not to burn, wheat bran, flax and sesame seeds until golden brown.

2) Pour kefir into the bowl of the bread machine.

3) Pour rye flour into the bowl.

4) Add the remaining ingredients and the roasted grain and bran mixture to the bowl.

5) Close the bread maker and set the baking mode for unleavened bread or cake.

6) After completing the process, take out the bowl with the finished bread, leave it for an hour, without removing it from the mold, so that the aroma of the bread is fully revealed.

7) Carefully remove the cooled bread from the bowl.

Third recipe

What types of yeast are there?

Most often, sourdough is made from rye malt and flour, and lactic acid bacteria are added, which break down sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The dough ferments, accumulating minerals, vitamins and amino acids, so there are benefits for the body.

Industrial and “wild” yeasts belong to the same species. The former are found in foods such as berries, cucumbers, pears, grapes, tomatoes and many others, if the food has not been processed. But industrial ones are more suitable for baking bread, so they are cultivated artificially.

Yeast is usually divided into three types:

  • Pressed;
  • Liquid;
  • Sourdough starters.

Why is sourdough popular?

Many housewives who regularly bake bread at home are thinking about giving up yeast, believing that it is harmful. The reasons may be different: some people don’t like their taste, others have allergic reactions. They also give off a specific smell, which is not to everyone’s taste. Therefore, they are interested in whether there is any benefit or harm from yeast-free bread.

Sourdough starters can be different, they can be selected depending on the recipe. But, as a rule, each housewife chooses the one that suits her best and always uses it. To find “yours”, you will have to spend time and effort on experiments.

Often, sourdough is prepared once at home. Part of it is spent on making bread, and the rest is “fed”. The more “mature” the starter is, the stronger it is. Sometimes housewives are afraid that the dough will not rise. In this case, you can reduce the amount of yeast little by little until the starter grows.

Also, we must not forget that with sourdough, the proofing time must be increased to approximately 4 hours. It should be stored in a container covered with a lid with holes - the starter must breathe.


There are different cooking methods, there are a lot of them. But there are the most popular ones: kefir, potato and “eternal”. Some people add dried apricots, raisins or other ingredients.

The recipe for kefir starter is simple: old homemade kefir or yogurt needs to be kept for several days until the process of “bubbling” and separation of the liquid begins. The characteristic smell of sour kefir should appear. Add so much rye flour so that the mass becomes similar in thickness to sour cream. Stir, cover with gauze and leave for a day. When the time is up, add a little more flour so that the mixture is medium thick, mix well. Cover again and wait until the mixture begins to bubble and rise. Make sure it doesn't go over the edge. In the active state, you can add it to the dough. Put the rest in the refrigerator - it can be used next time.

Three days before preparing the bread, the starter needs to be prepared. Remove it from the refrigerator, and after an hour add kefir and flour in equal quantities.

The total amount added should be about one and a half cups. Break up all the lumps and let it sit in a warm place for about 4 hours. When the mass begins to swell, put it in the refrigerator. After a day, repeat feeding.

On the third day, carry out all the steps again, just do not remove the container from the table. When it boils, it can be used.


To prepare it, take equal amounts of flour and water, stir, but do not beat. Cover with a towel and keep in a warm place for a day, stirring a couple of times.

The next day, “feed” it: add the same amount of flour and water, cover and put in a warm place for another day. On the third day, the mass should seethe and bubble. “Feed” again and wait for the peak of activity. At this point, you need to divide it in half: use one part, put the other in the refrigerator.


Boil 10 peeled potatoes without salt. Drain the broth, add flour - the mass should look like thick sour cream. Keep it in a warm place for three days, adding flour if necessary to maintain the desired consistency.

After three days, foam should form on the surface, but without a sour smell. “Feed” your yeast-free bread starter with flour and water once a day. After a few hours it is ready for use.

Cooking in a bread machine

The bread maker has already been appreciated by many housewives - cooking in it is easy and convenient. Recipes for yeast-free bread can be different, but one of the most popular is traditional. How to bake yeast-free bread in a bread machine?

Heat 150 grams of milk and pour it into a bowl, add one egg. Pour one and a half tablespoons of butter there. Add salt to taste, about half a teaspoon. You will need about 1/6 cup of sugar. Add a little more than a cup of flour and 8 tablespoons of “everlasting” starter. Select the appropriate mode and set the necessary parameters. Don't forget that with sourdough the cooking time increases, so when the bread machine turns off, set the mode again.

This is how easy it is to bake yeast-free bread using a bread machine at home.

