Moldavian placindas with pumpkin: step-by-step cooking recipe

In Moldavian cuisine there is a special type of pie that resembles a flat cake, called placinda. Cooked in the oven or in a frying pan with different fillings - cottage cheese, potatoes, cabbage, apples. But the most popular are pumpkin placintas.

You can use any type of vegetable for the filling, but the flatbreads turn out tastier from nutmeg varieties. They are more delicate in taste, sweetish, juicy and boil quickly.

Any Moldavian housewife can cook this dish. It has been known for a long time and was previously prepared from unleavened dough. Nowadays they bake from puff pastry, yeast, but more often they make the dough with kefir or yogurt.

Preparing a dessert with pumpkin filling is quite simple, but it is eaten quickly and with pleasure. A stack of delicious, aromatic flatbreads is suitable not only for drinking tea every day; such a treat is also baked for holidays. And if you are interested in what else you can cook with this vegetable, then the site has an article about pumpkin porridge, where you will find 8 excellent recipes. In the meantime, we will prepare delicious flatbreads.

Dough options for placintas

Unleavened dough for placindas

We have to:

Water200 ml
Salt0.5 tsp.
Flour350 g
Vinegar1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil3 tbsp. l.
  1. In a bowl, whisk together water, salt, vinegar and oil.
  2. After sifting the flour, pour it into a bowl and knead into a soft, smooth dough that does not stick to your hands. If necessary, add a little more flour.
  3. Roll the dough into a log, cover with a kitchen towel and leave for 15 minutes.

Milk dough

Required ingredients:

  • milk 200 g;
  • one tbsp vinegar;
  • one yolk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • approximately 350 g flour;
  • three tbsp. vegetable oil.
  1. Pour milk, vinegar and oil into a bowl.
  2. Add the yolk and salt. Mix with a fork or whisk.
  3. Add flour and knead the dough. Cover it and set aside for 20 minutes.

Kefir dough

Required ingredients:

  • kefir or fermented milk 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • one tbsp vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • quarter tsp soda;
  • approximately 350 g flour.
  1. We dilute soda in kefir. We give 5 minutes for the reaction to occur.
  2. Mix kefir, salt, egg and vinegar in a bowl with a whisk or fork.
  3. Add flour and knead the dough, adding a little flour if necessary.
  4. We make a bun from the dough that is soft and does not stick to your hands.
  5. Cover with a towel and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Yeast dough for placintas

List of ingredients:

  • dry yeast one tsp;
  • warm milk 200 ml;
  • one egg;
  • one tbsp vegetable oil;
  • salt one tsp;
  • one tbsp Sahara;
  • approximately 500 g of flour.
  1. Pour warm milk into a bowl and dissolve yeast and sugar in it.
  2. Cover and set aside for 15 minutes to allow the yeast to revive and react.
  3. Lightly beat the egg and salt with a fork. Pour it over the yeast. Mix.
  4. Sift the flour, getting rid of lumps and saturating it with air.
  5. Pour into a bowl with the yeast mixture and knead into a soft dough.
  6. Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.
  7. Pour oil into your hand and knead the dough.
  8. Set aside for another 15 minutes.

Cooking tips

In the classic recipe, placindas with pumpkin are prepared in a frying pan using kefir dough. Sour milk is suitable as a base. The main condition is the use of premium wheat flour, sifted through a fine sieve.

Soda must be added to the unleavened dough, slaked with a tablespoon of vinegar. If kefir or sour milk is used as a basis, there is no need to quench it. The acid contained in dairy products will cope with this task. In some cases, the dough can be prepared in water.

According to a long tradition, dough for placinda with pumpkin in a frying pan is prepared with kefir. The amount of flour is not strictly defined in the recipe; you need to take enough of it to make an elastic, tender dough.

It becomes more elastic with the addition of eggs. No egg is added to lean placintas. If during kneading the dough turns out to be insufficiently plastic, you can add a small amount of vegetable oil to it.

Eggs can be added to the dough at the rate of 1 piece. by 2.5 tbsp. flour. The cooking process is not complicated, despite several stages. This unusual dish will appeal to adults and children and will add variety to the usual family diet. In addition, placintas can be considered as a snack option during the working day or as a dish for outdoor recreation.

Fillings for pumpkin placinda

It could just be grated pumpkin. And you can diversify it a little.

