DIY almond milk. How is it useful and how to prepare it?

Composition of almond milk

The value of a product is determined by its ingredients:

  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • vitamin B4 (choline);
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • vitamin D (calciferol);
  • vitamin A (retinol equivalent);
  • vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid);
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Cl (chlorine);
  • Ca (calcium);
  • Zn (zinc);
  • Mn (manganese);
  • Cu (copper);
  • Mg (magnesium);
  • P (phosphorus);
  • K (potassium);
  • S (sulphur).

The taste of almond milk is mild. Characteristic is its similarity to regular milk. A distinctive feature is nutty notes.

Various almond milk treats

The drink with pulp and various additives can be frozen and turned into a delicious sorbet. What to take as fillers? Grated chocolate, fresh or frozen berries, Nutella, bananas, nuts. If the cake is diluted a little with almond milk, you get “yogurt”. Here you can also experiment with additives. Here's the smoothie recipe. For a glass of almond milk, take 100 grams of strawberries, a banana and four mint leaves. Beat everything in a blender for about 30 seconds. Sweeten to taste with honey or syrup. Another recipe is a chocolate shake that uses almond milk. How to prepare this delicious drink? Cut three bananas into circles and freeze. Soak dried apricots (4 pcs.) in hot water for 10 minutes. In a blender, mix a glass of almond milk, 2 dates, banana slices, dried apricots, two spoons of cocoa and the juice of half a lime. Pour into glasses. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.


The medicinal properties consist of the following aspects:

  • increasing the strength of bones and teeth;
  • strengthening muscle tissue;
  • Providing a mild laxative effect;
  • increased appetite;
  • activation of immune defense;
  • normalization of emotional background;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • treatment of insomnia;
  • improved vision;
  • prevention of prostate cancer (provided by a suppressive effect on cancer cells);
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • addition to the course of treatment for cough, pneumonia;
  • providing assistance for hypertension (use on a regular basis helps prevent relapses of the disease);
  • dilating and cleansing effect on blood vessels, increasing their strength and elasticity;
  • dissolution of cholesterol plaques;
  • increasing oxygen supply to muscles;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • enriching the body with valuable vitamin and mineral components.

The product is actively used in cosmetology.

This is due to the following beneficial properties:

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • providing a nourishing and cleansing effect;
  • inhibition of age-related changes;
  • smoothing out small existing wrinkles;
  • solving the problem of increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Undeniable advantages of the product:

  • pleasant taste and aroma properties;
  • ease of preparation at home;
  • possibility of long-term storage at room temperature (this feature allows you not to worry about the quality of the product on the road, in nature);
  • low calorie content (this aspect ensures safety of use if you are overweight);
  • absence of cholesterol and lactose.

Healthy drink made from unshelled nuts

There are several proven ways to make almond milk at home. And even the color of the drink can vary from snow-white to cream. If you use nuts that have had their brown skin removed, the milk will be smoother and very white, just like the real thing. If you use unpeeled raw almonds to prepare the drink, the final product will have a more tart taste and will acquire a brownish tint.

In general, you should prepare almond milk like this:

  • Soak the nuts in clean water, rinse them, and transfer to a blender.
  • Add 4 glasses of water, honey to taste or sugar.
  • Beat the ingredients first at low speed and then at high speed. If the blender is powerful enough, then after 2-3 minutes there will be no pieces of nuts left in the almond milk.
  • Strain the drink through a fine metal sieve, cheesecloth or kitchen towel.
  • Use by children

    The benefits for the child are due to the high calcium content (dairy products of animal origin are characterized by lower concentrations), and the contained calciferol (vitamin D) ensures the digestibility of this microelement.

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    Such compositional features are manifested in the following aspects:

    • ensuring normal growth;
    • increasing the strength of bones and teeth;
    • positive effect on hair.

    The disadvantage for the child’s body is the low concentration of ascorbic acid. Complete transfer of an infant to this product may result in the development of scurvy.

    The recommended age for introducing nut milk into a baby's diet is 1 year and older. The possibility of use earlier than this period is discussed with the pediatrician.

    Almond milk - benefits and contraindications

    Any plant milk, be it oatmeal, sesame, rice or almond, is free of animal fat and cholesterol. Some types of plant milk are lower in calories (for example, buckwheat), others are higher in calories (nut-based).

    Plant milk is primarily the choice of nutritionally demanding people. This could be a vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist who has given up animal milk.

    This could be a person with an eating disorder who cannot drink milk for medical reasons.

