How to make marshmallows at home

Lovers of marshmallows, souffles and marshmallows, rejoice! Today we will prepare “light breeze” in our Pirogeevskaya kitchen, this is how the word marshmallow is translated from French. And even if you really love store-bought sweets, marshmallows at home are no worse, and even better than store-bought ones.

Judge for yourself, not only is a culinary creation created by yourself healthier and tastier than its analogues from the supermarket, but you also know exactly what ingredients you are using and can, for example, reduce the amount of sugar. In addition, making marshmallows is also an exciting creative process that will bring you true pleasure.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade marshmallows

The only component that may confuse or confuse you is agar-agar. The ingredient is rare and you can’t buy it at your local grocery store. But replacing agar with gelatin in a marshmallow recipe is strictly not allowed! The fact is that marshmallows prepared with gelatin will resemble a familiar delicacy only in appearance; in terms of its structure inside, it will not be a marshmallow, but a delicacy more reminiscent of the structure of jelly.

Aga-agar is sold by weight in large online stores, which also sell almond flour and other rare ingredients for the confectioner, and agar can also be found in large hypermarkets in your city (Auchan, Lenta, etc.)

I bought a bag of agar (10 g) at the Lenta hypermarket, it looks like this (costs about 60 rubles) The bag is enough for two servings of marshmallows according to my recipe:

Attention! The quality of this company's agar has deteriorated significantly! Thanks to your comments, and then personal experience, I realized that this agar-agar can no longer be relied upon: the marshmallow mass does not hold its shape well, remains “porridge” inside, etc. Thank you very much for your feedback on my recipes!

I have been looking for a long time for “my” agar, which will stabilize marshmallows well, will not give off unnecessary odors, and will allow marshmallows to harden quickly - and I found it!!! I recommend using Greenagar 900 (China), it is available in many online stores for confectioners. This agar meets all the requirements, does its job well, and does not give off any foreign odors. The first time I used this agar in a recipe, my marshmallows set in exactly one hour!!! Which was incredible for me) If you are lucky enough to buy this agar, creating marshmallows will be a quick and very enjoyable process!

How to plant and dry homemade marshmallows

Yes! Important information. Marshmallows need to be dried for 24 hours before eating. If your home is cool and dry, if the syrup is stiff and you have whipped everything well, most likely your marshmallows will harden in less than 24 hours. But this period is specified in the marshmallow recipe according to GOST and absolutely guarantees that the marshmallow will set as it should within a day, acquire an excellent consistency, taste and aroma, so if patience allows, wait.

If you, like me, have high humidity and are hot, then a fan and air conditioner will help. I laid out the marshmallows on baking paper and placed them under a fan and air conditioner, because in our humidity conditions, no amount of 24 hours will help, plus, in 3 seconds such a flock of ants came running that after a day, instead of marshmallows, only paper would remain.

After a day or a little less has passed, you use a spatula to pry up each marshmallow and glue it to the mirror half. Place on a nice plate and sprinkle with icing or powdered sugar and a little starch. Starch is already in the icing initially, so I use it. It is also a stabilizer and does not affect the taste.

These are ready-made marshmallows that went to the children's New Year's party.
Marshmallows are perfectly stored in the refrigerator without it. In the refrigerator it will be tighter and more chewy. Exposed to air with a thin crispy crust and delicate cream inside, delicious! Our marshmallows can’t be stored for more than a couple of days; they are eaten much faster.

Fruit puree for homemade marshmallows

Marshmallows are usually made from applesauce, but you can use other berry or fruit purees, for example, today I will make currant-based marshmallows.

When choosing fruits and berries for making delicate delicacies, consider the amount of pectin they contain. The more pectin, the faster and easier it will be to make marshmallows (the mass will easily gain the thickness we need), and further, at all stages of production, we will notice that marshmallows made from fruits with a high pectin content hold their shape better, harden faster, and become the correct consistency inside etc.

Based on the table below, we can conclude that black currants and apples are most suitable for homemade marshmallows.