Simple pumpkin filling

Required Products:

  • pumpkin 400 g;
  • 100 g sugar.
  1. We clean the pumpkin from the peel, fibers and seeds.
  2. Grate it on a coarse grater.
  3. Place in a bowl and add sugar. Mix.
  4. Let it sit for a while and release the juice.
  5. When we put the filling on the dough, we need to squeeze out the juice a little.

Pumpkin and apple filling


  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • one medium apple;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • cinnamon if desired.
  1. Peel the pumpkin and apple and remove the seeds.
  2. Rub them with a coarse grater.
  3. Sprinkle the grated apple with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening.
  4. Mix everything with sugar.
  5. If desired, add a little cinnamon.

Pumpkin and cottage cheese filling

Required Products:

  • pumpkin 300 g;
  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 100 g sugar.
  1. Grate the peeled pumpkin.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar with a fork.
  3. Mix pumpkin with vorog.
  4. You can add vanilla or cinnamon or a handful of raisins.

Options for preparing placintas

Placinda fried in a frying pan

For this we need:

  • ready dough;
  • 50 g dis. butter or melted l. butter/margarine;
  • pumpkin filling.
  1. Divide the dough, except for the yeast dough, into four to six parts.
  2. Generously grease the surface of the table with vegetable oil.
  3. Roll out each part very thinly into a layer of about 40 cm.
  4. Lubricate with oil using a silicone brush.
  5. Take one edge and fold it in half.
  6. Spread again and fold. We have a square layer of four layers.
  7. Place the filling in the middle. Let's level it out a little.

Then there are several options for the shape of the shortcakes.

Simple option

  1. Move the filling a little to one edge.
  2. Fold the opposite sides of the dough over the filling.
  3. We wrap the shorter side, and then overlap the larger one.
  4. Turn over and place in the pan.

Star Placindas

  1. We connect all four edges in the center, but not too tightly so that the folded center can fry.
  2. We pull back the resulting four edges and again bring them to the center. The result was an octagonal cake.
  3. Press lightly, making it flat.
  4. Turn over and place seam side down in the pan.
  5. Fry in a frying pan (without oil!) on both sides until golden brown.
  6. This is how we prepare the rest of the placintas.
  7. Finished, still hot shortcakes can be greased with butter on top.

Making and baking pies in the oven

For this we need:

  • ready dough;
  • one egg;
  • two tsp Sahara;
  • 50 g dis. butter or melted l. butter/margarine;
  • pumpkin filling.
  1. Lubricate the surface on which we will cook well with vegetable oil.
  2. We use non-yeast dough.
  3. Divide the dough into four parts.
  4. Using a rolling pin, roll out each piece into a thin square layer the size of a baking sheet.
  5. Lubricate it with oil using a silicone brush.
  6. Take a sheet of dough by one side and fold it in half.
  7. Lubricate it again and, taking it by the long side, fold it into a long rectangle.
  8. Using a rolling pin, roll it out a little wide.
  9. We spread the filling along the layer, retreating from the edges.

  10. Cover one side of the layer with the filling.
  11. Lightly roll it into a tube and pinch the edges.
  12. We make three more of these sausages.
  13. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with oil.
  14. Place the sausages on a baking sheet, seam side down.
  15. We cut them from the top approximately every six centimeters, without reaching the bottom layer.

  16. Using a fork or whisk, carefully beat the egg and sugar.
  17. Using a brush, lubricate the placintas.

Another variant

  1. Using a rolling pin, slightly roll out the greased and folded rectangle both in width and length.
  2. Spread the filling, roll it up and pinch the edges.
  3. Place on a baking sheet, seam side down, rolling into a snail-shaped spiral.

  4. You can make several large ones or many small ones. Such placintas are also called vertuta.
  5. They also fold the sausage in half and make a pigtail.
  6. Cut and brush with beaten egg.
  7. Bake at 180° for 30 minutes until beautiful golden brown.

From yeast dough

  1. Divide the risen yeast dough into small parts.
  2. From each we make a flat cake with our hands or a rolling pin.
  3. Place the filling closer to one edge.
  4. Cover with a large edge and pinch. Or fold it into an envelope.

  5. Flatten it slightly. Place seam side down on a greased or lined baking sheet.
  6. We do the same for all other flatbreads.
  7. Brush the top with melted butter.
  8. Cover and set aside for 15 minutes in a warm place.
  9. Brush with cracked egg without anything.
  10. Bake at 180° until golden brown.