    Another reason why people drink plant-based milk instead of animal milk is lactose and casein intolerance (which cow's milk contains). These substances are simply not present in plant milk.

    Another reason is fasting. On days of strict fasting, a religious person replaces animal milk with vegetable milk. For example, nutritious milk of poppy seed has become widespread in Russia.

    There is only one contraindication for drinking plant milk - an allergy to its components .

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    Drinking almond milk while pregnant leads to the following positive effects:

    • ensuring emotional balance, improving sleep quality and stress resistance;
    • enriching the body with vitamin and mineral components (the need for them increases during pregnancy);
    • prevention of abnormalities in fetal development (provided by the contained folic acid);
    • normalization of intestinal function (difficulty in stool is a common problem in pregnant women);
    • ensuring the normal formation of the child’s skeleton (the property is manifested due to calcium and calciferol);
    • preventing excessive weight gain.

    New mothers should introduce almond milk into their diet with caution. You need to start with a small amount.

    The possible period of manifestation of side effects is up to 2 days. If a negative reaction has not been identified, you can begin regular but moderate use.

    With mother's milk, some of the valuable components enter the baby's body. The effect shown is similar to that described above.

    How and for how long should you store nut milk?

    The healthiest almond milk is freshly prepared. Therefore, it is not worth preparing the drink for future use. The optimal storage period for almond milk is 3 days. In this case, it must first be poured into a glass container with a lid.

    As you know, there are several ways to prepare almond milk. At home, it can be made only from water and nuts, or you can add honey, sugar, dried fruits and other ingredients to it. So, almond milk in its pure form lasts the longest. If sweeteners have been added to it, it is not recommended to keep the drink in the refrigerator for longer than a day.

    Treatment recipes

    The product may provide therapeutic benefits for certain health problems.

    For heartburn

    All milk is alkaline in nature. This feature allows it to neutralize acids. A similar almond product is no exception.

    A few sips of the drink counteract the increased acidity in the esophagus and stomach.

    For constipation

    The fiber contained in the nut drink has the following properties:

    • normalization of digestion;
    • gentle treatment and prevention of difficult stools;
    • cleansing effect on the intestines.

    The maximum single dose to achieve the goal is 400 milliliters. Should be taken twice a day.

    Sufficient effectiveness can be achieved with smaller volumes.

    When coughing

    You should consume the nut drink taking into account the following recommendations:

    • take warm;
    • can be combined with honey and butter;
    • After consumption, it is advisable to refrain from talking and eating for half an hour.

    In the treatment of cough, the product plays an auxiliary role and is used as a supplement to the prescribed therapeutic regimen.

    For insomnia

    Almonds and their derivatives are rich in magnesium. The use of this microelement relaxes and helps relieve muscle tension.

    To improve the quality of sleep, it is enough to drink a glass of pure product in the evening.

    An alternative option is to prepare dishes/drinks based on the milk in question, eat whole nuts or sandwiches with almond butter.

    For acne

    A common cause of skin rashes is excessive production of sebaceous secretions and clogging of pores. Almond milk is rich in fatty acids.

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    They are characterized by the property of normalizing the functioning of the corresponding glands. The result is the elimination of the root cause of acne.

    The product is found in finished cosmetics. You can use it yourself at home like this:

    Facial lotion:

    1. Grind baby soap using a fine grater;
    2. Combine the resulting slurry with almond milk (proportions - 1 gram per 100 milliliters);
    3. Use to wipe the skin.

    Mask for the face:

    1. Combine the cake from preparing the drink with egg white;
    2. Mix;
    3. Apply to skin;
    4. Leave for 1/6 hour;
    5. Repeat every week.

    Cooking according to the recipe:

    1. Soak the almonds in water for at least 6 hours or leave overnight. Soaking the almonds is an important step in the process as it helps soften the nuts. In addition, almonds usually taste much better after soaking and rinsing, which means the milk will taste better. Some raw foodists claim that soaking nuts increases enzyme activity, which may help the body absorb nutrients better.
    2. Drain almonds. In a blender, beat the almonds and dates with 3 tbsp until almost smooth. water.
    3. Strain the mixture using cheesecloth or another sieve. Use milk in smoothies, cocktails, soups and other dishes. Or try adding it to a latte or granola.
    4. Store remaining milk in a closed container in the refrigerator. Homemade raw almond milk can be stored for 3-4 days. Exit
      : 3 tbsp.