Not all apple varieties are equal in pectin content. When choosing fruits, give preference to green varieties: Antonovka, Granny Smith, Semerenko, etc.

When making applesauce, remember: the skin of apples contains a lot of pectin, so you need to use the fruit completely with the skin, processing everything into puree except the core and tail.

Many people use jarred store-bought purees. Remember that this product contains a lot of liquid and it is suitable for marshmallows only if you evaporate the moisture properly and make the consistency twice as thick as the original one.

How to make homemade marshmallows and marshmallows: instructions for use

Marshmallow was already known to the ancient Egyptians, who prepared it from honey and marshmallow juice, which has thickening properties. It is no coincidence that the English name for marshmallow marshmallow is translated as “marshmallow.” In Ancient Egypt, only very rich people enjoyed this dessert, as in Ancient Greece. The Greeks loved the light, airy delicacy so much that they named it after the god of the winds, Zephyr. Much later, the recipe was improved by the French, and the dish began to be considered a French invention. But pastila is an original Russian sweet, and in the name, derived from the word “to lay”, you can already guess the method of preparation - fruit puree was rolled out on a baking sheet and dried in the oven. Now all these sweets can be bought in the store, but homemade marshmallows and marshmallows, of course, are tastier and more natural. You probably want to know how to make homemade marshmallows and marshmallows to pamper your loved ones with a new delicacy and surprise your guests. So, let's make marshmallows and marshmallows at home!

Preparing currant puree

Place frozen berries (approximately 300-400 grams) in a saucepan or saucepan. It is advisable to take a bowl with a thick bottom, but if you don’t have one, it’s okay, just in a thin-walled bowl you will have to stir the berries more often so that they don’t burn.

When using frozen berries, you do not need to add water to the saucepan. If using fresh berries, add a little water (1/3 cup).

After 5-8 minutes, the berries will actively release juice, the mass will become more liquid. At this stage it is important that the berries do not burn, so you need to stir often.

When the currants have thawed and begin to actively release juice, you can add sugar. At this stage, sugar is added to taste (if the currants are sweet, for example, forest currants, less sugar will be needed), I add 300 grams for the number of berries - approximately 150 grams of sugar. I stir.

If you try ready-made currant puree, it will be very sour, since currants themselves are a sour berry and always require a larger amount of sugar. But we will limit ourselves to 150 grams, since we will take into account that another whole glass of sugar is added to the sugar syrup, which we will then combine with the puree.

In order to reduce the sweetness of the marshmallows, I tried not adding sugar at all to the currant puree, but the final product turned out to be very sour. Therefore, we add sugar to the puree, but not much.

Boil the puree after adding sugar for another 5 minutes. Based on the consistency, you will understand that it is time to turn it off: the mass becomes thick, viscous, and difficult to mix.

Currants contain a huge amount of pectin, so boiling occurs quickly. If you are using peaches, strawberries, or a variety of yellow sweet apples that are low in pectin, it may take 30-40 minutes to boil the puree. Don't rush at this stage! Boil the puree until thick (the success of the entire marshmallow production greatly depends on this)). The longer you boil the puree, the less time it will take to whip the marshmallow mass and the better it will hold its shape.

When the puree is ready, cool slightly and rub through a metal sieve. I made marshmallows from currants several times, always grinding the berry puree, achieving homogeneity of the mass.

This time I decided to conduct an experiment and leave the currants ungrated. I decided that the peels, small pieces of pulp that would be found in the marshmallows, would add beauty and taste to it. “With pieces of berries, the delicacy will be even more like homemade marshmallows, since you won’t find this in a store,” I thought.

But, looking ahead, I will say: the finished marshmallow actually turns out beautiful with pieces of berries, but you can feel the seeds in it! This may irritate you or your loved ones who will be eating the marshmallows. I didn’t think about the seeds in time, and in this recipe and photo you will see my pureed puree. You need to grate the currants at this stage if you do not want to repeat my mistake.

Leave the mashed puree until it cools completely (it will thicken even more as it cools).

