Pork chops: recipes, cooking features and reviews

Breaded pork chops

An interesting breading recipe will add new shades to the taste of chops.

You will need:
500 g pork, 150 g cheese, breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, paprika, lemon zest, salt.

Beat eggs with zest and spices, and mix breadcrumbs with grated cheese. Cut and pound the pork, dip each piece in eggs, and then in breadcrumbs. Fry in a frying pan on both sides.

Various recipes for cooking chops

Traditionally, chops were prepared from beef, as this type of meat is most popular in South America. In European cuisine, this tradition was initially preserved, but later chefs began to experiment and use veal, pork, and chicken in the preparation of this dish. These types of meat cook faster and are not as dry as beef.

Pork chops

Pork, unlike beef, is softer and juicier. It is not always possible to cook beef chops in a frying pan without drying them out, as this requires experience.

Pork chops are prepared in breading and batter, fried in a pan and baked in the oven. A variety of recipes allows you to achieve the main result - to make the dish juicy, aromatic, and give it a piquant taste.

Chicken or turkey chops

Chicken chops originally began to be prepared in France. Today this recipe can be considered one of the most popular. Their dietary properties speak in favor of chicken and turkey. Poultry meat is low in calories and easily digested by the body.

Beat chicken or turkey fillet with a kitchen hammer, sprinkle with spices, dip in egg and breadcrumbs and fry over high heat in a frying pan. Chicken chops can be cooked in the oven by adding vegetables or sprinkling with grated cheese.

How to cook chops in the oven?

Chops in the oven are more juicy. The secret is in the cooking method. The prepared meat is fried for 1-2 minutes over high heat until golden brown. Then it is placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. You can top it with sliced ​​tomato and cheese, such as mozzarella.

An interesting way to cook chops in foil. The meat is marinated from 2–3 hours (for chicken) to 5–7 (for pork or beef). The prepared chops are placed on foil and wrapped. You can add tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, and pineapples to the meat. Next, the dish is baked until cooked. At the same time, all vitamins in the products are preserved.

If you want to pamper your loved ones with a luxurious dinner or surprise your guests with an original dish, our chop recipes will help you find an option that you will definitely like.
Detailed recommendations will allow you to cook the meat correctly so that it turns out tasty, juicy, and aromatic. Read completely

Pork chops with mustard

If you prefer a more complex and piquant taste, this is your option!

You will need:
600 g pork, 5 tbsp.
mustard, cardamom, cinnamon, anise, salt, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Preparation:

Mix mustard with spices, oil and salt, and roll the chopped pieces of pork in this mixture. Place them on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees under parchment, and another 10 without it.

Chops with herbs in a frying pan

The most delicious and juicy pork chops are prepared from fresh meat. But getting fresh meat is not so easy these days. Therefore, you can use a little trick and cook chops with added spices that go very well with pork.


  • Pork for 3-5 chops.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 2-3 cloves garlic.
  • 1 sprig of rosemary.
  • 1 pack of Provençal herbs.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the pork across the grain. Beat with a kitchen hammer.

2.Mix Provençal herbs with vegetable oil and salt. Coat the pieces of meat with the resulting mixture and place on a plate.

3. Peel the garlic and crush it with a knife.

4.Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and add garlic to the oil.

5.Fry the garlic for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the garlic will release its aroma and will not have time to burn.

6.Remove the garlic and put the chops in this oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

7.Place the finished chops on a plate and cover with foil for 3-5 minutes to let them rise a little and rest.

Pork chops with Provençal herbs are ready. Bon appetit.

Pork chops with banana

We were also intrigued by such an unexpected recipe!

You will need:
1 kg of pork, 4 bananas, 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 200 g of mayonnaise, 200 g of cheese.

Cut the pork, beat it, sprinkle with spices to taste and leave for an hour. Place the meat on a baking sheet and top with onion, tomato and banana rings. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise and place in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.