      This recipe calls for whole, raw, unsalted almonds. Roasted, baked, salted or sliced ​​almonds will not work. You can use a very fine strainer, but it is better to use cheesecloth, and a nut milk bag is ideal.

    recipe / Vegan dishes / Non-alcoholic drinks / Milkshakes, drinks with ice cream / Calorie content of ready-made dishes / Vegetarian dishes

    Delicious recipes

    Eating the product in question can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

    Chia seeds with almond milk

    Preparation comes down to the following sequence of steps:

    1. Combine the ingredients in a ratio of 3 tablespoons of dry base per 200 milliliters of liquid;
    2. Mix;
    3. Supplement the duo with your favorite products (possible examples: any nuts, dried fruits, coconut flakes, cocoa powder, chopped fresh fruits and berries);
    4. Keep for a third of an hour in the refrigerator (you can leave it overnight; with prolonged infusion, the taste becomes more intense);
    5. If desired, add honey / existing syrup to the finished dish.

    The recipe is especially useful for people with excess body weight: the main value of Spanish sage seeds is to accelerate metabolic processes.

    For the purpose of losing weight, the delicacy is consumed as a separate dish.

    Almond milk smoothie

    There are many variations of the drink. They are determined by the fruits, berries and their combinations used. Honey and natural syrups are used as sweeteners.

    An additional frequently used ingredient is freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    One popular option is the banana-raspberry smoothie.

    The drink is prepared as follows:

    1. Peel one banana, cut into centimeter-wide pieces, place in the freezer for a third of an hour;
    2. Grind 50 grams of fresh raspberries to remove small seeds (when using a frozen product, the volume should be increased by 1.5 times and defrosted first);
    3. Combine 50 milliliters of almond milk, banana, raspberry puree;
    4. Beat the trio with a blender until smooth;
    5. Add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste;
    6. Mix;
    7. Proceed to use (depending on the resulting thickness, you can use a straw or a dessert spoon).

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    The treat can be used as a separate fortified meal.

    Porridge with almond milk

    A classic breakfast for a slim figure is oatmeal. It can be steamed with water or cow's milk. However, it is preferable to use the product in question.

    You can prepare delicious porridge as follows:

    1. Pour almond milk into saucepan;
    2. Boil;
    3. Add oatmeal (proportions - 3 tablespoons per 200 milliliters) and a pinch of salt;
    4. Simmer for 2 minutes;
    5. During this time, grate the apple and add the resulting pulp to the pan;
    6. Cook for another 5 minutes;
    7. Place on a plate;
    8. Decorate with dried fruits and nuts if desired.

    A little history

    Unlike soy milk, almond milk is not a newfangled vegan invention. People enjoyed it back in those distant times, when nothing was known (at least to Europeans) about paneer cheese, carob beans and agar. Although the Middle Ages are called a dark time, people in that era knew a lot about food. Moreover, there were no refrigerators, and cow's milk could not be stored for more than one day. They drank it right away, or churned it into butter, settled it into sour cream, and made cheese. But don’t forget how many fasts there were in Christian Europe! During this period, it was forbidden to eat any animal products. Therefore, the white drink, which tastes slightly like sweet cream, came in very handy. Every medieval housewife knew how to make almond milk. In those countries, of course, where the trees bearing these nuts grew in abundance. But even in the northern regions, plant milk was valued. The Greeks brought his recipe to us. By the way, the Bulgarian national drink “bosa” is nothing more than milk made from millet or wheat. True, it is fermented, which is why it gains a degree - 1%.

    Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

    At home, the product in question is prepared as follows:

    1. Stock up on fresh nuts;
    2. Rinse them thoroughly;
    3. Combine with water;
    4. Leave to swell (it will take about 8-10 hours);
    5. Remove liquid;
    6. Pour boiling water over the starting raw material and keep it in it for a quarter of an hour (this step will allow you to get rid of the husks);
    7. Separate the shelled nuts;
    8. Fill them with water (the amount should be three times the initial volume of almonds);
    9. Using a blender, achieve homogeneity of the duet;
    10. Squeeze out the grounds using a thick cloth.

    How to Make Homemade Almond Milk: Ingredients

    Of course, this healthy drink can also be found on store shelves. But it’s much more correct and enjoyable to cook it yourself. This is the only way to be sure that there are no harmful additives or preservatives in almond milk.

    It’s not difficult to figure out how to prepare this amazingly tasty drink at home if you have a powerful stationary blender in the house. According to the recipe, to get this healing drink, you need to take only two ingredients:

    • almonds - 1 tbsp.;
    • water - 3 tbsp.