Step-by-step recipe for making pumpkin placintas

Recipes for Moldovan placintas



30 minutes

250 kcal

5/5 (1)

Contents:1 Equipment and utensils:2 Ingredients:3 How to choose the right ingredients4 Step-by-step recipe for placinda with pumpkin in the oven5 Ingredients:6 Ingredients for the filling:7 Recipe…

Equipment and utensils:

  • pan;
  • Bowl;
  • beaker;
  • vegetable slicer or sharp knife;
  • vegetable peeler;
  • spatula.

The dough for a simple recipe for Moldavian placinda with pumpkin, translated as flatbread with pumpkin filling, can be made in any way - puff pastry, puff pastry with yeast, instant puff pastry, dough made with kefir or yogurt. Placinda is prepared equally successfully both in a frying pan and in the oven. All manufacturing nuances depend solely on taste preferences and the time allotted for cooking.


Kefir2 tbsp.
Wheat flour300 g
Eggs2 pcs.
Salt0.2 tsp.
Soda0.2 tsp.
Butter100 g
Vegetable oil50 g
Pumpkin pulp1 kg
Sugar1-2 tbsp. l.
Vinegar1 tbsp. l.

How to choose the right ingredients

Pumpkin of any variety is suitable for placinda; it steams quickly and well. Flour for the dough should only be wheat flour of the highest grade. Eggs are an optional product, and you can even do without them. Kefir is an excellent substitute for yogurt. Soda, if it goes into the dough, must be quenched with a tablespoon of vinegar.

Step-by-step recipe for placinda with pumpkin in the oven

Cooking time: 45 minutes. Servings: 4 large flatbreads.

Utensils and equipment

  • large deep bowl;
  • vegetable peeler;
  • vegetable cutter or large grater;
  • rolling pin;
  • spatula;
  • oven.

If you have an extra minute and a great desire to please your loved one, you can make the dough yourself. Prepare the dough.


  • Wheat flour, premium grade – 3-4 cups.
  • Kefir or yogurt – 2 cups.
  • Chicken egg - 1 large or 2 small.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt and soda - 0.5 teaspoon each.
  • Vinegar – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon.

But if you don’t have time, but still want to treat yourself to something delicious, you can choose dough of the appropriate category from a huge assortment of frozen semi-finished products. But we prepare the pumpkin filling for the placinda ourselves.

Filling ingredients:

  • Ripe pumpkin - kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon - to taste.
  • Salt – a pinch.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Combine all the “wet” ingredients of the kefir-pumpkin platinum in a bowl:

  1. Pour soda dissolved in vinegar into kefir, add vegetable oil and egg.

  2. Add sugar and salt and beat.

  3. Add 2 cups of flour and mix thoroughly with a spatula.

  4. Add 2 more cups of flour and knead with your hands adding 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil until the dough becomes elastic and lags behind the bowl and hands.

We set the dough aside so that it can “rest” and get to work on the filling:

  1. We dissolve the pumpkin pulp using a vegetable peeler or a coarse grater.

  2. Divide the dough into four equal parts and roll out thin flat cakes, after sprinkling the surface of the table with flour.

  3. We also divide the entire amount of pumpkin into 4 parts and place one of them in the center of the cake.

  4. We make cuts in the dough to create a “daisy” of eight petals.

  5. Sprinkle the filling with sugar to taste.

  6. Place opposite pieces of dough on top of each other.

  7. We form three more cakes in the same way.
  8. Each placinda is baked separately. Place it on a baking sheet lined with buttered parchment, sprinkle with flour and press firmly to form a thin cake without the filling leaking out.

  9. Bake in the oven at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes. Take it out, shake off excess flour and thickly grease the hot surface of the cake with butter.

  10. Then wrap it in parchment and cover with a towel for 15 minutes. Serve warm with sour cream.

Recipe video

We present a video with step-by-step instructions for the correct formation and baking of a placinta stuffed with pumpkin. You should pay attention to how to properly cut the dough and form a platinum.

Recipe for placinda with pumpkin in a frying pan

Cooking time: 5 minutes including preparation. Number of servings: 6.

Utensils and equipment:

  • pan;
  • medium saucepan with lid;
  • large bowl;
  • sharp knife;
  • vegetable cutter or large grater;
  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife.

Filling ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp - half a kilo;
  • onions – 2-3 heads;
  • medium carrots – 2 pieces;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • hops-suneli – 1 tablespoon;
  • sea ​​salt, black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon each.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • wheat flour – 4 cups;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • baking powder for dough – 1 sachet;
  • water – 250 ml.

An excellent healthy food dish. Perfect for those who decide to lose weight. The virtual absence of oil and the presence of juicy pumpkin makes the dish very healthy, especially in the autumn season, when the body needs to “prepare” vitamin reserves for the winter.