Algorithm and secrets of cooking chop

The algorithm and secrets of preparing a chop are important for every housewife to know.

  • Firstly, the meat must be of high quality and fresh.
  • Secondly, choose chilled over frozen.
  • Thirdly, if there is no choice, then let the frozen product defrost completely. You cannot start cooking if the meat has not yet completely thawed, as this will lead to the ice crystals remaining inside damaging the meat structure under the blows of the hammer, as a result of which the juiciness of the meat will be lost during frying.

Before beating, be sure to place cling film on top of the meat. This simple procedure eliminates contamination of both the kitchen and the cook’s clothes. You can use an ordinary plastic bag and place a piece of meat in it.

Remember that the meat must be fresh, without streaks and a lot of fat. Choose lean cuts that will produce the best chop. If you bought a large piece of meat, then you need to cut it correctly. This is done across the grain, and the width of the slices should not be more than 1-2 centimeters.

How to pound meat correctly? To do this you need to use a kitchen hammer. You can also use a tenderizer (the so-called device that replaces a hammer). The blows should not be strong. Beat the meat with light blows, working evenly. Most recipes don't want the chop to be too thin, so don't overdo it.

Next, you need to rub the meat with spices or marinate if you have time. There are many known marinade recipes: in mineral water, lemon, wine vinegar and even apple juice. Choose the right one and send the meat to the cold to marinate. You need at least 15-30 minutes, but it’s better to marinate the food longer if time allows.

You cannot salt the meat at this stage of cooking! Salt promotes increased secretion of meat juice, which leads to loss of juiciness of the product. That is why you can add salt to taste only during the frying process and only after the formation of a crispy crust that forms in the frying pan.

An exception to the rule is cooking chops in batter, breading or other product that delays the release of meat juice. When stewing or baking, meat is often salted before the end of cooking for two to three minutes so that the salt crystals have time to melt.

Often the chops are fried in a frying pan. It should be well heated. Fry until fully cooked, if, in addition to the frying pan on the stove, no other processing is expected, or until half-cooked, if you plan to bring the food to readiness in the oven. You can immediately use the last kitchen assistant by placing the pieces of meat tightly in a mold, covering them with onion rings, tomatoes or grated cheese. An alternative is baking in a bag, foil or a special sleeve.

Many chefs recommend from time to time greasing the chops with the desired mixture, for example, sour cream, mustard-mayonnaise, cream or garlic sauce, or you can simply pour fat on them, helping to cook the meat in its own juices.

So, we can conclude that the chops are prepared in accordance with this algorithm.

  1. The meat should be washed and dried.
  2. A large piece is cut into slices up to one or two centimeters thick.
  3. Each chop blank must be beaten using a kitchen hammer.
  4. Rub the future chops with spices or marinate.
  5. Fry, bake in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, steam or cook in any other way.
  6. That's all, the dish is ready, you can try it.

If you accidentally over-salt your chops, don't worry. You can supplement the dish with filling or batter. This will soften the taste.

Pork chops in tomatoes

It looks so delicious that it is impossible to refuse.

You will need:
500 g pork, 200 g tomatoes, oregano, herbs de Provence, olive oil, thyme, salt.

Cut, pound and salt the meat, and then fry each piece in olive oil. Turn the chops over and after 2 minutes place the chopped tomatoes and herbs on top. Continue frying for another 7 minutes, gradually adding water to prevent the meat from burning.

Pork chops with garlic and cheese

The easiest and most win-win pork chop recipe!

You will need:
750 g pork, 5 tbsp.
soy sauce, 10 cloves of garlic, 250 g of tomato paste, 150 g of cheese, salt and herbs. Preparation:

Beat the meat, salt and coat each piece with soy sauce and tomato paste. Place the chops on a baking sheet and place in the oven at 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, add the garlic rings, and after another 10, add the grated cheese, and continue baking until it browns.

How to cook?