    It is worth noting right away that the almonds must certainly be raw, and the water must be boiled or bottled.

    The resulting milk can be added to coffee, used in the preparation of pastries, creams and puddings, and used to make porridge and other dishes. It has a delicate and soft taste with a pleasant nutty hue.

    How to use almond milk pulp?

    The remaining cake is often perceived as unnecessary waste. In fact, it is a source of fiber, vitamins B and E.

    Possible uses:

    • adding to salads, cereals, drinks;
    • obtaining almond flour (made from dried raw materials);
    • preparing spreads for sandwiches and cheeses.

    You can store the cake:

    • in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar for 4 days;
    • in the freezer for a long period.

    Use of almond milk in cooking

    The uses of almond milk in cooking are very extensive. They often replace ordinary cow's milk. Any housewife can make a large number of different dishes from this product. Traditionally, almond milk is used to make chia pudding, to which other healthy ingredients are added, such as nuts, oatmeal (you can make “lazy” oatmeal at home), raisins, dried fruits, chocolate, bananas, dates and roasted almonds.

    In addition, dairy and fermented milk products made with this milk are incredibly tasty. It’s easy to make cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir at home. In this case, you will get a very tasty milk dessert that can surprise even children.

    You can also experiment with baking. For example, you can make pancakes, muffins, cupcakes, pancakes. And you can complement them with almond milk custard. Children will be happy to try milk porridge; semolina, oatmeal, spelled and rice are especially tasty. Omelette and pasta (especially with seafood) will also be delicious. Many housewives pamper their households with delicious dishes - almond milk soups with mussels and shrimp.

    Worth knowing! There is one traditional recipe for this product. This is matcha tea. The birthplace of the drink is China, but, surprisingly, the tea is called Japanese. It is often brewed with almond milk. The tea itself is in a powdery state, due to which the drink acquires a bright green hue.

    Both non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails are prepared from almond milk drinks. The taste of coffee, if there is such a product in the composition, completely changes. It becomes sweeter, more tender and slightly piquant. At home, you can easily prepare cappuccino, iced glass or latte, and you can surprise your children with cocoa. It’s also worth trying to make smoothies with the addition of various fruits and syrups.

    For more exotic dishes, you can try cooking quinoa with almond milk (a porridge made from a grain crop) or carob (a drink that tastes like cocoa, but is not so sweet). Panna cotta, jelly, sorbet, blancmange, ice cream, and some other recipes will turn out great. Don't be afraid to experiment. Almond milk has a very pleasant taste and is considered very healthy, so the dishes are sure to please.

    Advice! Even if almond milk has turned sour, don’t rush to throw it away. You can use it to make hearty and tasty pancakes or pancakes. And the cake (the waste that may remain after making almond milk yourself) can be used in making a delicious cake or pie.

    The use of almond milk in cosmetology

    The use of almond milk in cosmetology is indicated primarily for the skin. The benefits of such a drink were known back in ancient times. And now many girls are trying to take care of themselves, including almond milk in their regular care products; reviews say that the result is noticeable almost immediately.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with some recipes for common masks with almond milk:

    1. Standard. You will need two tablespoons of the product, which are mixed with one teaspoon of honey and 50 ml of water. The mixture must be beaten until smooth. Apply the product using circular massage movements. After 10 minutes, you can wash off the composition with water.
    2. With jojoba oil. You will need five tablespoons of almond milk for two tablespoons of butter. Both ingredients are mixed until smooth, and the resulting mask is gently rubbed into the skin of the face with massaging movements. After 20 minutes, the product can be washed off with warm water.
    3. Whitening. The product contains two tablespoons of almond milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed) and one egg white. The mask is applied to the facial skin in a circular motion and washed off with warm boiled water after 20 minutes.
    4. Pink. The product is based on a teaspoon of rose water and two tablespoons of almond milk. A teaspoon of glycerin and a couple of drops of almond oil are also added to the composition. The composition is mixed and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. You need to rinse off with cool water. To achieve good results, this mask should be done three times a week.
    5. For aging skin. You will need sour cream, yolk and almond milk in equal proportions. The mixture should be mixed until smooth and applied to the skin of the face and neck. After 20 minutes you can wash it off.

    Worth knowing! In cosmetology, the use of almond oil for skin and hair is very common. It has unique properties and is considered a stronger assistant in the fight for beauty than almond milk.

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