Bread in a slow cooker

Pour water (300 ml) into a deep container, beat in an egg, add two and a half tablespoons of sugar and add two tablespoons of kefir starter. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Add salt (a teaspoon), sour cream (three tablespoons), stir. Sift about 800 grams of flour and add to the mixture, stir. Place the dough on a floured board and knead for 5 minutes. Then let it “rest” for about an hour.

In frequently arising disputes about the usefulness or harm of certain types of bread, there are different points of view. One of which claims that the production of bread without the use of yeast is more beneficial than baking with the use of the latter. Because it contains fungi, which accumulate in the human body over time. And they negatively affect beneficial intestinal bacteria, thereby causing a decrease in immunity. Frequent consumption of yeast waste products along with food leads to constipation and flatulence, encourages cell mutations, resulting in the formation of tumors. Based on this, it is recommended to bake yeast-free bread in and eat it.

Is it possible to bake yeast-free bread in a bread machine?

Of course, you can, but first you need to prepare the starter yourself. This type of baking today is widely popular among housewives. And there are reasons for this: for example, allergies or rejection to a characteristic smell or taste, and many others. And since it’s more soulful to bake unleavened sourdough bread in a bread machine, let’s talk about sourdoughs, how and what to prepare them from correctly.

Types of starter cultures

You can prepare sourdough from the following products:

  • Potato;
  • Yogurt;
  • Kefir;
  • Based on hops.

Yeast-free bread with kefir in a bread machine

For this recipe you will need:

  • Sourdough: , kefir;
  • For: about four hundred grams of flour, a level teaspoon of salt, vegetable oil and sugar (to taste).

Leave the kefir in a warm place until it sours, then pour flour into it until the consistency of sour cream is obtained and mix well, then leave this mixture for another day. The next day, add some more flour and bring to a thicker consistency, and again set aside until the next day. After this, the starter will be ready. When it is ripe, mix it with the rest of the ingredients and start kneading the dough.

How to bake yeast-free bread in a bread maker using mineral water

Here the composition will be like this:

  • Mineral water, half a liter;
  • Vegetable oil, about sixty grams;
  • Bran, about four tablespoons;
  • Mix wheat flour with wholemeal flour in equal proportions, and this mixture will need about two hundred and sixty grams;
  • Cumin, teaspoon.

Place all ingredients in a cup and knead the dough.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine, with hop sourdough

In this recipe we use the following products:

  • For sourdough: one glass of hop cones, five hundred milliliters of water, eighty grams of flour and thirty-five grams of honey;
  • For the dough: granulated sugar two spoons, a slightly incomplete glass of milk, salt, ready-made starter ten spoons, flour.

The hops are boiled in water for an hour and then infused for eight hours. Then it is decanted, mixed with flour and sugar, covered with a towel and left to sit for 24 hours. The next stage is preparing the dough. You need to mix sugar, prepared sourdough and enough flour so that the dough is liquid, leave this mixture for a couple of hours. Then salt and remaining flour are added to it and the dough is kneaded.

If yours has a kneading function, then you can leave it to her. Then you need to set the appropriate mode and just wait. It is worth noting that when prepared at home, it is the most delicious and aromatic and you will certainly want to please yourself with its preparation more than once.

Recipe for yeast-free rye bread in a Panasonic bread machine: the first experimental bread without yeast

I baked yeast-free bread in a bread machine using the one I had prepared for five days. I used it for baking, my faithful assistant. I read a lot on the forums about how to make bread without yeast at home - everyone writes differently everywhere, surprisingly. I was interested in the question of how much leaven to put in yeast-free bread. That is, if I don’t put in yeast, then there should be enough so that she can raise the dough. In general, I did this - it took me two tablespoons of rye sourdough to make bread in a bread machine without yeast. I took it by eye, trusting my own instincts more than recipes on websites.

How to prepare yeast and sponge dough



  • 60 g granulated sugar;
  • 340 ml boiled water;
  • yeast;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 600 g of premium flour;
  • 7 g table salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour twice. Measure out exactly 600 grams.
  2. Open the lid of the bread machine, remove the bowl and measure out 340 ml of boiled warm water. Pour it into the bowl.
  3. Add vegetable oil to warm water and add salt.
  4. Slowly pour the flour into the bread machine bowl.
  5. Sprinkle granulated sugar and active dry yeast on top.
  6. Place the bowl in the Moulinex bread machine. On the menu bar, select program 8 and press the “start” button. Close the lid and wait for the end of the program.
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