To prepare this interesting dish with pork chops, the first step is to cut a piece of meat into slices and form them into chops. Pieces of meat should be sprinkled with thyme and pepper, then thoroughly rub this mixture into the slices and leave them for about 30 minutes.

Mushrooms need to be cut into small slices. Next, pour a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice into the mushrooms. The tomato needs to be peeled, and the easiest way to do this is scalding with boiling water. Don't forget to cut this ingredient into small pieces.

The required amount of garlic should be passed through a press, mixed with mushrooms, tomatoes, and spices and herbs should be added as desired. The next step is to heat the frying pan and fry the meat on both sides over high heat until a crust appears. Next, you need to cover a baking sheet or mold with foil, which should first be folded in 2 layers.

Place the chops on a baking sheet and top each piece with the mushroom and tomato filling. One of the last steps is to cover the chops with a second piece of foil. Finally, you need to seal the edges. This dish must be cooked at a temperature of 160 degrees for 30 minutes. Prepared culinary masterpieces can be safely sprinkled with fresh herbs to give them additional flavor.

Pork chops with spinach

This kind of meat doesn’t even need a separate sauce.

You will need:
300 g pork, 150 g spinach, 1 tomato, 50 g cottage cheese, lemon zest, garlic, spices.

Blanch the spinach and mix with zest and crushed garlic to taste. Lightly fry the chops in spices and place them in the pan on top of the tomato slices. Place spinach and cottage cheese on top and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Chops with prunes

An option well suited for a holiday table - very decorative. First, the chop is prepared in the same way as a chop in an egg (you can use the recipe for a chop in breadcrumbs, but in an egg is preferable). Then the chop is fried on one side and turned over. Place a little mayonnaise on the fried side (½-1 teaspoon - depending on the size of the chop), grated cheese and two prunes - “eyes”. Then the frying pan is covered with a lid, and the chop is fried until done (readiness is easy to determine - as soon as the cheese has melted, the chop is ready).

Pork chops in tomato cheese batter

Fry the chops over medium heat so that the batter does not start to burn.

You will need:
400 g pork, 50 g tomato paste, 50 g hard cheese, 3 eggs, 110 g flour, 20 g herbs, salt, pepper.

Cut and pound the meat, add salt and pepper. Beat the eggs, mix them with tomato paste, add grated cheese and chopped herbs. Add 50 g of flour to the same batter and mix. Dip the meat in the remaining flour, dip in batter and fry in vegetable oil.

What to use for filling and batter?

What to use for stuffing in chops? The choice is huge: meat, offal, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy and soy products, eggs, mushrooms. It all depends on what the chop is made of. Let's take a closer look at what components can be used for the filling.

Filling refers to products that are used in a chop in addition to meat. Usually they are placed on top of the meat, and then baked in dough, under cheese or a coat of mashed potatoes, or cooked in other ways. Also, chops are sometimes made into large rolls or mini rolls, and then the filling ends up inside, where it should be.

So, you can use the following ingredients as a filling for chops.