The dish is prepared very quickly and simply. Step-by-step master class on preparing placinda with pumpkin filling.

How to do it in five minutes

  1. In a hot frying pan in a small amount of oil, fry onions, carrots and garlic.

  2. Quickly mix the roast with grated raw pumpkin and add salt to the filling.

  3. Add salt and spices. Let's get to the dough.
  4. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients - three cups of flour, salt and baking powder.

  5. Add water and start kneading with a spoon.

  6. Pour in the rest of the flour and knead the dough with your hands.

  7. Form the dough into a ball and divide it into 6 equal pieces.
  8. Roll the dough no more than 0.5 cm thick.

  9. We also divide the entire filling into 6 parts and place it in the center of the rolled out circle.

  10. We pinch the edges like forming a cheburek.

  11. Bake in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes on each side.

  12. Place in a saucepan with a lid.

Video of step-by-step execution of the recipe for placinda with pumpkin in a frying pan

The video perfectly demonstrates how simple and easy it is to prepare healthy and satisfying Moldavian flatbreads with pumpkin filling in just a couple of minutes:

Placintas are eaten warm or cold. They are served with kefir or tea, drizzled with fruit syrup or honey, classifying the dish as a flour dessert.

Basic truths

  • The dough for Moldavian placinda is prepared quickly, without kneading.
  • A cold dish can be reheated well in a frying pan or microwave.
  • It is recommended to add a teaspoon of butter to the kefir dough to emphasize the taste of the dessert.
  • When baking in the oven, you should loosely close the edges of the dough, but do not allow the filling to flow.
  • When frying in a frying pan, the side along which the seam runs is initially fried.

We invite you to our culinary section, where you can familiarize yourself with recipes for simple and quick preparation of main and exotic dishes, as well as dessert. Here you will learn how to prepare real Uzbek samsa with pumpkin from puff pastry in the oven.

In the section of world culinary masterpieces, traditional Tatar manti with pumpkin, steamed in a special pan called “mantyshnitsa” are presented. The utensil is somewhat akin to a domestic juice cooker, only it consists not of two, but of three parts, in the middle part of which the dish is prepared on 3-4 perforated baking sheets, stacked on top of each other.

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Pumpkin placintas from ready-made puff pastry

To do this you need:

  • ready-made puff pastry;
  • 50 g plant. butter or melted l. butter/margarine;
  • pumpkin filling,
  • 80 ml milk or cream;
  • one tbsp Sahara.
  1. Divide the finished puff pastry into four parts.
  2. Roll out with a rolling pin into a thin layer.
  3. Lubricate well with oil using a brush.
  4. Place the filling along one edge.
  5. Roll up the tubes and place them, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  6. We call them a beaten egg on top.
  7. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180°.
  8. If you cook in a frying pan, roll the dough and filling into envelopes and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Samsa with pumpkin is also easy to prepare from puff pastry.

Pumpkin placintas from lavash

To do this you need:

  • 4-6 pita breads;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil or 100 g melted plums. butter/margarine;
  • pumpkin filling,
  • milk or cream 150 ml;
  • one tbsp. l. Sahara.
  1. Take one pita bread and generously grease it with melted butter.
  2. Place the filling along one side.
  3. Roll it into a tube and place it seam side down on a baking sheet.

  4. We also make all other preparations.
  5. While the oven is heating up to 180°, grease the future placintas with cream or milk mixed with sugar. You need to do this three or four times because dry pita bread will quickly absorb liquid.
  6. Bake for about 35 minutes, until nicely browned.
  7. Cool the finished placinda shortcakes and serve with freshly brewed aromatic tea.

Dough recipe for Moldovan placintas

  1. As I already said, you can prepare a dish from different doughs. Today we will look at the kefir option. Alternatively, you can use sour milk. The products must be at the same temperature, so the egg and kefir need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance. Melt the butter and cool.
  2. Pour kefir into a bowl. Add egg, sugar, soda. Whisk until the mixture becomes homogeneous and the salt and sugar are dispersed. Then pour in the melted butter and stir again.

  3. We begin to knead the dough, pouring sifted flour in parts. While the dough is liquid, knead it with a spatula or spoon.

  4. When it becomes difficult to knead with a spatula, dust the surface of the table with flour and turn out the dough.

  5. Knead until it stops sticking to your hands. But do not overdo it with flour, you should get an elastic, tender dough.

  6. Cover it with a towel and let it rest for 30 minutes.
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