From the cooled puree, measure 125 grams and place in a large bowl in which we will beat the marshmallow mass.

I measure all ingredients on a kitchen scale! I advise you to follow this rule if you want marshmallows to turn out right the first time!

Keep in mind that after beating the egg whites and adding the syrup, the mass in the bowl will increase 3-5 times. To avoid wasting time later, take care of the bowl size now!

So, add the white of one egg to the completely cooled puree. If the puree is hot, the protein will immediately curdle, so it is important to cool the currants completely.

Using a mixer, begin to beat the mixture.

When making marshmallows, it is very important to beat with a mixer, not a blender!

The protein in the puree will begin to lighten and after 3-5 minutes of working with the mixer at high speed, you will see that the mass is thick, does not flow from the whisk, and falls off in pieces. This means that the consistency we need at this stage has been achieved, we leave it aside and move on to the next stage.

The shape and density of marshmallows is influenced by two factors - the presence of agar and whipping. In order for the marshmallows not to be flat cakes, but to hold their shape well and settle perfectly, the mass must be well whipped (as for meringues, a regular protein cream). Agar is responsible for maintaining the shape of the marshmallow after it has cooled. Therefore, first of all, you should thoroughly beat the berry puree with the protein, and only then add the agar syrup. If the puree is well boiled, there will be no difficulties, the mass will whip quickly and easily.

Classic recipe for marshmallows with gelatin at home

Cooking time: 40 min. Number of servings: 10. Calories: 91 kcal. Kitchen appliances and equipment: kitchen scale, strainer, bowl, mixer, spatula, pastry bag with star tip, parchment paper, saucepan.


Apples3-4 pcs.
Egg1 PC.
Sugar300 g
Water80 ml
Gelatin25 g
Powdered sugar50 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pour 25 grams of gelatin into a saucepan (I use instant), fill it with hot water and leave to swell.

  2. We wash the apples (3-4 pieces), cut them into 4 parts and remove the core.

  3. Place the apples on parchment and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

  4. Carefully remove the skin from the apples.

  5. We rub them through a fine sieve. You should have 200 grams of thick applesauce.

  6. Add 300 grams of sugar to the cooled puree.

  7. Beat the mixture with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  8. Continuing to beat, add half the white of one egg.

  9. At this stage, it is important to continue whisking the mass without stopping. It will begin to turn white and increase in volume.

  10. After 5-7 minutes, add the second half of the protein and continue beating until thick, fluffy, white mass.

  11. At this stage, you can optionally add 1-2 drops of dye to the mixture.

  12. Stir the swollen gelatin.
    If it has not completely dissolved, heat it over low heat, without bringing it to a boil, and cool.
  13. Pour the melted gelatin into the apple mixture in a thin stream, continuing to beat for another 2-3 minutes.

  14. Using a pastry bag, pipe marshmallows onto parchment paper.
    This must be done quickly enough, as the mass quickly begins to harden.

  15. Leave the marshmallows for a day so that they harden and dry (a thin crust should form on the surface).

  16. After this time, sprinkle the marshmallows with powdered sugar and glue 2 pieces together.

Video recipe for making marshmallows with gelatin

See how you can quickly and easily make delicious apple marshmallows. This delicacy, prepared at home, is much tastier and healthier than store-bought.

How to diversify a classic recipe?

As we have already said, marshmallows can be prepared almost any way. So, in his recipe you can use not only baking soda and citric acid, but also applesauce (made from baked apples), powdered sugar, regular jelly, vanillin, agar-agar, protein and other products. In addition, marshmallows can be served either with chocolate or with fruit, which will make it more tasty and appetizing.

You can also use various dyes to make colorful marshmallows. They can be: cocoa, beet juice, carrots, lemon or cherries. And for aroma, you can add a little mint or saffron to it.

By the way, today marshmallows have ceased to be an independent delicacy. Now cakes, mastics, cookies and casseroles are prepared using it. Therefore, if you really want to, you can introduce it into your diet in the form of a large number of delicacies that will never be repeated, but will always cause real delight and a bunch of questions about how they were made.


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