  1. Vegetables. Tomatoes, onions, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers (usually salted or pickled), cabbage, bell peppers, garlic, thinly sliced ​​or grated potatoes are an excellent filling option for a chop. Can be supplemented with cheese or mayonnaise for juiciness. Peas and corn are also used in canned and fresh forms.
  2. Fruits and berries. Not everyone is suitable. An excellent option is pineapple, apples, pears. The best choice of berries would be barberry, red currant, and sloe, which will add a hint of sourness. You can also use dried fruits, for example, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries.
  3. Eggs. Most often they are used to make batter, but they can also be used as a filling. Usually the eggs are first boiled, and then placed on the meat, sending the chop into the oven to bake. Sometimes the chops are wrapped in an omelette, which is no less tasty.
  4. Mushrooms. The classic option is champignons, but other mushrooms are also suitable, for example, oyster mushrooms, milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, chanterelles and many others, which are allowed in accordance with the technological map.
  5. Meat, sausages, offal. Absolutely any meat, chopped or minced, will do. Among sausage products, you can give preference to sausages, small sausages, ham, and various smoked meats. The thickness of their cuts is usually small. By the way, chops are often wrapped in bacon. Popular offal products for filling include hearts, liver and tongue.
  6. Dairy and soy products. Cheese is a classic filling. Both milk (both hard and soft) and soy tofu are suitable. You can put the cheese in a piece, laying other ingredients on top, immersing the workpiece in batter and baking or frying. The second option is to place the grated cheese on top of the workpiece; it will turn out delicious, and the product can also hold additional components. An alternative to grated cheese is processed cheese. Milk, kefir, yogurt and sour cream are used to prepare the batter, and then the dish will have a crispy crust, and the inside can be stuffed with your favorite products.
  7. Nuts and other additives. Give preference to walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. They can be whole or grated. The dish is often sprinkled with sesame seeds (both black and white) and flax.
  8. Cereals. They can be used to prepare batter, and also as a small addition to the filling. The most common types include rice, semolina, rice or oatmeal, and buckwheat.

Batter and breading are an opportunity to retain meat juice inside the chop so that it turns out tasty and tender. The most popular option is to dip the meat in a lightly beaten egg and then in flour or breadcrumbs, creating a kind of double coating. But you can use other batter recipes. By the way, the latter is essentially a liquid mass into which the food is dipped to form an appetizing crust.

Any batter must contain flour and an egg, as well as aromatic filler (optional). In general, the product can be sweet, bland or salty. The desired type is selected depending on the products. The batter is always made from a liquid, most often it is ordinary water or milk, but you can use mineral or carbonated water. Experienced chefs create masterpieces based on beer, vodka, cognac, wine, juices and fruit drinks. You can use any liquid, but the main thing is that it matches the filling.

Among the aromatic additives in the batter, you can highlight any spices and dried herbs, herbs and fresh herbs, chopped onions and garlic, pieces of sweet pepper and mushrooms. But in this case, the batter is made thick so that pieces of vegetables, herbs and spices can remain in it during frying.

An unusual option is pumpkin and potato puree, to which chopped nuts are often added. Grated hard cheese remains a classic.

When preparing the batter, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations.

  • mix all ingredients until smooth;
  • beat the yolk separately from the white and mix the ingredients immediately before frying, first keeping the container in cold water;
  • all liquids must be cold before mixing;
  • use sparkling water if you need to add lightness and airiness to the batter and make it not very greasy;
  • remember that the ratio of products and batter should be equal;
  • It is advisable to prepare the batter at least one hour before preparing the chops, since the gluten will lose its elasticity and the dough will adhere perfectly to the meat and will not dry out when frying;
  • To achieve uniformity and elasticity, keep the batter in the refrigerator before cooking;
  • dip a spoon into the batter; if the liquid covers it evenly and the surface of the cutlery is not visible, it means you have prepared the batter of the desired consistency;
  • Before dipping into the batter, the meat is wiped so that it is dry;
  • products can be lightly sprinkled with starch or flour, and then dipped in batter, this will ensure that the latter does not drain;
  • the drier the meat (chicken breast and fillet), the less batter it needs, and for juicy products you will need a thick batter;
  • In order for the batter to set on the meat, the oil in the frying pan must be well heated;
  • When finished cooking, place chops on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Pork chops with sage and cream

Just a bunch of sage can completely transform chops!

You will need:
600 g pork, 3 tbsp.
olive oil, 1.5 onions, 6 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 30% cream, 1 bunch of sage, 3 tbsp. chopped parsley. Preparation:

Beat the meat, add salt and pepper, and fry in olive oil on both sides. Fry the onion in the remaining fat and add vinegar. Return the meat, add cream and 0.5 cups of water. Add chopped herbs and simmer for 6 minutes. Place the meat, reduce the sauce a little more and pour it over the chops.

Pork chops with zucchini

Zucchini not only perfectly retains the juices of meat, but also releases its own.

You will need:
600 g pork, 1 zucchini, 1 carrot, 150 g cheese, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Beat the meat, salt and pepper, brush with vegetable oil. Place grated zucchini and grated carrots on top. Cover with grated cheese, place on a baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pork chops in orange marinade

The meat turns out very tender and flavorful.

You will need:
600 g pork, 2 oranges, 50 g cognac, basil, rosemary, pepper, salt.

Mix orange juice, a little zest, cognac and spices. Pour the marinade over the chopped meat and leave for 40 minutes, pat dry with napkins and fry on both sides.

Which meat should you prefer?

Which meat should you prefer? Traditionally, the dish is made with pork, as this type of meat impresses with its juiciness and fat content. Such chops are almost always obtained. In addition, pork is beneficial for the human body when consumed in reasonable quantities and properly processed. The product is rich in B vitamins, as well as potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium.

But you can give preference to other types of meat.

  1. Beef. This product is rich in connective protein, which is necessary for blood vessels, joints and skin. Keep in mind that beef takes a long time to cook and if you choose the wrong part of the carcass, it can turn out to be tough. You should not choose the back part; it is completely unsuitable for cooking chops due to its toughness (but it will make an appetizing boiled pork). Entrecote marbled beef chops will be very tasty.
  2. Veal. Meat is considered more dietary and healthy compared to beef. It is rich in useful elements: vitamins, minerals and other components. Veal chop turns out tender and crispy if made in a batter, for example, from egg and semolina.
  3. Lamb. This product is not used very often for preparing chops, as it is considered tough. But this is a mistaken opinion. The main thing is to cook the chop correctly, and then it will turn out appetizing and soft. © https://ydoo.info/otbivnye.html Lamb is not such a high-calorie dish as pork. Moreover, it is considered very useful, so it is worth reviewing your diet to include this product.
  4. Chicken, turkey, duck, goose and other birds. They make the chop very tender. But experts recommend cooking the food in batter to preserve the meat juices, and also using an oven or slow cooker to stew the food in sauces. In this case, the poultry chops will be the most tender and flavorful. Fillet and breast are ideal for creating chops and cutlets, but thighs and legs can also be used. Such products can also be eaten by children. By the way, such chops cook very quickly, so they can be called “lazy”.
  5. Rabbit and horse meat. Their meat is very healthy, low-calorie and nutritious. The only condition is the need for long soaking and no less long stewing. Only in this case will the rabbit chops turn out juicy and soft.
  6. Game - venison, elk, wild boar, hare. Chops made from these types of meat have a spicy taste. Many people will like them, but you should marinate the meat before cooking. It is advisable to simmer such chops so that they are sure to turn out soft. It is recommended to use the intercostal part for cooking roasts and chops.
  7. By-products. To prepare chops, you can use liver, which is very beneficial for the body. It is very important to bake it in breadcrumbs, flour or egg batter so that the delicate dish does not spread. An interesting recipe would be one where the meat preparation is hidden under a cheese coat. You can also make fried liver chops, but always breaded. But there is no need to marinate the liver first.
  8. Fish and seafood. These are non-standard types of steaks that turn out appetizing and interesting. Fish chops are prepared from any fish, and squid, mussels and large shrimp are used for seafood.

To prepare chops, use ham, neck, steak, shoulder, tenderloin, loin, carb and any soft parts of the carcass that need to be cut into portions. You can also make a chop on the bone, but this is quite difficult and not possible for a novice housewife. You can use chopped or minced ribs. Often the food is baked on a grill, convection oven or barbecue.

Remember that a lot depends on the right choice of meat. You need to pay attention to the quality of the product. Buy chilled meat. It should be light, pinkish, and have a pleasant smell to the meat. Fat (if any) should be white or light sandy. Dark shades of fat, red, burgundy and brown meat, and an unpleasant odor indicate that this is the meat of an old or sick animal. It is better to avoid such a product. There should be fewer veins on the meat, and if there are any, try to cut them off before cooking.

Pork chops with pineapple

These pork chops can even be prepared for a holiday table!

You will need:
500 g pork, 1 pineapple, 200 g cheese, salt, red pepper.

Beat the meat, add salt and pepper. Place it in a mold, place pineapple slices on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pork chops with apples

Juicy chops with a subtle sweet and sour taste.

You will need:
1 kg of pork, 500 g of apples, 300 g of cheese, salt and pepper.

Cut, pound and season the meat, fry it until half cooked. Place the chops in the pan, and top with thin slices of apples and grated cheese. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pork chops in sour cream sauce

The combination of sour cream and mustard gives the chops a soft and pleasant flavor.

You will need:
500 g pork, 200 g sour cream, 3 tbsp.
Dijon mustard, 150 g cheese, spices. Preparation:

Beat the meat, place on a baking sheet, lightly grease with oil and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Mix grated cheese with sour cream, mustard and spices, cover the meat with sauce and bake for another 15 minutes.

Japanese pork chops

To prepare these pork chops, you will need a special Japanese panko breading.

You will need:
400 g pork, 1/4 cup flour, salt, pepper, 50 g panko, 1 egg, vegetable oil.

Mix flour with salt and pepper, and roll the chopped meat in it. Beat the egg and dip each piece first in it, and then in the crackers. Fry the chops in a frying pan.


The first step is to thoroughly rinse the meat and dry it. Cut the back part into small pieces with ribs. The next step is to carefully pound the meat. In this case, try not to overdo it.

Now the chops need to be peppered and salted, and at this time break the eggs into a bowl and beat well with a whisk or mixer. Pour the required amount of flour into another plate or replace it with regular breadcrumbs. The meat should be dipped in egg and then rolled in flour or breadcrumbs.

Heat the frying pan, pour in one spoonful of sunflower oil, and then the meat. Fry the chops until brown on both sides. On average, this all takes about 3-4 minutes if you cook over medium heat.

You can safely serve culinary masterpieces with fried potatoes or, for example, with stewed sauerkraut. At the same time, mashed potatoes, as well as any porridges: buckwheat, rice, etc., are also suitable as a side dish.

Pork chops with vegetables

If you want, add other vegetables and spices to taste!

You will need:
600 g pork, 300 g mushrooms, 100 g carrots, 100 g onions, 80 g cheese, garlic, black and red pepper, salt, marjoram, fresh herbs, 2 tbsp.
flour, 1 tsp. starch, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise. Preparation:

Mix the oil with chopped garlic, salt and spices, and rub the pounded meat with this mixture. Leave it to marinate for at least a couple of hours. Chop the vegetables and fry them separately in a frying pan, add mayonnaise, grated cheese, chopped herbs, starch and a few more spices. Dip the chops in flour, fry lightly, place in the pan, and place vegetables on top. Bake for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.

How to marinate chops?

How to marinate pork, chicken or beef chops? To do this, you need to choose a marinade recipe and follow the recommendations. The specific choice depends on taste preferences and national cuisine. For example, Mexicans like spicy variations, the French use wine and vegetables, the Japanese prefer soy sauce, and some prefer pomegranate, orange, onion, lingonberry and even apple marinades. All of them perfectly complement the taste of meat.

Remember that any marinade has three main components. The first is an acidic base, for which kefir, wine, citrus fruits, citric acid, yogurt, kiwi, tomato paste, vinegar, mayonnaise or fresh tomatoes are usually used. The second mandatory component is seasonings. They are used to taste; marjoram, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, curry, any pepper and cumin, which can give a dish a perfect taste, have proven themselves to be excellent. The last ingredient in the batter is fat or oil, which is necessary to coat the product, helping to preserve the meat juices inside.

In Mediterranean recipes, preference is given to olive oil, but Eastern chefs prefer sesame oil. In general, the marinade for a chop is practically no different from that prepared for a kebab.

You can find interesting marinade options below.

  1. For baking in the oven. This marinade comes from Russian cuisine. It is suitable for baking chops in the oven in foil, in a sleeve or in a bag. Contains onion, soy sauce, lemon, spices and salt.
  2. For frying. This marinade can be called classic. Mustard and honey are responsible for the aromatic and spicy components, which are harmoniously combined in the composition. In addition to these ingredients, the marinade is represented by garlic, vinegar, salt and vegetable oil.
  3. Acetic. This is a universal marinade in which you can use any seasonings to taste, but most often preference is given to coriander, black pepper, thyme and salt. Other ingredients include vegetable oil, dry red wine, sweet mustard, garlic and a stalk of celery (optional).
  4. For thick chops. Combine onions, ground red and black peppers, grated ginger, vegetable oil, dried herbs, salt and spices (coriander, rosemary, oregano, cumin and paprika are ideal). The composition can include mineral water, mayonnaise, wine, kefir or sour cream.
  5. With soy sauce. The product is suitable for long-term marinating, saturating the meat with a rich flavor bouquet. An interesting feature is that there are no strict restrictions on the composition; spices can be easily added and removed according to taste. Only garlic, sugar and soy sauce remain unchanged, which add oriental flavor to the marinade.
  6. Quick option. This marinade will allow you to cook the chops an hour and a half after soaking. The treat turns out to be very appetizing and even gourmets will like it. Tomatoes, white onions, bay leaves, dried herbs, fresh basil, red hot pepper, ground black pepper, salt and herbs to taste are added to the composition.
  7. Mustard. Spicy lovers will enjoy this appetizing marinade. It can be classified as a “quickie” recipe. The meat is marinated quickly, but it turns out aromatic, juicy, and the highlight is the crispy mustard crust, which eliminates the need for batter. The marinade is made from soy sauce, mustard, olive oil, lemon, garlic, cilantro or parsley.
  8. Marinade for grilling. If you want to make waffle-patterned chops on a grill, convection oven, barbecue, or just a grill set over an open fire. The marinade guarantees the juiciness and richness of the meat to taste. The dish is prepared from soy sauce, lime juice, sea salt, rice vinegar, lemon zest, garlic, water, Burgundy wine and pepper (usually peppercorns). The result is juicy and flavorful chops with a smoky flavor.
  9. Acetic. This marinade recipe can be considered a classic; its merit lies in the fact that it is able to give the dish expressiveness of taste. You can use any herbs and spices, add them as desired. The obligatory and unchanged ingredients remain vinegar (weak 6%), sunflower oil, salt and onion.
  10. Kefir. It will give the meat tenderness and juiciness, and will also reward it with a light creamy sourness. The marinade is suitable for preparing dishes in any convenient way. It is extremely simple to prepare, because it contains only kefir, onion, salt, pepper and spices.
  11. Citric. As the name suggests, the main ingredient is lemon. It can be added in the form of slices, crushed, or simply used as juice. Depending on the type chosen, the marinade will have less or more sourness. The highlight of the marinade is the use of kiwi in the composition. They also add pepper, salt, spices and herbs to taste.
  12. Honey. The marinade is ideal for lovers of sweet flavors. The meat ends up being very tender, aromatic and soft. We can also talk about the usefulness of the marinade, because honey is famous for its medicinal properties. In addition to the main ingredient, the composition contains mustard, aromatic spices, garlic and salt.

Of course, there are many other equally tasty types of marinade. Choose the right marinade and cook the chops tender and juicy.

You need to marinate for at least an hour and a half, and it is better to leave the meat overnight, if time allows, so that the food turns out more tasty in the end. You can simply fry the dish in batter or breading; if you follow the recommendations, it will turn out no less tasty.

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